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How can I help with homework? Whitchurch Junior School M Maan 15.11.10.

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Presentation on theme: "How can I help with homework? Whitchurch Junior School M Maan 15.11.10."— Presentation transcript:

1 How can I help with homework? Whitchurch Junior School M Maan 15.11.10

2 What is the point of homework?

3 How much homework will my child receive?

4 Government guidelines: Years 1 and 2: 60 minutes a week Years 3 and 4: 90 minutes a week Years 5 and 6: 30 minutes a day or equivalent over two/three evenings or at the weekend

5 Don’t do the homework for your child

6 Set up a good space to work (flat surface, a good light source and the right equipment eg pens, pencils, ruler, scissors, glue)

7 Pay attention to your child's rhythms and help him/her find the right time to begin his/her work.

8 Find out how your child studies best

9 Don't hover — but stay close by

10 Let the teacher know if you gave your child a lot of homework help

11 By teaching your child methods you used at school. It could confuse them.

12 Don't let homework become a chore. Keep it fun and make it a special time that you both look forward to.

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