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Y.T. a brief history of the OAI 0 Kaynak: Herbert van de Sompel.

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Presentation on theme: "Y.T. a brief history of the OAI 0 Kaynak: Herbert van de Sompel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Y.T. a brief history of the OAI 0 Kaynak: Herbert van de Sompel

2 Y.T. Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting Yaşar Tonta HÜ BBY DOK 422: Information Networks

3 Y.T. The Open Archives Initiative has been set up to create a forum to discuss and solve matters of interoperability between preprint solutions, as a way to promote their global acceptance. Paul Ginsparg, Rick Luce & Herbert Van de Sompel the OAI roots => Santa Fe Convention: preprint metadata harvesting Kaynak: Herbert van de Sompel

4 Y.T. interest from other communities Digital Library Federation meetings ~ research library community has many materials for which they would like to ‘expose’ metadata OAI San Antonio meeting: ~ interest from librarians, publishers, others,... Kaynak: Herbert van de Sompel

5 Y.T. resulting actions: organizational establish organizational stability for the OAI: institutional backing from CNI & DLF steering committee: policy guidance technical committee: technical specifications executive group: day to day coordination workshops: public dissemination, feedback Kaynak: Herbert van de Sompel

6 Y.T. resulting actions: technical [09/2000] revise specifications to allow adoption beyond preprints: technical committee [09/2000-01/2001]compile new specifications: editing by Carl and Herbert [11/2000-01/2001] alpha-test specifications: oai- alpha group [01/2001] discontinue the Santa Fe Convention [01/2001] release version 1.0 of the OAI protocol Kaynak: Herbert van de Sompel

7 Y.T. the OAI Metadata Harvesting protocol 1 Kaynak: Herbert van de Sompel

8 Y.T. The OAMH protocol is a low-barrier interoperability specification for the recurrent exchange of metadata between systems Kaynak: Herbert van de Sompel

9 Y.T. the OAMH protocol service providerdata provider Requests Replies repositoryrepository harvesterharvester 6 Kaynak: Herbert van de Sompel

10 Y.T. A&I federated services imageFTXTOPACe-print Kaynak: Herbert van de Sompel

11 Y.T. metadata harvesting via OAMH metadata A&IimageOPACe-print FTXT harvester FTXT Kaynak: Herbert van de Sompel

12 Y.T. federated services via OAMH metadata A&IimageFTXTe-print Author Title Abstract Identifer OPAC Kaynak: Herbert van de Sompel

13 Y.T. core concepts in OAMH low-barrier interoperability data-provider & service-provider model metadata harvesting model OAMH protocol Dublin Core HTTP based Reply XML Schema Self contained shared metadata format and parallel, community- specific metadata formats Kaynak: Herbert van de Sompel

14 Y.T. OAI harvesting tools service providerdata provider Datestamp Identifier Set Records repositoryrepository harvesterharvester Kaynak: Herbert van de Sompel

15 Y.T. OAI harvesting tools Supporting protocol requests: Identify ListMetadataFormats ListSets Harvesting protocol requests: ListRecords ListIdentifiers GetRecord repositoryrepository service providerdata provider harvesterharvester Kaynak: Herbert van de Sompel

16 Y.T. supporting protocol requests ListMetadataFormats ListMetadataFormats / Time / Request REPEAT Format prefix Format XML schema /REPEAT repositoryrepository service providerdata provider harvesterharvester Kaynak: Herbert van de Sompel

17 Y.T. harvesting requests * from=a * until=b * set=klm ListRecords * metadataPrefix=dc ListRecords / Time / Request REPEAT Identifier Datestamp Metadata /REPEAT repositoryrepository service providerdata provider harvesterharvester Kaynak: Herbert van de Sompel

18 Y.T. Applications of the OAMH protocol? federated services [S&R, SDI, alerting, linking,...] database synchronization harvesting the deep Web... Kaynak: Herbert van de Sompel

19 Y.T. OAI background  background in the e-prints (pre-prints) community  need to provide ‘search’ services across multiple e- prints archives  distributed cross-searching felt not to be appropriate  adopted approach based on metadata harvesting  OAI has been linked to political agenda that wants to change the academic publishing model, but... ...core activity is the OAI-MHP - the OAI Metadata Harvesting Protocol

20 Y.T.



23 static repository 1 static repository n http:// Kaynak: Lagoze,

24 Y.T. static repository 1 static repository n http:// static repository gateway / / Kaynak: Lagoze,

25 Y.T. static repository 1 static repository n http:// static repository gateway / / OAI-PMH harvester OAI-PMH HTTP Kaynak: Lagoze,

26 Y.T. The OAI-PMH data model Kaynak:

27 Y.T. Content transfer between archives using the OAI-PMH Kaynak:

28 Y.T. OAICat

29 Y.T. What’s in a name?  ‘open’ means that specs are freely available  may be some formal standards activity in the future  currently at version 2.0  ‘archive’ as in e-print archive - i.e. repository of documents  NOT ‘archive’ as used by the library and archival communities

30 Y.T. OAI-MHP  generic protocol for sharing metadata between services  NOT a distributed search protocol response Service providers Repositories request Databases of stuff - metadata and/or full-text. May be partitioned into ‘sets’.

31 Y.T. OAI-MHP  requests sent as HTTP GET  responses returned as XML over HTTP  OAI-MHP based on HTTP, XML, XML schemas, XML namespaces  6 requests –Identify, ListIdentifiers, ListRecords, GetRecord, ListMetadataFormats, ListSets  large responses may be split using simple ‘resumption token’ mechanism

32 Y.T. Harvesting metadata  service provider can ask repository for –all records –records in particular set –records modified in particular date span  metadata records returned using XML  support for arbitrary XML schemas  repositories MUST support ‘simple DC’ XML record format  some existing support for other schemas including an XML encoding for MARC

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