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Collaborative and Technical Issues on Future Networks Myung-Ki SHIN 15 th CJK NGN WG Meeting Zhangjiajie, China 8-10 April 2009 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaborative and Technical Issues on Future Networks Myung-Ki SHIN 15 th CJK NGN WG Meeting Zhangjiajie, China 8-10 April 2009 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaborative and Technical Issues on Future Networks Myung-Ki SHIN 15 th CJK NGN WG Meeting Zhangjiajie, China 8-10 April 2009 1

2  Overview and Issues Definition of Future Network Roadmap and Vision Technical Research Items of Future Networks  ITU-T Standardization Activities Q.21 (Future Networks) FG-FN (Focus Group on Future Network)  Other Important Projects and Activities US - GENI Project EU - FP7 and FIRE Project 2 Contents Outline

3  The Future Network (FN), which is anticipated to provide futuristic functionalities beyond the limitation of the current network including Internet, is getting a global attention in the field of communication network and services.  We see growing concerns about the following aspects on current network, including IP based networks: Scalability, ubiquity, security, robustness, mobility, heterogeneity, Quality of Service (QoS), re-configurability, context-awareness, manageability, data-centric, network virtualization, economics, etc.  These topics will be the requirements for FN, which will meet future services and overcome the deficiencies of the current IP based network. 3 Motivation (1/3)

4  Two Design Choices Incremental Design : A system is moved from one state to another with incremental patches Clean-Slate Design: The system is re-designed from scratch  It is assumed that the current IP’s shortcomings will not be resolved by conventional incremental and “backward- compatible” style designs.  So, the FN designs must be studied based on clean- slate approach. 4 Motivation (2/3)

5  Standardization/Research efforts on clean-slate designs for FN GENI, FIND projects in the US FP7, FIRE projects in EU ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 has just started the new work on FN  NGN is successfully settled down in SG13 based on all-IP technologies and incremental designs  Therefore, ITU-T has built a new Question (Q.21) on FN based on clean-slate approach for the new study period (2009-2012) of SG13 and FG-FN as a lead group of future view on telecommunication network and services. 5 Motivation (3/3)

6  Future Network (FN) : A network which is able to provide revolutionary services, capabilities, and facilities that are hard to provide using existing network technologies. 6 Definition of FN

7  The FN is the network of the future which is made on Clean-slate Design.  It should provide futuristic functionalities beyond the limitations of the current network including Internet (IP).  Revolutionary approach should be considered for the FN.  The FN should not dependent on the current technologies and solutions.  FN provides mechanisms that benefit every participant as much as they contribute.  The backward compatibility may or may not be required. 7 Basic Concept of FN (1/2)

8 8 Basic Concept of FN (2/2)

9  The business model of Future Network (FN) aims for profit sharing among network providers, service providers, application providers and end users by building cooperative eco-systems between them. 9 Value and Vision

10  The following items could be the collaborative topics for CJK, as well as technical research issues  Technical Issues and items for “call for contributions” Scalability Naming and Addressing Scheme Identifier Routing and Transport/Switching Mechanisms Security Mobility Quality of Service 10 Technical Research Items (1/2)

11 Network Heterogeneity and Virtualization Media Distribution Cross-layer Communication Manageability and Robustness Content-Centric Services Context-Awareness Economic Incentives New Futuristic Services and Applications 11 Technical Research Items (1/2)

12  Rapporteurs Takashi EGAWA, NEC, Japan Myung-Ki SHIN, ETRI, Korea Alojz HUDOBIVNIK, ISKRATEL, Slovenia  Role and Scope Produce document(s) on vision and service scenarios of future networks as well as on problem statements Produce inputs to new Recommendations on: Requirements of the future networks, which provide enhanced features as well as on gap analysis between existing technologies including recent evolving technologies and the requirements of future networks. Framework and model of future networks, which may provide a common basis for further development of specific recommendations on functions and facilities. Collaborate with other standards bodies 12 Q.21- Future networks

13  ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 wants to collaborate with ITU-T for this topics ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 has just started the new work on FN. Technical Report on “Future Network : Problem Statement and Requirements” Editor : Myung-Ki SHIN (ETRI) ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 efforts could aligned with ITU-T’ activities  If the joint-work (e.g., common text) is approved, the same documents (Subpl. and TR) could be published.  We encourage CJK to participate to this work and solicit further contributions (esp. co-editors in Q.21) 13 Collaborative Issues with ISO

14  Chairman Naotaka Motita (NTT) Vice-Chairmen can be welcome from research organizations/projects beyond ITU-T regular participants.  Role and Scope The Focus Group, by collaborating with worldwide future network (FN) communities (e.g., research institutes, forums, academia and etc), aims to collect and identify visions of future networks, based on new technologies assess the interactions between future networks and new services, familiarize ITU-T and standardization communities with emerging attributes of future networks, and encourage collaboration between ITU-T and FN communities. 14 Focus Group on Future Network

15  US – GENI  EU – FP7 and FIRE GENI source and slide – http://www.geni.net FP7 and FIRE source - Timur Friedman, Future Internet Research in Europe, FIRE, and the OneLab Project, 2008 15 Other Global Collaboration

16  Global Environment for Network Innovations Brief review of GENI conceptual design GENI Spiral 1 projects Overview of Spiral 1 control frameworks 16 GENI

17 17 The GENI Vision A national-scale suite of infrastructure for long-running, realistic experiments in Network Science and Engineering Mobile Wireless Network Edge Site Sensor Network Federated International Infrastructure Programmable & federated, with end-to-end virtualized “slices” Heterogeneous, and evolving over time via spiral development Deeply programmable Virtualized

18 GENI Spiral 1 has now begun! First results expected in 6-12 months GENI Project Office Announces $12M for Community-Based GENI Prototype Development July 22, 2008 The GENI Project Office, operated by BBN Technologies, an advanced technologies solutions firm, announced today that it has been awarded a three year grant worth approximately $4M a year from the US National Science Foundation to perform GENI design and risk-reduction prototyping. The funds will be used to contract with 29 university-industrial teams selected through an open, peer-reviewed process. The first year funding will be used to construct GENI Spiral 1, a set of early, functional prototypes of key elements of the GENI system. 18

19  Provides the very first, national-scale prototype of an interoperable infrastructure suite for Network Science and Engineering experiments  Creates an end-to-end GENI prototype in 6-12 months with broad academic and industrial participation, while encouraging strong competition in the design and implementation of GENI’s control framework and clearinghouse  Includes multiple national backbones and regional optical networks, campuses, compute and storage clusters, metropolitan wireless and sensor networks, instrumentation and measurement, and user opt-in  Because the GENI control framework software presents very high technical and programmatic risk, the GPO has funded multiple, competing teams to integrate and demonstrate competing versions of the control software in Spiral 1 GENI Spiral 1 Nothing like GENI has ever existed; the integrated, end-to-end, virtualized, and sliceable infrastructure suite created in Spiral 1 will be entirely novel. 19

20 20 Key Goals for GENI Spiral 1 Drive down the critical technical risks in GENI’s concept GENI Clearinghouse Components Aggregate A Computer Cluster Components Aggregate B Backbone Net Components Aggregate C Metro Wireless Create my slice Goal #1 Fund multiple, competing teams to develop GENI Clearinghouse technology, encourage strong competition within the first few spirals Goal #1 Fund multiple, competing teams to develop GENI Clearinghouse technology, encourage strong competition within the first few spirals Goal #2 Demonstrate end-to-end slices across representative samples of the major substrates / technologies envisioned in GENI Goal #2 Demonstrate end-to-end slices across representative samples of the major substrates / technologies envisioned in GENI

21 GENI System Conceptual Design 21

22 Federation GENI grows by “gluing together” heterogeneous infrastructure Goals: avoid technology “lock in,” add new technologies as they mature, and potentially grow quickly by incorporating existing infrastructure into the overall “GENI ecosystem” NSF parts of GENI Backbone #1 Backbone #2 Wireless #1 Wireless #2 Access #1 Corporate GENI suites Other-Nation Projects Other-Nation Projects Compute Cluster #2 Compute Cluster #1 My experiment runs across the evolving GENI federation. My GENI Slice This approach looks remarkably familiar... 22

23 Clearinghouse Federation 23

24 GEC3 www.geni.net24 GENI Spiral 1 Integration: 5 Control Framework Clusters 1578 Overlay Hosting Nodes 1579 ProtoGENI 1595 GpENI 1595 GpENI 1646 CMULab 1609 DETER Trial Integration 1609 DETER Trial Integration 1642 Instrumentatio n Tools 1613 Enterprise GENI 1600 PlanetLab 1658 Mid-Atlantic Crossroads 1658 Mid-Atlantic Crossroads 1602 Sensor/Actuat or Network 1582 ORCA/BEN 1599 Vehicular Mobile Network 1660 ORBIT Framework 1601 Virtual Tunnels 1657 WIMAX 1657 WIMAX 1663 Digital Object Registry 1663 Digital Object Registry 1633 Kansei Sensor Network 1628 Measurement System 1604 GENI Meta Operations 1643 Programmabl e Edge Node 1621 GUSH Tools 1622 Provisioning Service 1650 Regional Opt-In 1650 Regional Opt-In 1632 Security Architecture 1645 Million- Node GENI 1610 GENI at 4- Year Colleges 1610 GENI at 4- Year Colleges 1653 Data Plane Measurement Cluster A Cluster ECluster D Cluster CCluster B Key: Projects with active Spiral 1 clearinghouse interfaces STUDY ALL PICK ONE 1631 Embedded Real-time Measurement s 1631 Embedded Real-time Measurement s 1619 Optical Access Networks 1619 Optical Access Networks Column labels show common control framework 24

25 Generous Donations to GENI Prototyping Internet2 and National Lambda Rail 40 Gbps capacity for GENI prototyping on two national footprints to provide Layer 2 Ethernet VLANs as slices (IP or non-IP) National Lambda Rail Up to 30 Gbps nondedicated bandwidth Internet2 10 Gbps dedicated bandwidth 25

26  FP7 Future Internet++ Theme Future Internet portal: 26 Future Internet Research in FP7

27 27 FP7 Projects for Future Internet

28  Future Internet Research and Experimentation Test new paradigms at large scale Interactions with end users and communities Experimentally-driven multidisciplinary research 28 The FIRE Initiative

29 29 14 FIRE Funded Projects

30  Q.21 and FG-FN is now ready for this work. It’s time for contribution.  Also, GENI and FP7’s related efforts are well defined.  We need global collaboration for a successful research and deployment of Future Networks  Active participation and contribution within CJK are also required, as a lead group of future view on telecommunication network and services. Q.21 FG-FN 30 Summary


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