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Leaders in WWII Use pages 804-809 in the textbook to complete the chart on World War II leaders. Maps Use the maps in chapter 26 of your textbook to complete.

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Presentation on theme: "Leaders in WWII Use pages 804-809 in the textbook to complete the chart on World War II leaders. Maps Use the maps in chapter 26 of your textbook to complete."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leaders in WWII Use pages 804-809 in the textbook to complete the chart on World War II leaders. Maps Use the maps in chapter 26 of your textbook to complete the maps of Europe and the Pacific.


3 Benito Mussolini Preached a Fascist government Linked to cultural superiority and racism Nicknamed ‘Il Duce’

4 Italy & Mussolini Italy was hit with Great Depression High unemployment and inflation Mussolini knew how to appeal to wounded national pride Played on the fears of economic collapse and Communism

5 Mussolini To strengthen nation, power must rest with single strong leader and small group of devoted party members 1922 – Black shirts marched on Rome o King refused to declare Martial Law and cabinet resigned Had the support of industrialists, landowners, and Roman Catholic Church

6 Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Yes, that’s Joseph Stalin’s Real Name…_ Communist Leader Controlled EVERY aspect of people’s lives Eliminated all competition to him in order to stay in power

7 Stalin Responsible for the deaths of 8-13 Million people o Collectivization: Turn individual farms into larger collective farms Stalin wanted to transform Soviet Union from backwards rural nation into a great industrial power

8 Hideki Tojo (Japan) Japanese Leader Prime Minister at the time of attack on Pearl Harbor Militaristic and Fascist GOAL: Expand Japanese empire to get natural resources

9 Leaders of Europe Leaders didn’t stop Hitler. Why? o Fearful of another BLOODY war o Thought request to unite German lands reasonable o Thought Nazis would be more interested in peace once they got land

10 Hitler’s Demands GOAL: Unify German Speaking People o Austria o Czechoslovakia Took moved troops into Rhineland in 1936

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