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FITNESS Let’s get ready to work! Get ready to feel GOOD!

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Presentation on theme: "FITNESS Let’s get ready to work! Get ready to feel GOOD!"— Presentation transcript:

1 FITNESS Let’s get ready to work! Get ready to feel GOOD!

2 Physical Fitness  It is the only subject which, by the very nature of its content, has the potential to affect how a person will feel every moment of every day for the rest of his or her life.

3 EXERCISE FOR LIFE  Do NOT look at exercise as a chore or something you “have” to do  Be THANKFUL that you have the ability to work out  Do NOT compare yourself to anyone else when it comes to Fitness Level

4 Exercise Success You MUST set GOALS for yourself –Do you want to Lose weight Build strength Feel better Increase flexibility

5 Components of Fitness What are the 5 fitness components? What are the 5 fitness components?

6 5 Components of Fitness 1)Aerobic Endurance 2)Muscular Endurance 3)Muscular strength 4)Flexibility 5)Body Composition

7 #1 Aerobic Endurance Need to find your pulse. on your neck On your wrist

8 Cardio Should exercise for at LEAST 30 minutes Should exercise for at LEAST 30 minutes Should exercise DAILY or 5 times a week Should exercise DAILY or 5 times a week You are over exercising if you cannot carry on a conversation while working out You are over exercising if you cannot carry on a conversation while working out

9 #2 & #3 Muscle strength and endurance  ALWAYS USE PROPER FORM  No bouncing, leaning, swaying or putting your back into it

10 #4 Flexibility As you get older, joints lose their flexibility As you get older, joints lose their flexibility Inactivity causes decreased flexibility Inactivity causes decreased flexibility Flexibility is specific for each individual Flexibility is specific for each individual We each have different muscle and joint structure and different genetic composition We each have different muscle and joint structure and different genetic composition

11 Flexibility Gentle Gentle Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds No bouncing No bouncing No pain No pain

12 #5 Body Composition

13 Body Composition Measure the amount of lean tissue compared to fat tissue Measure the amount of lean tissue compared to fat tissue –Use machine –Calipers –Underwater weighing (most accurate)

14 COOL DOWN  Always cool off after exercise Lowers heart rate, body temperature and prevents cramping and stiffness Lowers heart rate, body temperature and prevents cramping and stiffness

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