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May the Lord Direct your Hearts 2 Thessalonians 2:15 – 3:5 p. 1096.

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2 May the Lord Direct your Hearts 2 Thessalonians 2:15 – 3:5 p. 1096

3 A Story  You bring the Good News about Jesus to UBC.  Paul in Thessalonica – opponents arrive from Philippi Has to leave the city Writes to these new Christians.  A sample of how Paul prays...

4 1. Time to Pray  We have lives to live.  How do we find time to pray?  Reading on in 2 Thessalonians... 3:6-10  Leon Morris: “The Christian is to be busy”  Our faith is lived in the context of our busy- ness. God is with us through our day.

5 1. Time to Pray...  Deconstructing a sense of entitlement: Developing a heart of thankfulness There is a blessing behind every chore Being busy is a blessing  To be shaped by prayer... Move beyond our own selfish indulgences Honour the blessings God has given us. Cultivate an attitude of thankfulness

6 2. Content of Prayer  Two prayers for the Thessalonians & 2 prayer requests PRAYER FOR THE THESSALONIANS – 1.Their encouragement and strengthening (2:16- 17) Encouragement based on God’s love and our eternal hope.  Nothing can happen to change any of that. Strengthening – lives characterized by “every good deed and word”  This is their busy-ness.

7 2. Content of Prayer... 2.Hearts directed into “God’s love and Christ’s perseverance” (3:5) An amazing prayer. Both are essential: Hearts caught up in the Love of God.  The Lord of the Universe loves you.  What a reality. What a blessing. Have the same perseverance that Jesus had  Jesus remained true when everyone else was falling apart.

8 2. Content of Prayer PAUL’S PRAYER REQUESTS – 1.The spread of the Gospel (3:1) He remains committed to God’s calling. Prays – Good News will spread rapidly and be well received This is where his heart is. 2.Delivered from wicked and evil people (3:2) Not some general vague request Wants to give full attention to spreading the Good News.

9 2. Content of Prayer... 2.Hearts directed into “God’s love and Christ’s perseverance” (3:5) An amazing prayer. Both are essential: Hearts caught up in the Love of God.  The Lord of the Universe loves you.  What a reality. What a blessing. Have the same perseverance that Jesus had  Jesus remained true when everyone else was falling apart.

10 3. Confidence in Prayer  He really believes God will act.  “We have confidence in the Lord...” (3:4) His commands are the same as what God commands. He is staying on track with what God is doing.  He knows God is faithful (3:3) God will never abandon His Ppeople. He will always strengthen and protect us.

11 Living it...  God’s normal expectation is that we live our spirituality in the context of our busy-ness.  God is with us in our daily tasks and he blesses us It is part of being human to be productive and active.  Paul prays for encouragement and strengthening.  Confidence is based in the character of God and in praying according to his will (1 Jn 5:14- 15)


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