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2 HOME SAFETY Learning Objective:
Children to understand about safety around the home. How to keep safe and prevent accidents and injury. Identify basic safety hazards

3 HOME SAFETY Success Criteria:
Children will clearly be aware about what safety hazards there are around the home. Children will be able to identify basic hazards. Children will be aware of how to keep safe and prevent accidents and injury around the home.

4 HOME SAFETY On your tables you have been provided with images of different rooms in and around the home. Kitchen Bedroom Bathroom Living room Garden In groups discuss where you think there may be potential safety hazards that could cause accidents or injury. Let’s share your suggestions with whole class.

5 HOME SAFETY According to The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) more accidents happen at home than anywhere else. Here are some home safety facts and figures… Every year there are 4000 deaths as a result of a home accident. About 120 deaths are to children under the age of 15. Latest figures suggest there were 2.7 million home accidents requiring hospital treatment. Falls are the most common accidents which can cause serious injury.

6 HOME SAFETY Also Every year more than 4,200 children are involved in falls on the stairs. 4,000 children under the age of 15 are injured falling from windows. More accidents happen in the lounge/living room than anywhere else in the home. Boys have more accidents than girls.

7 HOME SAFETY Kitchen: Identify the following hazards (This is not an exhaustive list): Burns and scalds happen a lot so kettles and hot drinks should be kept away from the edge of worktops. Too many plugs in a socket could overload it and start a fire. Broken glass could cause cuts so inform an adult. Pools of water could cause slips and falls. Keep chemicals well away from young children.

HOME SAFETY Kitchen (Continued): Panhandles can be knocked spilling hot food; never leave them sticking out. Beware of sharp knives, always get an adult put them away safely. Dangerous rubbish; always keep bin lids closed. Keep toys out of the kitchen as they could cause trips and falls. CAN CHILDREN ADD ANY OTHER IDEAS TO THE LIST OF HAZARDS?

9 HOME SAFETY Independent Activity: (Select from the following)
Create a set of instructions encouraging your family to be safe in the kitchen. As a group or individually, prioritise hazards in the kitchen, justifying reasons. Discuss food hygiene and the need to keep the kitchen clean.

10 HOME SAFETY Bedroom: Identify the following hazards (This is not an exhaustive list): Scissors left lying around; playing with them is dangerous as you could cut yourself. A television should be somewhere safe so it can’t fall and hurt someone or start a fire. Curling tongs or straighteners should be unplugged after use or they could start a fire. They need to be placed on a heat resistant pad. Be careful with portable heaters as something could fall onto them and start a fire.

11 HOME SAFETY Bedroom (Continued):
Don’t put anything over a lamp. Don’t put heavy things on top of a wardrobe. Always put my things away in your drawers so that you don’t trip over them. Don’t overload any plug sockets. CAN CHILDREN ADD ANY OTHER IDEAS TO THE LIST OF HAZARDS?

12 HOME SAFETY Independent Activity:
Children to design a toy box for their bedroom. Children discuss with a partner how their toy box will help make their room a safer place.

13 HOME SAFETY Bathroom: Identify the following hazards (This is not an extensive list): Lock all medicines out of the reach of children. Always run cold water before the hot to prevent accidental scalding. Always check the water temperature before getting into the bath. Electric shavers should only be used with a special plug. Use non-slip mats or strips on the bottom of the bath. Never use electric fires in a bathroom unless it is specifically made for the purpose. CAN CHILDREN ADD ANY OTHER IDEAS TO THE LIST OF HAZARDS?

14 HOME SAFETY Independent Activity:
Discuss which commonly available substances and drugs are… Legal Illegal Also discuss their effects and risks. Children to develop their discussion to cover the safe use and storage of drugs and medicine.

15 HOME SAFETY Lounge/Living Room:
Identify the following hazards (This is not an extensive list): Never run electrical flexes under rugs, furniture or near walkways. Do not overload plugs or extension cords as this can cause fires. Keep area around fireplaces free from newspaper etc. and make sure fires are guarded. Be aware of furniture that may have sharp edges. Never dry clothes on top of a fireguard

16 HOME SAFETY Lounge/Living Room (Continued):
Never leave hot drinks unattended as they could scald. Always keep scissors out of reach of children. Be aware of toys on the floor as they could be a trip hazard. Matches and cigarettes on the table could burn someone. Pull cord of curtains hanging down could choke a child. Any frayed carpet or rug could cause a trip. CAN CHILDREN ADD ANY OTHER IDEAS TO THE LIST OF HAZARDS?

17 HOME SAFETY Independent Activity:
You have been provided with images of objects that can be found in a lounge (e.g. lamp, candle, ashtray etc.) You need to decide whether they are safe or dangerous. How could they reduce the dangers? Could you create a checklist in order to reduce hazards and potential accidents in the living room/lounge?

18 HOME SAFETY Garden: Identify the following hazards (This is not an extensive list): Garden tools, especially ones with sharp blades or points Electrical tools and equipment such as strimmers. Pesticides and other garden chemicals. Ponds and water butts. Biting and stinging bugs. Broken fences, crumbling walls and slippery steps Greenhouses, cold frames and glass panes BBQs CAN CHILDREN ADD ANY OTHER IDEAS TO THE LIST OF HAZARDS?

19 HOME SAFETY Independent Activity: (Select from the following)
Using photographs of a garden discuss hazards and non hazards in the garden. Design a child-friendly garden. Invent a game that can be played in the garden. Create a garden checklist to ensure that you are safe at all times.

20 HOME SAFETY Plenary/Review:
Share the children’s activities with the whole class. Have they included the important messages regarding avoiding accidents and injury around the home? Ensure that any misconceptions about safety in the home are addressed.

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