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ANDHRA PRADESH SLNA, Commissioner Rural Development Govt. of Andhra Pradesh

2 Project Cost (Rs in crores)
IWMP Sanctions to AP Batch IWMP Projects (Nos) Area (lakh ha) Project Cost (Rs in crores) I, II & III 454 19.61

3 Institutional Arrangements
CLNA of MoRD, GoI subject specialists & support staff SLNA of RD, AP DWDU (DWMA) Project Director & Addl.PDs (WS) DLRC PIA (PO/NGO) CLRC WCCs – TO (I&CB) Comp.Operator TOs (Agri/Horti, Civil) Watershed Committee (Watershed Assistant) Village Organizations SHGs UGs

4 Convergence with various programmes &
line departments MG-NREGS-AP SAPNET Forest Department NREDCAP Horticulture Department SSAAT NRSC/APSRAC NGOs Animal Husbandry Dept.

5 MG-NREGS Complete saturation mode based Detailed Project Reports with convergence plans for NREGS. Segregation of NRM based Projects for implementation by IWMP & MG-NREGS in IWMP villages. 12 Projects out of 22 Projects taken up by IWMP staff in IWMP villages Sharing of funds & staff between both the programmes based on the type projects executed as well as for Human Resource services Ground Water Recharge, Drainage Line Treatment, Afforestation, Common Property resources Projects Others – Flood control, Roads etc Land Development & Fodder Dev. Projects Dry Land Horticulture Land Dev. works Watershed Computer Centre Mandal Computer Centre Watershed Computer Centre Mandal Computer Centre Fodder NREGS FUNDS IWMP FUNDS NREGS Funds

6 MG-NREGS convergence strategy Shelf of works With NREGS fund IWMP Fund
With NREGS Staff With IWMP Staff With IWMP staff (Removed from NREGS software for IWMP villages to avoid duplication) Land Development & Soil Moisture conservation works for SC, ST, small & marginal farmers Dry Land Horticulture & Fodder Development works (Fodder Plots, nurseries, Silo pits etc) Works Category Works Type Drainage Line Treatment works Staggered trenches, Water Absorption Trench, Live checks, Sunken pits, Loose boulders, Rock fill dams etc Trench cum bund, Stone bund, Terracing on hill slopes, Compost pit etc Water Harvesting Structures Percolation tanks, Check dams, Farm ponds, Gabions, Sub surface dams, Repairs to existing water harvesting structures etc Afforestation works for all farmers Block plantation, Barren Hill Afforestation, Avenue, Bund plantation & Back yard plantation Common Property Resource development works Seed dibbling, Trenches, Fire tracing, Plantation, Cattle Proof trench etc

7 EQUITY WITH MG-NREGS Coverage of SC, ST small,& marginal farmers under NREGS Farmers other than SC, ST, small & marginal farmers are covered under IWMP Implementation of Production Systems improvements & livelihoods for asset less poor through Federation of women Self groups ( Village Organizations) Construction of water harvesting structures in all farmers lands

8 WITH MG-NREGS Execution of watershed works in EGS mode –
Maintaining Muster Rolls, estimates generation, fund flow mechanism etc Wage payment for watershed works through Post office / Bank accounts / Smart Card / Biometric payment system Application of common Rural SSR to Watershed & NREGS works.

9 WITH MG-NREGS Progress of NRM in AP I 2580.83 259.27 1837.05 4677.15
Amount Rs in Lakhs Batch IWMP fund with IWMP staff NREGS Fund with IWMP staff NREGS Fund with NREGS staff Total (IWMP + EGS) I 259.27 II 215.8 13.64 Total 272.91

10 With NREGS Fund & NREGS staff
WITH MG-NREGS Land Development & Soil Moisture conservation measures – In convergence with NREGS - Trench cum bund, Stone bund,, Terracing on hill slopes,, Compost pit etc Batch With NREGS Fund & NREGS staff Expenditure in Lakhs I II Total

11 Dry Land Horticulture works with Convergence
WITH MG-NREGS Dry Land Horticulture works with Convergence Batch With NREGS Fund Area in Ha Estt Amount in Lakhs I 3196. 251.54 II 161. 8.83 Total 3357 260.37 Note : An area of 2369 ha with an estimate cost of Rs lakhs is taken up with IWMP fund

12 Fodder Development works with Convergence
WITH MG-NREGS Fodder Development works with Convergence Batch With NREGS Fund No Estt Amount in lakhs I 281 7.74 II 191 4.81 Total 472 12.55 Note : 297 ha with an estt cost of Rs lakhs is covered with IWMP fund

13 WITH MG-NREGS Customization & application of NREGS transaction based software model for IWMP Fund flow mechanism through Electronic Fund Management System (eFMS) Software based execution of IWMP interventions issues job cards, maintains shelf of projects, generates estimates, issues work commencement letters, updates muster rolls and generates pay orders. Direct payments to Wage seekers/suppliers through Banks/Post office Web based Management Information Systems (MIS) Services of TATA Consultancy Services for both IWMP & NREGS

14 RTGS/ NEFT Payments through Electronic Fund management Systems Portal
Internal transactions performed Bank Ref. Nos. Bank A RTGS/NEFT Transactions Bank B Nodal Bank Server FTO response files through SFTP FTO files through SFTP PO Reconciliation reports Statements Project wise Fund wise Utilization Electronic Transfer of payments Portal NREGS Central Server FTOs info NGOs Suppliers Wage Seekers FTOs info. FTOs info. Payments through Electronic Fund management Systems District Package NGO-WCCs WCCs 14

Forest Dept Best Practice adopted from MG-NREGS Strategy & action plan for application of Social Audit Process is prepared Trail testing completed in Anathapur and organized SA Forum Expansion to all Watersheds Technical and social mobilization trainings for Village Social Auditor (VSAs). Facilitation charges to SSAAT for Human resource and Capacity building Corrective action by involving stakeholders in a shared decision making process in order to strengthen the implementation of the programme.

Forest Dept Mapping of actual catchment areas falling under Reserve Forest areas using GIS Treatment of Reserve Forest Area falling in IWMP project area through Forest Dept. Funds for treatment of Forest Areas shall be allocated from MG-NRES Convergence meetings arranged at district level for delineation of areas and action plan preparation Capacity Building to VSS members on IWMP Tie up with AH interventions Barren Hill Afforestation, Block Plantation & CCT are major interventions proposed

Forest Dept Supply of good quality Horticulture plants Supply of Mini Kits under PSI Objective: To provide good & healthy food for the villagers with focus to women folk & BPL families Strategy: Vegetable mini kits with coverage of 200 Sq mt with 5 fruit plants Preferably land less destitute women, SCs, STs & BPL families shall be given each mini kit

Salient features: Identification of poorest of the poor (PoP) and poor at village level Coverage of poor & PoP under Self Help Groups (SHGs) Preparation of Livelihood Action Plans and approval by Village Organization & Watershed Committee Financial assistance on credit basis to individuals through SHGs Customization and application of software based MIS of SERP Facilitation through Livelihood Activist (LA) positioned at watershed level Organizing required training programmes Convergence with other schemes/ bilateral agencies through SERP for ensuring more benefits for targeted PoP households. Status: An amount of Rs lakhs is planned for release during against which already released Rs lakhs. Partnership with Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP) implementing NRLM for implementation of Livelihoods for Asset less component through Women Federations

19 NADEP Compost pits (@10 per village )
WITH SERP – CMSA FOR PSI (Community Management of Sustainable Agriculture) objectives: To switch-over to organic agriculture in all Watershed villages To double the income of the farmers Coverage: 1,100 villages in IWMP & WSs Strategy: Implementation through Village organizations Name of work No of units identified No of units grounded NADEP Compost pits per village ) 4856 1791 Kitchen gardens 18951 6950 NPM shops 465 390 Custom hiring centres 334 117

Implementation through Village Organizations Community based PSI interventions Individual Based PSI Interventions (on 50% contribution) Animal & sheep Health Camps, Infertility Camps, Supply of Trevices, Electronic Milk Testing Machines and Castrators Supply of feed to Milch Animals Mineral Mixture to Milch animals Breeding Rams Supply Backyard Poultry Units of 10 birds

21 WITH SAPNET Mass coverage CB initiative for capacity building of Primary & Secondary level target groups through MANA TV Programmes held on every 1st &3rd Thursday in a month telecasted by Society for Andhra Pradesh Network (SAPNET)

22 WITH AMR-APARD Executed agreement with AMR-APARD as Nodal Agency for Capacity Building support at state level Initiatives: Conducting TNA Workshops Development of Training Material Development of IEC material – films, Posters Providing Field kits to Field Functionaries Organizing state level trainings

23 WITH NREDCAP Forest Dept Installation of Solar street lights in 2-3 IWMP Projects in each district under Entry Point Activity.

Under Entry Point Activity, Reverse Osmosis (Water purification) plants are taken up in convergence with RWS Community is contributing 20% cost of the Project for taking up the activity in their villages adding to WDF

25 WITH APSRAC & NRSC Forest Dept Andhra Pradesh State Remote Sensing Application Centre (APSRAC) is providing thematic layers for IWMP projects Spatial data is being provided by National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC)

26 WITH NGOs As Resource Organizations for support in
preparation of Detailed project Reports of IWMP Capacity Building initiatives – Material Development, trainings etc As Project Implementing Agencies – 28 NGOs allotted 59 Projects till Batch III MoUs executed between DWMA & NGO-PIAs Established 48 WCCs, positioned staff, organized trainings, initiated grounding of works under & projects and preparatory activities under projects are under progress. Funds releases towards Administration, I& CB and DPR preparation through DWMAs AP NGO Alliance (APNA) :To organize the rural poor to demand their rights under the MGNREGA & IWMP , APNA has been formed with 310 NGOs.

27 Thank You

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