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Integrating Movement within the Classroom Amy Callaway, Abigail Williams, Jenn Ayers, and Kathryn Walsh.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating Movement within the Classroom Amy Callaway, Abigail Williams, Jenn Ayers, and Kathryn Walsh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating Movement within the Classroom Amy Callaway, Abigail Williams, Jenn Ayers, and Kathryn Walsh


3 What are Energizers? ●Classroom based physical activities that assist teachers to integrate activity with academic concepts. Energizers are short 10 minute activities that classroom teachers can use to provide activity to students. ●Energizer curriculum was created in order to help fulfill the minimum 30 minutes of mandated daily physical activity for children, put in place by the Healthy Active Children’s Policy, 2005 in North Carolina. ●The way these activities are written, they can also be easily changed for use with special needs students, which is important because of the least restricted environment principal (part of IDEA) which states that students with disabilities should be given the chance to be educated with non- disabled peers, as much as is possible. peers

4 What our teachers say... “The students enjoyed the Energizers because they got a chance to ‘have fun’ while learning different academic concepts (health, spelling, geography). They did admit that all the movement tired them out.” “The Energizers are easy to use and easily done in the classroom.” “I’d like a copy of all of the Energizers because I can easily modify them for my grade level.”

5 Energizers in the Academic Setting Teachers should.. *Align the activities with the curriculum content they will teach for the year. *Use “energizers” two to three times per day (or when possible) to gain a health benefit. *Use activities as a model to create active lesson plans. *Know that energizers are easily adapted for special needs students, rainy days, and other areas of study.

6 Who Benefits? ●Energizers are especially beneficial to elementary students because ‘fun’ is a big part of the curriculum, while learning academics. Elementary students need exciting engaging activities to help them learn and allow them to connect with the material and remember it. ●Energizers also helps students to start to connect fitness and exercise as being something fun and rewarding verses a chore. ●Exercise has been shown to help children reduce stress, anxiety, improve mood, ADHD, addictions, weight control, among other things. ●For every Energizer’s lesson, it gives indicated the grade levels that it is appropriate for. Energizers lessons are specifically created to fit elementary schools and their content areas. There are a total of 48 lesson’s geared to K-5 grade.

7 A year at a glance... ●Week 1 & 2- Brain Breaks everyday o Get students familiar with safety and classroom rules ●Week 3- Daily Brain Breaks and a Energizer Math activity ●Week 4- Daily Brain Breaks, Energizer Math and Energizer Language ●Week 7- Daily Brain Breaks with at least one Math, Language, Science and Social Studies Energizer activity a week o beginning of a GLORIOUS routine! ●Half way mark- Daily Brain Breaks (2 or more) with at least 2 Energizer Math, Language, Science and Social Studies per week. of each subject ●End goal- Daily Brain Breaks with 2-3 Energizer activities a day and a cool down at the end of the day!

8 A week at a glance...

9 Support For Energizer ●“Inactivity among America’s youth is a growing public health and educational concern.” ●Obesity in children is a growing problem- 17% of children between age 2 and 19 are obese. ●Sedentary behavior in children can lead to an increase of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, and coronary heart disease. ● An inactive lifestyle can result in a decline in brain health, overall mental capacity is lower, ability to learn and retain information decreases, etc ●Studies have proven that there is a direct correlation between physical activity and achievement in academics ●Many student’s home environments do not encourage physical activity, and so this curriculum is crucial for these students in particular.

10 REFERENCES: Kramer, A. F. A Review of the Relation of Aerobic Fitness and Physical Activity to Brain Structure and Function in Children. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 17, 975-985. Madigan, J. B. (2004). Thinking on your feet (2nd. ed.). Murphy, Tex. (232 Zachary Walk, Murphy, TX 75094): Action Based Learning. Activity/Movement Based Curriculums and Programs | AEA 267 Special Education. (n.d.). Activity/Movement Based Curriculums and Programs | AEA 267 Special Education. Retrieved June 3, 2014, from teachers/activity-movement-based-curriculums/ teachers/activity-movement-based-curriculums/ Ratey, J. J., & Hagerman, E. (2008). Spark: the revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain. New York: Little, Brown. (Original work published)

11 Macarena synonyms and antonyms

12 Pick your vocab words Little- tiny, small, minor, miniture Cold- (ant.) hot, warm, burning, (syn.) cool, freezing, chilly, Great- large, majestic, big, fantastic, special Kind- (ant.) mean, cruel, nasty Play - amuse, entertain, perform

13 Find your partner!

14 & Get ready for...

15 Macarena Mania!!!

16 Jump, Squat, Run, REPEAT!

17 What comes next? ?

18 ? ?

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