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Rooma Narrainen Manager-Trade Division 24 June 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Rooma Narrainen Manager-Trade Division 24 June 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rooma Narrainen Manager-Trade Division 24 June 2013

2 Market Access for Goods 1. Trade between Mauritius and Turkey 2. Customs Union between Turkey and the EC 3. Market Access Provisions 4. Turkey - Tariff Liberalisation Schedule Industrial products Agro-industrial products 5. Mauritius – Tariff Liberalisation Schedule Tariff phase-down schedule List of sensitive products

3 Trade Agreements Europe Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)USA Africa Growth & Opportunity Act (AGOA)Regional SADC, COMESA, Indian Ocean CommissionBilateral Pakistan (PTA) and Turkey (FTA) OtherGeneralized System of Preferences - GSP (Japan, Switzerland,…)

4 Trade between Mauritius and Turkey Main Imports Wheat Flour, Portland Cement Pharmaceuticals, Iron bars, Cotton, Electric cables,…. Main Exports Denim/Cotton fabrics, Garments, Pharmaceutical products, Plastic table ware

5 Customs Union between Turkey and the EC Free movement of goods between EC and Turkey for all industrial products Being in a Customs Union, Turkey has to align its trade regime to the EC Harmonised trade regime with entire Europe Turkey European Union

6 Market Access Provisions Tariff liberalisation schedule applicable in the FTA  Turkey’s tariff commitments - Industrial Goods (Chapters 25-97) - Agro-industry (Specific list of products)  Mauritius’ tariff commitments - Tariff phase-down schedule (96% of tariff lines) - List of Sensitive Products (4% of tariff lines) Rules of Origin Goods need to meet origin criteria and be covered by a Certificate of Origin EUR1 issued by the Customs Authorities

7 TURKEY Tariff Liberalisation Schedule

8 Turkey – Tariff Liberalisation Schedule (1) a. All Industrial Goods (Chapters 25-97*)  Immediate duty-free access as from 1 June 2013 * Except for 68 tariff lines (Annex III) Knitted and Woven Garments (Shirts, T-shirts, Jerseys,…) and Household Linen Duties will be abolished at equal rates over 4 years  Main exports duty-free Denim /Cotton Fabrics, Jewellery, Leather products, …

9 Turkey - Tariff Liberalisation Schedule (2) b. Agro-Industrial Products (Chapters 1-24)  Negotiated on a ‘Request and Offer’ basis  Selected list of products based on actual/potential exports Fish and fish products, pineapples, litchis, palm heart, pasta, sweet biscuits, wafers, beverages, food preparations,…  Complete list of products (Annex VI– Table E)  Tariff Reductions (ranging from 20% to 100%)  Quotas (tons, litres…)  Subject to Import Permit/Licence in Turkey  Further concessions in agriculture to be considered in future negotiations (Article 16)

10 Turkey – Tariff reduction on some products HS CodeDescriptionTariff Quota (Volume) Reduction in Duty 0303/ 0304Fresh and Chilled Tuna/ other Fish 385 tons50%- 100% 0601-0604Fresh Flowers130 tons100% ex. 0709Palm hearts20 tons100% 0804.30Pineapples100 tons100% 1604.14Preserved tuna/fishUnlimited20% 1902Pasta50 tons100% 1905.31Sweet biscuits20 tons100% 1905.32Wafers20 tons100% 2203Beer1000 hl100%

11 MAURITIUS Tariff Liberalisation Schedule

12 Mauritius – Tariff Liberalisation Schedule (1)  Aligned with the EPA  Tariff Reduction Schedule covering all products  Annex IV and Annex VI  Product coverage – 96% of tariff lines  Gradual phasing out of duties over a period 10 years  Sensitive products excluded (4%)

13 Mauritius – Tariff Liberalisation Schedule (2) Sensitive Products List A Raw Materials and Capital Goods List B Intermediate Goods List C Finished Products No liberalisation Liberalised as from 1 June 2013 To be liberalised by 2017 To be liberalised by 2022 % of Tariff Lines 4.4%24.5%29.1%42%

14 Mauritius -Tariff Liberalisation Schedule (3) I. List A – Raw Materials and Capital Goods Immediate Liberalisation List as from 1 June 2013 II. List B – Intermediate Goods Gradual Liberalisation from 2013 to 2017 2013201420152017 Duty Reduction (%) 25%50%75%100%

15 Mauritius –Tariff Liberalisation Schedule (4) III. List C – Finished Goods Gradual Liberalisation from 2013 to 2022 20132015201820202022 Duty Reduction (%) 10%25%50%75%100%

16 Mauritius – List of Sensitive Products Similar to EPA Sensitive List List of Sensitive Products excluded from tariff liberalisation (approx. 200 tariff lines)  Industrial Products (Annex V) Paints/Varnishes, Soap /Detergents, Plastics tubes and pipes, Iron/Steel products, Furniture,….  Agro-Industry (Annex VI – Table D) Fresh/Chilled Chicken, Tea, Margarine, Beverages, Biscuits,……

17 Summary Tariff Reduction - Annexes IV and VI- List A/B/C Import List of Sensitive Products (Excluded) - Annex V and Annex VI -Table D Industrial Products (Duty-Free) Export Garments (Reduction over 4 years) - Annex III Agricultural Products (Annex VI –Table E)

18 FTA Mauritius-Turkey and Annexes

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