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WHAT IS MODELING ? Models is an important software engineering tool that helps us in understanding and analyzing a complex problem. Modeling a software.

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3 WHAT IS MODELING ? Models is an important software engineering tool that helps us in understanding and analyzing a complex problem. Modeling a software system involves identifying its structural and behavioral characteristics.

4  RAM (Reusable aspect models)  UML (unified modeling language)  Umple (code generation is possible)  AspectSM (test case generation)  VCL (Visual contract language)

5 Figure 1: Paradigms and semantics of modeling approaches [1]

6  Scalability and consistency.  Integration of Class, Sequence and State diagrams into one coherent approach.  Packages Aspect Models for easy and flexible reuse.  Performs consistency checks.  Defines weaving algorithm.  RAM.

7 Figure 2: Merging Class Diagrams with Kompose [2] Figure 3: Sequence Diagram Weaving Example [2]

8  Structural view  State view  Message view

9  Aspect Oriented Multi-view modeling approach.  Describes both structure and behavior of a software design concern.  Allow designers to apply reusable design concerns within the design model of the software under development.  RAM weaver can create woven views of a composed model for debugging, simulation or code generation purpose.  During the weaving process consistency checks are performed.

10  UML is used to represent object oriented applications. It’s standard meta model does not support aspect oriented applications.  RAM uses UML and extends UML’s meta-model to represent aspect-oriented applications.  Some techniques based on RAM supports reusability.

11 Design Model Interfaces  Customization interface  Usage interface  Variation interface Design Model Hierarchies  Model extensions  Model customizations

12 Figure 4 : Reusing the Observer Design Pattern [5]

13 SocketCommunication ZeroToMany-Ordered Map Command Copyable Workflow Outpath Figure 5 : Stock Exchange Design Model Hierarchy [5]

14  When subject’s state changes, all observers are notified by calling an Update operation.  Push  Pull  Extended design of observer pattern is MVC( Model View Controller ).

15 Figure 6 : Features of Observer concern [4]

16 Figure 7 : Woven Stock Exchange Application [5]

17  Completeness  Size  Vertical Design Decomposition  Horizontal Design Decomposition

18 Figure 8:TouchRAM in Use [5]

19  Multitouch-enabled tool for agile software design modeling based on RAM approach.  Aims at reusability and scalability.  Comes with reusable design concern model library (RDCML)  Ease of use, reuse and agility.

20  Need for Design Models  Should encourage concern driven modeling  Promote usage of RDCML Future Scope:  Gesture control within Touch RAM  Specifying features and impacts within Touch RAM  Code Generation Capabilities

21 1. Alam, O., Alhaj, M., Ali, S., Amalio, N., Barn, B., Braek, R., Clark, T., Combemale, B., Cysneiros, L., Fatima, U., France, R., Georg, G., Horkoff, J., Kienzle, J., Leite, J., Lethbridge, T., Luckey, M., Moreira, A., Mussabacher, G., Mutz, F., Oliveira, P., Petriu, D., Schottle, M., Troup, L., and Werneck, V. Assessing composition in modeling approaches. CMA ’12, September 2012, Innsbruck, Austria. 2. Kienzle, J., Abed, W., and Klein, J. Aspect-oriented multi-view modeling. AOSD’09, March,2009, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. 3. Ayed, A., and Kienzle, J. Integrating protocol modeling into reusable aspect models. BM-FA ’13, July, 2013, Montpellier, France. 4. Alam, O., Garcia, F., Kienzle, J., Mussabacher, G., and Schottle, M. TouchRAM: a multitouch-enabled software design tool supporting concern-oriented reuse. MODULARITY ’14, April, 2014, Lugano, Switzerland. 5. Kienzle, J. Reusing software design models with touchRAM. AOSD ’13 Companion, March, 2013, Fukuoka, Japan. 6. Kramer, M., and Langhammer, M. Proposal for a multi-view modeling case study: component-based software engineering with UML, plug-ins and Java. Proceedings of VAO 2014, York, United Kingdom.


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