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Post WWII. The United Nations -Plans began at the Yalta Conference -International Peacekeeping organization -General Assembly & Security council -10 Members.

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Presentation on theme: "Post WWII. The United Nations -Plans began at the Yalta Conference -International Peacekeeping organization -General Assembly & Security council -10 Members."— Presentation transcript:

1 Post WWII

2 The United Nations -Plans began at the Yalta Conference -International Peacekeeping organization -General Assembly & Security council -10 Members rotate, 5 were Permanent -Greatest Success- Fighting hunger, disease & illiteracy -1946- Universal Declaration of Human RIghts

3 Containment -Post WWII- Soviet Unions actively supports communism -U.S. Supports containment Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech

4 Truman Doctrine -Soviet’s Supported Communist rebels in the Mediterranean Sea (Greece) -U.S. - contain- $400 mil.- Turkey & Greece -Must act for U.S. & Free World -1950- More than $660 million in aid -What is the Truman Doctrine?

5 The Marshall Plan -Prevent Communist Spread in Europe -General George C. Marshall, Sec. of State -June 5, 1947- “hunger, poverty, desparation & Chaos” - 48-52, $13 billion in aid -Aid went to France, Britain, Italy, W. Germ. -Rebuild industry- why?

6 Cold War Begins -What is a Cold War? -Berlin Blockade -Berlin, capital governed by all -1949- Federal Republic of Germany(west) -Berlin blockade- Berlin Airlift -1949- German Democratic Republic

7 Point Four Program -400 Million to support Latin American economies -April 1949- NATO- Attack on one is an attack on all -East Europe- Warsaw pact -1949- Soviet Union Successful Atomic Bomb

8 Changing Sides China -Mao Zedong - Communist leader -Chiang Kai Shek- Nationalist

9 Korean War -38th Parallel -North Invades South- 1950 -General Douglas Macarthur and some U.N. troops go to aid South Korea -Policy? Macarthur vs. Truman “Old Soldiers never die they only fade away”

10 Cold War at Home -Freedom at home? -Invesitgations, good & bad -HUAC- Movie industry and blacklisting -J. Edgar Hoover- FBI invesitgations -Smith Act- 1940 -Watkins v. United States -Yates v. United States

11 End of the War -Dwight D. Eisenhower- 1952 -Ceasefire July 27, 1953 -Was the juice worth the squeeze?

12 Loyalty -Hiss Case- Nixon -Truman, Unalert -1950- RosenBergs -McCarthy and his fall


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