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Brownfield Grants 101 Jason Seyler VCRA / CALA / Brownfields Coordinator Department of Environmental Quality Remediation Division P.O. Box 200901 Helena,

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Presentation on theme: "Brownfield Grants 101 Jason Seyler VCRA / CALA / Brownfields Coordinator Department of Environmental Quality Remediation Division P.O. Box 200901 Helena,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Brownfield Grants 101 Jason Seyler VCRA / CALA / Brownfields Coordinator Department of Environmental Quality Remediation Division P.O. Box 200901 Helena, MT 59620-0901 - 406-841-5071 -

2 What is a Brownfield? “real property, expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant or contaminant”

3 What is not a Brownfields Sites listed or proposed for listing on the National Priorities List (Federal Superfund) Sites subject to unilateral administrative orders, court orders, administrative orders on consent or judicial consent decrees issued to or entered into by parties under CERCLA Sites that are subject to the jurisdiction, custody or control of the United States Government

4 So you’ve identified a Brownfields now what???

5 What tools are available to help you redevelop a local brownfields site? Montana Brownfields Assessments from Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Targeted Brownfields Assessments from Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Assessment, Cleanup, Revolving Loan Fund and Job Training Grants from EPA Assistance with EPA Brownfields Grant Applications from DEQ

6 Targeted Brownfield Assessments From DEQ and EPA May encompass one or more of the following: –Phase I assessment – researching and compiling a history of the site to find out what potential contamination may be at the site who may be liable for the contamination –Phase II assessment – actual sampling of soil, groundwater, surface water or other contaminated media –Establishment of Cleanup Options

7 Targeted Brownfield Assessments From DEQ and EPA They’re easy!!!! –Open application –You don’t have to own the site –DEQ or EPA hires the consultant –Consultant does the work –You get a final report – which could help transition into the VCP process –Available to nonprofits DEQ has limited funds; however… EPA has stimulus funds still available!!!

8 Kalispell Feed and Grain Flathead County

9 Targeted Brownfield Assessments From DEQ and EPA How Do I apply? –Contact the Brownfield coordinator DEQ: Jason Seyler, Amy Steinmetz, Becky Holmes EPA: Bill Rothenmeyer (303-312-6045) and Stephanie Wallace (406-457-5018) –Fill out an application

10 EPA Job Training Grants Grants to train people for jobs in the environmental field –up to $200,000 over two years –Examples include: HAZWOPER, Asbestos, Lead Abatement, etc...

11 EPA Assessment Grants Grants to assess extent of contamination –Community wide or Site Specific –Phase I, Phase II or establishment of cleanup options –$200,000 (can be increased to $350,000) over three years –Can be used for a VCP –Applications due in early Fall

12 EPA Cleanup Grants Grants to clean up property so it can be redeveloped or reused –Must own property –Maximum $200,000 per site over three years –Can be used to implement the Remediation Proposal (RP) VCP –Requires a 20 percent cost share (hardship waivers are available) –Applications due in early Fall

13 Former Petroleum Refinery Shelby

14 EPA Revolving Loan Fund Grants Grants to loan and grant money to entities cleaning up Brownfields property –Up to $1 million over 5 years –Provides low interest loans and/or subgrants –Can provide an ongoing source of capital within a community

15 Eligibility Type of ApplicantTBAJob TrainingAssessmentCleanupRLF Local governmentsXXXXX Land clearance authority or other quasi-governmental entity that operates under the supervision and control of, or as an agent of local government XXXXX Government entity created by state legislatureXXXXX Regional councilsXXXXX Redevelopment agencies sanctioned by the State of MontanaXXXXX The State of MontanaXXXXX Indian tribesXXXXX Nonprofit organizationsXX X

16 “Ideal Scenario” Identify a Brownfields property Assess site using either a TBA and/or Assessment grant resulting in an approved EA-VCP and RP-VCP Cleanup site using RLF or Cleanup grant by following an approved RP-VCP Site delisted and ready for redevelopment

17 Resources Give us a call: –DEQ: Jason, Amy, and Becky –EPA: Stephanie Brownfields Listserve: – Websites: – –

18 Questions?

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