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USING THE MODEL-VIEW- VIEWMODEL PATTERN Laurent Bugnion Director, User Experience Integration IdentityMine

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Presentation on theme: "USING THE MODEL-VIEW- VIEWMODEL PATTERN Laurent Bugnion Director, User Experience Integration IdentityMine"— Presentation transcript:

1 USING THE MODEL-VIEW- VIEWMODEL PATTERN Laurent Bugnion Director, User Experience Integration IdentityMine http://[blog|www]

2 Page: WHAT IS MVVM? © 2011 IdentityMine Inc. All Rights Reserved.2 A weird acronym –Model – View – ViewModel Woven into WPF / Silverlight / WP7 Some confusion: –MVVM is really just the pattern –The rest are helpers, practices, etc

3 Page: THE MVC PATTERN © 2011 IdentityMine Inc. All Rights Reserved.3 ModelView Controller

4 Page: THE PASSIVE VIEW PATTERN © 2011 IdentityMine Inc. All Rights Reserved.4 ModelView Controller

5 Page: © 2011 IdentityMine Inc. All Rights Reserved.5 THE PRESENTATION MODEL PATTERN ModelView Presentation Model (ViewModel) DataBinding

6 Page: ADVANTAGES © 2011 IdentityMine Inc. All Rights Reserved.6 Testability, Maintainability, Blendability “The ability to be edited in Blend” –(and Visual Studio designer…) Differentiate code in design and runtime Create design time data

7 DEMO © 2011 IdentityMine Inc. All Rights Reserved. 7Page: Hello MVVM (and Hi Blend)

8 Page: BRIDGING THE GAP © 2011 IdentityMine Inc. All Rights Reserved.8 View ViewModel DataBindingCommandsMessages Model

9 Page: BRIDGING THE GAP © 2011 IdentityMine Inc. All Rights Reserved.9 View ViewModel View ViewModel View ViewModel Messages + callback

10 Page: COMMANDS © 2011 IdentityMine Inc. All Rights Reserved.10 “Point of entry” for a method Can be data bound ICommand interface –Execute method –CanExecute method –CanExecuteChanged event Not available in WP7 –(but there are ways around that ;)

11 DEMO © 2011 IdentityMine Inc. All Rights Reserved. 11Page: Commands and RelayCommands Messaging

12 Page: MVVM LIGHT TOOLKIT © 2011 IdentityMine Inc. All Rights Reserved.12 “Breaking the monotony” V3 released at MIX10 Keep it small Keep it simple

13 Page: CALIBURN / MICRO © 2011 IdentityMine Inc. All Rights Reserved.13 Rob Eisenberg Convention over configuration Also available for Windows Phone 7 –Caliburn.Micro

14 Page: FLAWS OF MVVM © 2011 IdentityMine Inc. All Rights Reserved.14 Too much code needed –INotifyPropertyChanged –Commands Some operations are tricky (set focus, navigation…) Not really applicable to ASP.NET, etc



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