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Yup, time to sit back and enjoy another “proud parent”, “self- indulgent”, “look-at- how-cute-my-kid-is” PowerPoint slideshow! In the end, this was as.

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Presentation on theme: "Yup, time to sit back and enjoy another “proud parent”, “self- indulgent”, “look-at- how-cute-my-kid-is” PowerPoint slideshow! In the end, this was as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yup, time to sit back and enjoy another “proud parent”, “self- indulgent”, “look-at- how-cute-my-kid-is” PowerPoint slideshow! In the end, this was as much for us as it is for you; interesting to step back and look where your child was a year ago and how far she’s come in only 12 months.

2 January of 2009 saw Rowyn crawling around like a nut, smiling and sleeping – what else can you do in the dead of winter when you’re only 10 months?

3 February 2009 saw Rowyn finding her feet with the help of her school bus. With the addition of a 3 rd plane of existence, she finally found where the cat hangs out and his life has never been the same.

4 March saw visits from Uncle Guy & then Aunt Nancy with cousins Cole and Sam as well as Rowyns’ 1 st birthday! Lots of friends and family helped Rowyn celebrate her birthday and thanks go to all for gifts, cake and more importantly for your presence on that day.

5 April and bring on the nice weather! Finally nice weather and Rowyn being more mobile and able to enjoy it. April saw Rowyn discovering what is to this day one of her true loves … swings!

6 May and Rowyn was introduced to the Peterborough Zoo. Animals, playground, splash pad, lots of kids. This became a weekly tradition, every Sunday morning and the only thing she loves more than swings? Slides and of course her teddy bear.

7 June and Rowyn was ready to start feeding herself (with various levels of success). Our trips to the zoo continued and it was time to show her how to feed the ducks … it took a while for her to realize the bread was for the birds, not her, but either way, she had fun.

8 July … ahh summer. The other half of the zoo ritual was being joined by Greg, Erin & our Goddaughter, Eve. The splash pad was running, the otters were swimming and we found out what little kids do when the train goes in the tunnel!

9 August and Rowyn discovers that toys are never as much fun as the box they come in; that bouncy castles are fun and water is wet. She also took on her first household chore – feeding the cat treats each morning.

10 September means back to school and a shakeup for Rowyn at daycare - her older friends were back at school and new faces appeared. Rough patches but we all got through. Busy time of year for mom and dad too but we still managed the zoo every weekend.

11 October – what a fun month to be a kid! There’s walks in the forest, rolling in leaves and let’s not forget a visit to your neighbourhood pumpkin farm! Still can’t figure out how with ponies, goats and pigs she still only wants a kitten.

12 November and Rowyn will not allow cold weather to keep her away from the things she loves – ducks, swings and playgrounds in general – unfortunately other kids are not as die-hard and she often finds herself the only kid on a large playground… I don’t think she minds.

13 December must mean only one thing to a child…Christmas. Twinkling lights, a tree where there was once a chair, car rides to homes where it seems there must be 1000 other children and of course that large old guy with the white beard … not Rowyns’ favourite person (notice the absence of the customary “Santa’s lap” picture).

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