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Electricity and Magnetism

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1 Electricity and Magnetism
Welcome to Physics 321 Electricity and Magnetism My Name is Brett Fadem

2 What is Electrodynamics and How Does it Fit Into The General Scheme
of Physics? First, what is the distinction between kinematics and dynamics?

3 The Distinction between Kinematics and Dynamics.
Kinematics is the study of motion without regard to the cause. Kinesis is the Greek word for motion. Dynamics Dynamics is the study of the causes of motion. Dunamis is the Greek word for power. We call the Causes of motion, “forces.” Source: The Dr. Physics Homepage. Please include attributions in your work.

4 But what part of physics studies the resulting motion of objects
So, “electrodynamics” is the study of the electric and magnetic causes of motion (or, electric and magnetic forces). But what part of physics studies the resulting motion of objects When acted upon by a force?

5 Describe the force and mechanics will tell you how things move.

6 What do you remember from classical mechanics?
Newton’s Laws Objects in motion, remain in motion. Objects at rest remain at rest. 1st Law 2nd Law 1 2 3rd Law Relativistic Corrections?

7 Special Relativity Galilean Transformations Lorentz Transformations

8 Classical Mechanics Quantum Mechanics (Newton: ) (Bohr, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, et al.) Special Relativity Quantum Field Theory (Einstein was a big year.) (Dirac, Pauli, Feynman, Schwinger, et al.) The Four Forces to Which Mechanics is Applied: Strong Electromagnetic: complete theory in all 4 realms! Weak Gravitational

9 So, electrodynamics is the study of the electromagnetic force, and mechanics tells us how a system will behave when subjected to that force.

10 Unification? Electricity Electroweak Electromagnetism “QED” Magnetism
Weak Force Quantum Chromodynamics “QCD” Strong Force? General Relativity Gravity ?? “In this Course, we are going to focus on classical electromagnetism, that is, electromagnetism in the context of classical physics.”

11 Comparison of Strength of Electromagnetic vs. Gravitational
Force mp=1.67x10-27 Kg e =1.6x10-19 C εo=8.85x10-12 C2/(Nm2) G=6.67x10-11 (Nm2)/Kg2 Electromagnetism is much stronger!

12 Maxwell’s Equations Gauss’s Law Faraday’s Law Ampere’s Law

13 For Each of Maxwell’s Equations, you should have a simple picture in your mind.

14 Gauss’s Law

15 Ampere’s Law

16 Faraday’s Law

17 Maxwell’s Equations in Vacuum
(iii) (iv) (ii) Take the curl of the curl, etc. And, you know who said, “Let There Be Light!”


19 Introduction to Electrodynamics
Chapter 1 Vector Analysis Differential Calculus Integral Calculus Curvilinear Coordinates The Dirac Delta Function The Theory of Vector Fields Chapter 2 Electrostatics Chapter 3 Special Techniques Laplace’s Equation The Method of Images Separation of Variables Multipole Expansions The Electric Field Divergence and Curl of Electrostatic Fields Electric Potential Work and Energy in Electrostatics Conductors Chapter 6 Magnetic Fields in Matter Magnetization Field of a Magnetized Object Auxiliary Field H Linear and Nonlinear Media Chapter 5 Magnetostatics The Lorentz Force Law The Biot Savart Law The Divergence and Curl of B Magnetic Vector Potential Chapter 4 Electric Fields in Matter Polarization The Field of a Polarized Object The Electric Displacement Linear Dielectrics Chapter 7 Electrodynamics Electromotive Force Electromagnetic Induction Maxwell’s Equations

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