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Early Indicators: Revealing learning problems for the twice exceptional Presented by Andrew S Mahoney

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1 Early Indicators: Revealing learning problems for the twice exceptional Presented by Andrew S Mahoney

2 How gifts can mask... Who are the twice exceptional? How are these individuals vulnerable? What can be your role in detecting, identifying and accommodating for change and growth?

3 About the twice exceptional... Not easily identified - often fall through the cracks Under-served as a whole Highly vulnerable group

4 The 4 Point Plan: Unmasking the issues 1. Identify 2. Assess 3. Strategize 4. Intervene

5 Identify: Indicators and Characteristics Academic decline (sudden or gradual) Inconsistent/shifting grades Good grades – no homework “Very bright, slow reader” “More time under table than at table…first grade” “Homework wouldn’t bring home…forget to…” Selective homework “Hating school since first grade” Manipulative skills Excessive negotiating around work that appears rote or routine Inability to sustain work No self-discipline Inconsistent work habits Boredom complaints Excessive blaming

6 Identify: Indicators and Characteristics “Last quarter he bowed out …we just thought he checked out” You’ve been told she is bright, but I didn't know you could be that bright and the two (LD) could go together” “You can do better than that…” “Teacher told us he had learning difficulties,but I didn’t believe her” Early difficulty with stimulus Covered the ears History of ear infections or sinus infections

7 Identify: Indicators and Characteristics “She just needs to be pushed harder” “You’re letting him get away with too much” “He could do the work if he tried” “If only she turned in her homework” “He’s so capable, but…” “Eventually he’s going to have to learn this …” “She just doesn’t listen” “He can do well in other subjects…so he should be able to do this” “She’s just lazy and unmotivated…that’s her only problem”

8 Identify: Indicators and Characteristics Early IQ profiles Somatic complaints School phobia Test/performance anxiety Disruptive behavior (context specific) Gradual decline in test scores Refuses to follow a schedule Disorganization Prefers projects over writing Hates research papers Projects are always the night before

9 Assess: Formal and Informal Full battery of tests Previous testing Teacher narratives Report cards Medical issues Family history Parent Observation Peer relations Homework behavior School conference Interview / Self report Likes and dislikes Home chore history

10 Assess: Formal Testing Sample Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children Wisconsin Card Sort Test Purdue Pegboard Test Halstead-Reitan Sensory Perceptual Examination Lateral Dominance Examination Right/Left Discrimination Stanford-Binet: 4 th Edition Free Drawings Underlining Test Jordan Right-Left Discrimination SCAN Test of Auditory Discrimination NEPSY (Comprehension of Instruction) Boston Naming Test Benton Controlled Oral Word Association Test Word Fluency Test (Animals) Comprehension Attention Battery Connor CPT II Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning Wechsler Individual Achievement Gray Oral Reading Test 3 rd Edition Achenback CBCL (Parent & Teacher) Rorschach Ink Block Test (Exner) Review of Records History Questionnaire

11 Strategize: Prepare and Organize Do not react ! Understand your formal and informal assessment Explore all options Be aware of the systems involved Seek out what others have done Seek guidance and support

12 Intervene: Comprehensive Approach Identification for services School related help and accommodation Counseling related intervention Adjunctive services Record keep/ track behaviors Home intervention Start your own parent group/child group Educate professionals Attend conferences Change expectations Develop patience

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