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Heartfelt passion, mixed with heavy doses of reality Scott McGaugh Marketing Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Heartfelt passion, mixed with heavy doses of reality Scott McGaugh Marketing Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heartfelt passion, mixed with heavy doses of reality Scott McGaugh Marketing Director

2 Live the Adventure, Honor the Legend2

3 Sharing the Midway Experience Unique to San Diego Unique to California 12-Year Marathon Forthcoming HNSA Live the Adventure, Honor the Legend 3

4 The Olympia Situation Existing organization? By a start-up? Regardless, Tens of Millions of Dollars Are Needed Against this backdrop… Live the Adventure, Honor the Legend 4

5 In the News: Saving Battleship Texas No longer “seaworthy” $25 million to save it 23 years since partial repairs 63 years after arrival 6 years to complete 275 visitors a day Against backdrops like this, what did Midway learn in building public awareness and support? Live the Adventure, Honor the Legend 5

6 Who Was Vital to Our Mission Which decision makers? NAVSEA, USN The public? Donors? We kept the following in mind: Grandparents of teens: can be born after WWII 35-year-olds: born after Vietnam 20-year-olds: born after Operation Desert Storm 90% haven’t served 45% have no family veteran <1% currently serve Live the Adventure, Honor the Legend 6

7 Where We Focused Efforts Our 20-60-20 philosophy Understanding our community We focused on staying focused, with a plan Applied to public support and contributions Live the Adventure, Honor the Legend 7

8 Public Support & Fundraising Basic blocking & tackling was crucial Rushing was deadly The public, regulators, key influentials & prospective donors… asked the same questions Live the Adventure, Honor the Legend 8

9 Did We Have Good Leadership? The leadership’s credibility The required skills The right social, political, and civic contacts Live the Adventure, Honor the Legend 9

10 What Would Run Us Aground? Location Cost Timetable Transfer conditions Live the Adventure, Honor the Legend 10

11 What Was Our “Business” Plan? Nonprofit / donation model? Successful business model? Understand what we wanted to become and why Live the Adventure, Honor the Legend 11

12 The Museum Experience Plan? Display cases, “Do Not Touch” ? Degree of interpersonal interaction? The Midway decision: PIE 2 Live the Adventure, Honor the Legend 12

13 Were We Ready for Operations? Different kind of leadership Different skill sets Can be a painful transition Live the Adventure, Honor the Legend 13

14 What’s Your Fundraising Strategy? General public? $1,000’s & $10,000’s? Aim for one or more veins? Could we educate, inspire, and then ask for financial support? Live the Adventure, Honor the Legend 14

15 Looking Back on Midway - I Our noble vision was commendable, but it had to be grounded in economic reality. Live the Adventure, Honor the Legend15

16 Looking Back on Midway - II It was a marathon, not a sprint. Live the Adventure, Honor the Legend16

17 Looking Back on Midway - III We had to approach it every bit as much a business as a noble cause. Live the Adventure, Honor the Legend17

18 Looking Back on Midway - IV Key learning: was our appeal emotional or intellectual in nature? Live the Adventure, Honor the Legend18

19 Looking Back on Midway - V We could lead with our heart, but had to be armed with sound research and solid sustainability planning. Live the Adventure, Honor the Legend19

20 Questions? We’re Ready.

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