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Published bySage Hutchens Modified over 10 years ago
2 Section Guidelines: For now, anyway We are following the policies and procedures in the Transitional Governance Documents until the new Operations Manuals are complete. The Governance Manual has been approved, and others are planned for approval by the Board in June 2013.
3 Section Guidelines: For now, anyway Documents can be found here:
4 Section Guidelines: For now, anyway Documents can be found here:
5 Section Guidelines: For now, anyway
6 Section Guidelines: Budget Basics Budget Process for Sections to Receive Funding: – 2014 Budget Form due 1 September 2013 To support your regular monthly Section activities Note: 2014 budgets will be reviewed for approval by Finance and Membership VPs with completed Q1 and Q2 Financial Reports (including receipts). Q3 Financial Report (including receipts) must be received in order for your 2014 Q1 allotment to be deposited in January ALL Sections are REQUIRED to submit budgets & financial reports, even if you are not requesting any funds from HQ
7 Section Guidelines: Budget Basics All budget forms can be found in the “Sections Resources” section of the SMPTE website, under “Administration”
8 Section Guidelines: Budget Basics All budget forms can be found in the “Sections Resources” section of the SMPTE website, under “Administration”
9 Section Guidelines: Budget Basics All budget forms can be found in the “Sections Resources” section of the SMPTE website, under “Administration”
10 Section Guidelines: Budget Basics All budget forms can be found in the “Sections Resources” section of the SMPTE website, under “Administration”
11 Section Guidelines: Budget Basics
12 Section Guidelines: Budget Basics When preparing your budgets, please keep in mind that we will be adjusting your quarterly allotments to account for the balance in your bank account as of Jan 1, 2014. So if your total budget request is $1,000 for 2014 And you have $500 in your Section bank account at the start of 2014 Only $500 will be deposited in 2014 Budget for any Outstanding 2013 Revenue or Expenses That you Expect in 2014 4th quarter 2013 expenses that might not be invoiced until 2014 If it’s not accounted for, you will not receive extra funding to pay 2013 expenses 4th Quarter 2013 income that might not be paid until 2014 Sponsorships for December meetings, etc.
13 Section Guidelines: Budget Basics Quarterly Financial Reports, due by the 15 th of the month following each quarter: – April 15, July 15, October 15 and January 15 – Includes both income and expense actuals, with receipts Funds are deposited in Section accounts quarterly – Provided Section Quarterly Financial Reports are submitted first To ensure timely deposits, please ensure budgets and Quarterly Financial Reports are timely – Invoices from past years that were not in the budget will not be covered
14 Section Guidelines: Financial Reporting SMPTE Audit –S–SMPTE undergoes a financial audit each year –W–We are required to report on ALL SMPTE accounts, including the following Section accounts: HQ Maintained ALL Non-US accounts Any other bank account in SMPTE’s name –W–We have been advised that we have not been filing properly with the IRS and disclosing all Non-US accounts Sections Are Not Independent Legal Entities –A–All Sections are part of the SMPTE organization –S–SMPTE is legally and financially liable for all Section activities 2012 Quarterly Reports MUST be turned in by April 1 –W–We MUST have copies of ALL 2012 Bank statements for ALL SMPTE accounts –F–Failure to comply could result in loss of SMPTE’s 501c(3) non-profit status
15 Section Guidelines: Financial Reporting US Section Banking – All US Sections have SMPTE-maintained bank accounts with Chase – This should be the ONLY bank account for the Section – Any other bank accounts MUST be reported for the audit and then merged with the Chase account Non-US Section Banking – Unless otherwise arranged with SMPTE, all Non-US Sections should have ONE SMPTE bank account – Monthly bank statements are REQUIRED to be sent to SMPTE quarterly as part of your Section Financial Reporting – All bank accounts MUST be reported for the audit
16 Section Guidelines: Quarterly Reporting NEW Quarterly Financial Reporting Forms Quarterly Reporting Will Have 3 Sections: 1.Bank Statement Reconciliation 2.Accounts Receivable 3.Accounts Payable
17 Quarterly Reporting (Example Case): 1. Bank Statement Reconciliation
18 Quarterly Reporting (Example Case): 2. Accounts Receivable
19 Quarterly Reporting (Example Case): 3. Accounts Payable
20 Section Guidelines: Quarterly Reporting DON’T FORGET Quarterly Reports MUST be turned in by the 15 th of the month following the end of the Quarter: – Q1 Report due April 15 – Q2 Report due July 15 – Q3 Report due October 15 – Q4 Report due January 15 Monthly Bank Statements MUST be included with Quarterly Reports Receipts for ALL expenses MUST be included with Quarterly Reports – Please include associated check number on each receipt No deposit for the next Quarter’s allotment will be made into your account until the previous Quarter’s Financial Report has been submitted Quarterly Reports (with associated bank statements and receipts) are REQUIRED of ALL Sections, regardless of whether you are requesting funds from SMPTE
21 Section Guidelines: Quarterly Reporting ANY QUESTIONS?
22 Section Guidelines: Elections Election Deadlines – December 2012 – Form Section Nominating Committee – February 2013 – Submit Regional Governor Nominations – 4 March 2013 – Submit Slate of Candidates for Section Election, complete with photo and completed bio form, to HQ – 18 March 2013 – Section Elections Open – 29 April 2013 – Section Elections Close
23 Section Guidelines: Elections Each Section Chair forms a Section Nominating Committee to select candidates for consideration as nominees for: Governor(s) to run in the 2013 SMPTE Election for terms beginning 1 January 2014; Nominations due 1 February Section member candidates to run in the 2013 Section Elections for terms beginning 1 July 2013. Nominations due 4 March The Section Nominating Committee must be formed and names submitted to Sally Ann D’Amato in December
24 Section Guidelines: Elections
25 Section Guidelines: Elections The Section Nominating Committee is made up of 7 voting members of the section, including: Chair: Past Section Chair (Immediate past chair or other available Past Chair) Committee Members: Current Section Chair, 2 Managers serving their 1 st year of a two-year term, 3 members who are not currently Section Managers DON’T WORRY! * If you are unable to form the Committee as listed above DON’T WORRY!
26 Selection of Section Officers and Managers The Section Nominating Committee is to nominate: One or more candidates for the offices of Section Chair and Secretary/Treasurer At least two, but no more than three persons for each Manager’s office position to be filled (if possible) All nominees must be current voting members of SMPTE, which includes Professional/Executive, Fellow, Life and Honorary Members (No Associate or Student Members). Nominations shall be made by three-fourths affirmative vote of the Section Nominating Committee
27 Selection of Section Officers and Managers Sample Slate of Candidates: – Chair: 1 or more Candidates – Secretary/Treasurer: 1 or more Candidates – 3 Managers: 6 or more candidates Slate should be presented to the Section Board of Managers no later than the last Monday in February for review and final approval Please note that there are 6 managers for each Section, but they serve 2-year terms, so three expire each year Section Membership Chair is an appointed position You may appoint other non-voting Board of Manager positions as necessary (such as Sponsorship Chair, Webmaster, etc)
28 Selection of Section Officers and Managers Final slate of Candidates and a completed candidate form and photograph for each nominee must be sent to SMTPE headquarters no later than 4 March for inclusion in the Section Election ballots. If photos and biographies are not received, none will appear next to the candidate’s name. Section elections will begin Monday, 18 March 2013 Section elections close Monday, 29 April 2013 Election results will be announced once the Election Integrity Committee meets to verify results. (The week after the elections close) If your Election Materials are submitted late, your elections will begin after the 18 March open date but will still close on 29 April.
29 Nominations for Regional Governor Candidates Section Nominating Committee is to select two or more persons for each of the Governor positions to be filled in their Region Nominees must be current voting members of the Society, and willing and able to accept the position if elected Nominees can hold a concurrent Section position EXCEPT Section Chair Names of the nominees should be sent to Sally Ann D’Amato no later than 1 February Names of the nominees will then be forwarded to the chair of the SMPTE Nominating Committee for consideration. The number of Governors is determined by the number of members in a Region. To gain or lose a Governorship, the Region must change its membership +/- 25 members over 500, calculated over a two-year period.
30 Nominations for Regional Governor Candidates The Society Nominating Committee, chaired by the Past President of the Society, prepares the final slate of candidates for approval of the Board at their June meeting. Society Elections open no later than the third Monday in August, and close no later than the third Monday of September. Election results are announced in October Society Officers and Governors take office January 1 of the following year.
31 THANK YOU! Questions?
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