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Australian Red Cross Young Parents Program

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1 Australian Red Cross Young Parents Program
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2 Presented by Anne King & Sophie Mackey

3 Young Parents Program Established in Randwick in 1993 Formerly called:
Glen Mervyn Young Women’s Health Program

4 Young Parents Program Funded by NSW Community Services & NSW Health
Accredited OOHC provider with Office of Children’s Guardian

5 Responding to identified need
Young parents have often experienced abuse and neglect poor health unstable/unsafe home environment homelessness exposure to drug abuse and crime mental health and behavioural problems disengagement from education limited or no social support

6 Responding to identified need
Children of adolescent parents at greater risk of: socio-economic disadvantage being taken into statutory/foster care homelessness poor health and childhood fatality behavioural problems poor academic performance becoming teenage parents themselves

7 Young Parents Program Young Parents Program aims to:
Reduce incidence of child abuse and neglect Provide opportunities for young parents without skills and support to parent effectively Facilitate family preservation Reduce moves in care Improve the safety and wellbeing of Australian children Break the cycle of intergenerational disadvantage

8 Young Parents Program Program model: Residential Outreach Aftercare
Education Parentcraft Volunteer support

9 Conceptual framework

10 Conceptual framework Child protection Child focussed Family centred
Strengths based Client driven Appropriate role modeling Therapeutic environment

11 Conceptual framework Holistic Non-deficit Planned and intentional
Least intrusive Staged, flexible and long term

12 Conceptual framework Reflective work practice
Multi-skilled, multi-disciplined team Integrated service delivery Partnerships and interagency relationships Creating a community hub

13 Conceptual framework Therapeutic models: Bonding and Attachment
Child and Adolescent Development Strengths Based Theory Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Cognitive Behaviour Therapy “Social Capital” Theory Motivational Interviewing Self Monitoring and Evaluation

14 Young Parents Program

15 Residential

16 Young Parents Program - Residential
Intensive support for young mums under 19 24 hour supported accommodation Case management Most vulnerable/at risk Statutory clients/restorations Guided by OOHC guidelines and placement principles

17 Young Parents Program - Residential
DAY/TIME MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SAT SUN MORNING 8am Wake Up 9am House Meeting 9.30am Chores complete Morning Handover Chores 10am-1pm Education Session 10am-11.30am Playgroup 10am Hazel’s Group 11am Room inspections 10am-11am Tot Spot (fortnightly) 11.30am-1pm Parent Education AFTERNOON 5/6pm curfew 1pm Big Chore complete 5/6/8/10pm (as arranged in adv. with CM) 5/6/8/10pm curfew (as arranged) 5/6pm curfew EVENING 7.30pm-9.30pm Study with vol tutor 9.30pm

18 Young Parents Program - Residential

19 Outreach

20 Outreach Single parents and couples aged 16 to 25 Medium term housing
Case management Home visiting Participation in groups Focus on developing increased independence & living skills

21 Outreach

22 Aftercare

23 Aftercare Support and referrals for parents up to age 25
Social network Client driven Aimed at maintaining independence

24 Aftercare

25 Education

26 Education Weekly study groups Facilitated by Education Officer
Supported by volunteer tutors Child minding provided Remedial and certificate courses Linked with generic services eg TAFE, libraries, schools, universities

27 Education “I left school when I was 13. I now realise that the kids that stayed at school have a better education than I do.” “The program has helped me heaps to recognise my strengths.”

28 Education

29 Parentcraft

30 Parentcraft Parenting education groups Tot spot Play group
Parenting workbooks Intensive parenting support Staff education

31 Volunteering

32 Volunteering Trained volunteers
Community engagement and social responsibility Role modeling and mentoring Integral to success of program Builds service capacity 90% volunteer retention rate

33 Volunteering Over 80 volunteers: Childminders Tutors Mentors
Driving buddies Yoga and fitness trainers Baby masseuse Swimming instructor

34 Key challenges

35 Key challenges Holisitic nature of service Working with risk Housing
Working effectively with Indigenous families Engaging young men

36 Key challenges Balancing act: Flexibility vs structure
Parent needs vs child needs Maintaining trust and relationships while having honest and challenging conversations Providing support without building reliance Transparency with clients Reflecting and learning as a worker

37 Key challenges

38 Evaluation

39 Evaluation Client feedback Daily case notes
Monthly/quarterly case reviews Individual & group supervision for staff OCG quarterly audits Research partnership with Macquarie University

40 Dear Minister

41 Young Parents Program – Dear Minister
“I believe my experience of the program was life changing.” “I was really reserved and did not feel like opening up to anybody.” “I started to trust the people around me.”

42 Young Parents Program – Dear Minister
“This service is so important for young mothers and fathers who are serious about changing their way of life .” “It’s helped me be the best young mother I can be to my daughter…so she does have a good life like every kid should have.”

43 Young Parents Program

44 Questions

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