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Published byNorman Batt Modified over 10 years ago
Housing Market Demand and Needs Study 2007 Planning sub-group - Scrutiny Committee 11th December 2007 Shahla Zandi / Matt Doherty
Background Commissioned jointly with City of Manchester, and Manchester & Salford Pathfinder. Aim: to provide the evidence base to support key council policy documents
Government Requirements As set out in the objectives of –PPS3: that local authorities and their stakeholders plan for housing in sub-regional housing markets. –Strategic Housing Market Assessments Guidance (DCLG, March 2007).
Key outputs required by PPS3 The likely overall proportions of households that require market or affordable housing The likely profile of household types requiring market housing The size and type of affordable housing required
We have reports on Housing Needs Assessment (HNA) Supplementary Housing Report (SHR) Manchester & Salford Pathfinder Assessment of Housing Need and Demand (MSP) Salford’s Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Show People Accommodation Assessment
Methodology 18,000 Postal Surveys distributed in Salford –2000 returned 700 personal interviews were carried out with more in- depth questions Survey was weighted to match the suggested tenure profile shown by exiting secondary data
Housing Needs Assessment Key Findings/ Tenure Owner-occupied sector 57.7% of households in the City are owner-occupiers ( 59.0% with mortgage) The recent mover data points to an overall turnover rate of 5.5%
The private rented sector Salford has an average sized private rented sector (10.8% of households compared with around 12% nationally). Majority of households have three (61.2%) or more bedrooms. Less than 1% have one bedroom accommodation. The number of one and two bedroom properties is proportionately larger than owner occupiers stock(38.8%, compared with 17.3%)
The private rented sector Overall, turnover of stock is much higher. The estimated annual turnover rate is 27.8% compared to 5.5% in the owner-occupied sector. 33.0% of households are in receipt of housing benefit, this compares with 1.6% of all owner occupiers Around 2.7% of households with a mortgage receive income support towards their mortgage payments (899 households or 1.6%)
The social rented sector The social rented sector is largely comprised of two and three bedroom dwellings The turnover rate is around 7.9% per annum; slightly above the rate for owner-occupation but much lower than for the private rented sector. Survey data also suggests that 66.0% of households are in receipt of housing benefit.
Dwelling Type by Tenure Over half of owner-occupied properties are detached or semi detached Flats constitute over a third of properties in the private rented sector, and over 40% of social rented sector Terraced properties are the predominant type in the social rented sector ( 35.0% compared with 30% in private rented, and 31.5% in owner occupied sector )
Dwelling type by tenure
Student households The survey identified an estimated 972 student households in the City of Salford area The majority (85.9%) of student households are living in the private rented sector. They constitute 8.0% of all households in this sector As many as 10% of Salford’s small student sector are owners
Student households Students were more likely to live in flats or apartments (67.3%, compared to 21.1% of the non- student population), not particularly strongly represented in terraced housing. 38.3% of student households contain four or more people compared with 17.6% of non-student households in the city.
The requirements of different household types Households with support needs Overall there are an estimated 24,339 households with one or more members in an identified support needs group. ( 25.1% of all households, compared with (13-14% nationally) Persons with a ‘medical condition’ are the predominant group, with 13,009 households containing a member with a medical condition. (53.4%)
Households with support needs The next largest group is ‘physical disability’, with 11,799 households having a member in this category. (48.5%) The majority of support needs households (83.4%) only contain one person with a support need 58% of households with a support needs member do not have multiple support needs
Households with support needs The most commonly sought improvements and adaptations needed were: oLevel access shower unit (5,946 households – 24.4% of all support needs households) oDownstairs WC (4,944 households – 20.3% of all support needs households) oLow level shower unit (4,776 households – 19.6% of all support needs households)
Black and Minority Ethnic households The survey shows that 2.9% of households in Salford are headed by someone who describes themselves as BME. The data suggests that majority of BME households are larger in size than white households. (2.9 compared with 2.2) 39.8 % of BME households are owner-occupiers with mortgage ( 33.9% white households ) BME households were more likely to reside in private rented accommodation.(27.5% compared with 10.3%)
Black and Minority Ethnic households City, Ordsall, and Quays, Eccles and Broughton and Irwell have above average proportions of households headed by a BME person. BME households tend to have higher incomes but lower levels of savings than white households. BME households are more likely to be living in unsuitable housing. (21.3% compared with 11%)
Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment A separate Gypsy and Traveller accommodation assessment was conducted. This found the need for : 13 additional pitches for Gypsies and Travellers (estimated to rise to 24 in 2017) and 13 additional yards for Travelling Showpeople (rising to 43 in 2017).
Overcrowding and under-occupation The study estimated number of overcrowded and under-occupied households : 2.3% of households or 2,273 households are overcrowded 41.5% of households or 40,243 households are under – occupied
Overcrowding and under-occupation Worsley and Boothstown have the highest proportion of under-occupied dwellings (59.0%); and Broughton and Irwell the highest level of overcrwoding(6.0%). By ethnic group, the data indicates that White households are less likely to be overcrowded and more likely to under-occupy than BME households. There are a significant number of pensioner households under-occupying in the owner-occupied (no mortgage) sector.
Financial Capacity There is a significant variation in financial capacity by tenure in Salford. Owner occupied households have an average financial capacity of around 3.5 times greater than the average for private rented households and 7 times greater than the average for social rented tenants.
Financial Capacity The financial capacity to buy in Salford is around £216, 418 for owner-occupiers, £62,585 for private rented, and £31,720 for Social rented Households that do not intend to move show the highest financial capacity and households moving out of Salford have higher incomes, and savings than those moving within the area.
Housing Needs Assessment Fordham’s calculation of Affordable Housing Need is based on the DCLG guidance The calculation takes into account: oCurrent Need ( Gross) oAvailable Stock to offset Need, onewly arising need oFuture supply of affordable units
Needs Assessment Targets for affordable new build The total annual affordable housing requirement is estimated at 674 units made up of social housing (607 or 89%), and 67( 11%) intermediate housing. The study has proposed a 30 % target for affordable housing : o 25% social rented housing, and o 5% intermediate housing
Affordable Housing Requirements by Size There are shortfalls for one, three and four bedroom properties and surpluses of two bedroom homes. The largest shortfall is for one bedroom dwellings followed by four bedroom homes. The shortage relative to supply is also greatest for four or more bedroom accommodation.
Supplementary Housing Report Provides a robust evidence base and wealth of data to enable us to formulate policy and plan for housing provision in the city at 4 sub markets The evidence base will inform the AGMA Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) that currently is being commissioned
Salford Submarket Areas
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