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Japan After WWII. WWII Recap Japan entered WWII because they had a lack of resources – Joined as a member of the Axis Powers Germany, Italy, and Japan.

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Presentation on theme: "Japan After WWII. WWII Recap Japan entered WWII because they had a lack of resources – Joined as a member of the Axis Powers Germany, Italy, and Japan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Japan After WWII

2 WWII Recap Japan entered WWII because they had a lack of resources – Joined as a member of the Axis Powers Germany, Italy, and Japan Major events – Massacre of Nanjing in China – Pearl Harbor – Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki In short, the war resulted in almost a complete destruction of Japan – Government, military, economy, and culture

3 Government and Military Reform After the war the Allies did not want Japan to threaten world peace again – U.S., England, France The Allies put American Douglas MacArthur in charge of the military and governmental changes – Dismantled Japan’s armed forces completely An end to militarism and nationalism – Military and civilian leaders who committed crimes during the war were put in jail or executed

4 Government and Military Reform Government was changed from being led by an all powerful emperor and military dictators created by the Meiji Restoration to a democracy – New parts of government Constitution Bill of Rights Elections Illegal for Japan to go to war or have a military Strangely, Japan became a major political ally of the United States after the war

5 Economic Reform World War II destroyed the economy of Japan – Atomic bombs greatly damaged all industrial areas – During the war the country only produced things necessary for war Other setbacks to improving the economy – Limited resources Oil, coal, iron, etc Reasons for eventual success – High tech products like TVs, VCRs, CD players, etc New factories built by the U.S. with the latest technology

6 Economic Reform Reasons for eventual success – Fuel efficient and high quality cars – Continued belief in Bushido Hard working Loyalty to the company Honor family by doing your job perfectly Very educated and skilled workers

7 Cultural Reform Major changes happened socially after the war – Family Arranged marriages are no longer the norm Most families have moved from the country to cities Extended families are being replaced with nuclear families – Women Even though women are equal legally now, they are not completely equal – Trouble getting into major universities – Most women work as “Office Ladies” or secretaries

8 Cultural Reform Major changes happened socially after the war – Western Influence Although technology, cars, video games, and anime have come to America we influence them as well – Clothing, fast food, movies, music » Michael Jackson – Pacifism Japanese now refuse to use force/ violence in any situation – Minimal crime – Minimal murder Japan has only a small self defense force of soldiers – U.S. military truly defends them

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