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Unit 2 Lesson 2 Grade 2. DAY ONE Daily News Steve and I were walking home from school. We saw a grasshopper sitting on a green leaf. If hopped in front.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 Lesson 2 Grade 2. DAY ONE Daily News Steve and I were walking home from school. We saw a grasshopper sitting on a green leaf. If hopped in front."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 Lesson 2 Grade 2


3 Daily News Steve and I were walking home from school. We saw a grasshopper sitting on a green leaf. If hopped in front of our feet. “I think the grasshopper is hungry.” Steve said. “I wonder what grasshoppers eat.”

4 /a/ a ai_ a_e Long a _ay

5 /a/ nail

6 /a/ paid

7 /a/ faint

8 /a/ train

9 /a/ chain

10 /a/ trail

11 /a/ raining

12 /a/ wait

13 /a/ day

14 /a/ May

15 /a/ maybe

16 /a/ clay

17 /a/ way

18 /a/ sway

19 /a/ away

20 /a/ play

21 Phonics and Fluency 1.nailpaidfainttrain 2.chaintrailrainingwait 3. dayMaymaybeclay 4. wayswayawayplay

22 Phonics and Fluency 1.nailpaidfainttrain 2.chaintrailrainingwait 3. dayMaymaybeclay 4. wayswayawayplay

23 2. Jay laid the mail on the desk. 1. Gail played in the rain.

24 Vocabulary chain

25 Vocabulary trace

26 Vocabulary fossil

27 Vocabulary print

28 Vocabulary outstretched

29 Vocabulary a row of connected or related circles…

30 Vocabulary chain

31 Vocabulary a mark made by pressing…

32 Vocabulary print

33 Vocabulary preserved remains…

34 Vocabulary fossil

35 Vocabulary reaching out…

36 Vocabulary outstretched

37 Vocabulary to follow the path of something…

38 Vocabulary trace


40 Daily News As I was playing in my yard today, I spotted two blue jays. They were using grass, twigs, and hay to build a nest. I think the female blue jay will lay eggs soon. I cannot wait to see the baby birds. Have you ever seen a bird build a nest?

41 Phonics and Fluency 1.nailpaidfainttrain 2.chaintrailrainingwait 3. dayMaymaybeclay 4. wayswayawayplay

42 Phonics and Fluency 1.nailpaidfainttrain 2.chaintrailrainingwait 3. dayMaymaybeclay 4. wayswayawayplay

43 2. Jay laid the mail on the desk. 1. Gail played in the rain.

44 Dictation 1.gain pail painted 2.say tray today 3. crayon 4. Ray waited for the train today.

45 Dictation 1.gain pail painted 2.say tray today 3. crayon 4. Ray waited for the train today.

46 1. The dog’s collar was connected to a _______________. Vocabulary

47 chain

48 2. I saw a _________________ at the museum. Vocabulary

49 fossil

50 3. __________________ the letter with your finger. Vocabulary

51 Trace

52 4. Brandy made a leaf ________________. Vocabulary

53 print

54 5. His arm was ______________ to reach to light. Vocabulary

55 outstretched


57 Daily News One hot day, Gail and Ray were hiking on a trail. They found many rocks to add to their rock collections. Gail found a wishing rock just before it started to rain., She wished for the rain to stop. Soon the rain stopped, and a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.

58 /a/ a ai_ a_e Long a _ay

59 /a/ acorn

60 /a/ able

61 /a/ apron

62 /a/ agent

63 /a/ April

64 /a/ basic

65 /a/ cable

66 /a/ table

67 /a/ make

68 /a/ pavement

69 /a/ trace

70 /a/ shape

71 /a/ place

72 /a/ grate

73 /a/ slate

74 /a/ frame

75 Phonics and Fluency 1.acornableapronagent 2.Aprilbasiccabletable 3. makemakepavementtraceshape 4. placegrateslateframe

76 Phonics and Fluency 1.acornableapronagent 2.Aprilbasiccabletable 3. makepavementtraceshape 4. placegrateslateframe

77 2. Gabe put the snake in the cage. 1. In April, we went to the lake.

78 Syllabication 1.a.corn a.blea.pron A.pril ba.sic 3. ca.ble ta.ble pave.ment


80 Daily News It is autumn. The leaves on our maple tree are red, yellow, and orange. Soon the leaves will be falling to the ground. When they fall off, I am going to make a big pile and play in them. Then I will rake them as a favor to my dad. Have you ever played in a pile of leaves?

81 Phonics and Fluency 1.acornableapronagent 2.Aprilbasiccabletable 3. makemakepavementtraceshape 4. placegrateslateframe

82 Phonics and Fluency 1.acornableapronagent 2.Aprilbasiccabletable 3. makepavementtraceshape 4. placegrateslateframe

83 2. Gabe put the snake in the cage. 1. In April, we went to the lake.

84 Dictation 1. taste favor paper 2. space late replace 3. tablecloth 4. Did you win the baseball game?


86 Phonics and Fluency 1.nailpaidfainttrain 2.chaintrailrainingwait 3. dayMaymaybeclay 4. wayswayawayplay

87 2. Jay laid the mail on the desk. 1. Gail played in the rain.

88 Phonics and Fluency 1.acornableapronagent 2.Aprilbasiccabletable 3. makepavementtraceshape 4. placegrateslateframe

89 2. Gabe put the snake in the cage. 1. In April, we went to the lake.

90 1. reaching out… Selection Vocabulary

91 Vocabulary outstretched

92 2. to follow the path of something… Selection Vocabulary

93 Vocabulary trace

94 3. A mark made by pressing… Selection Vocabulary

95 Vocabulary print

96 4. A row of connected or related circles… Selection Vocabulary

97 Vocabulary chain

98 5. preserved remains… Selection Vocabulary

99 Vocabulary fossils

100 Spelling Words 1.stay 2.rain 3. base 4. April 5. May

101 Spelling Words 1.chain 2.trace 3. play 4. paid 5. fable

102 Challenge Words 1.waist 2.railroad 3. pavement 4. flavor 5. Thursday

103 The End

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