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Do Now: copy the DBQs helpful hints into your notebook.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: copy the DBQs helpful hints into your notebook."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: copy the DBQs helpful hints into your notebook

2 Document Based Questions = 10 – 15 pts on Regents -read the questions first -examine the source (who said it? where did it come from?) -read the document -underline key ideas/words/information -write in full sentences

3 Collective security: The concept of maintaining peace among all nations by making the security concerns of one member important to all members (used by United Nations and The League of Nations) aggression: a forceful action or procedure; especially when intended to dominate or master appeasement : policy of giving into an aggressor’s demands in order to keep the peace

4 Continue to answer the other Documents on your own Tomorrow we will use the DBQs to write the ESSAY…

5 Do Now: copy the DBQ Essay helpful hints into your notebook

6 DBQ Essay = 20 pts on the Regents exam -define vocabulary words from your essay -underline the documents when mentioned in essay -write out full names of key people -combine like documents into the same paragraph -use outside information (what else can you tell us about the topic) -quote phrases or sentences from the documents -# of documents for your essay = 1 more than half

7 QUESTION: Why was the world plunged into WWII in 1939? What is the most effective response to aggression—appeasement or collective security? Five Paragraphs (Introduction, Body Paragraph #1, Body Paragraph #2, Body Paragraph #3 & Conclusion)

8 DocAppeasementCollective Security Why? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

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