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Published byPaulina Berringer Modified over 9 years ago
GIRFEC The Way Forward Part A – Autumn 2013
Learning Intentions By the end of this session you will have:
an understanding of the legislative context of GIRFEC an understanding of the revised Continuum of Support an operational understanding of how the new processes fit within the CoS an action plan to support implementation of the new approach in your school Awareness of e-learning tool for all staff
Why GIRFEC? 2006 Scottish Executive introduced the GIRFEC approach
Subsequent policies encompass GIRFEC including: The Early Years Framework Curriculum for Excellence We Can and Must do Better Equally Well Children and Young Person Bill
Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill
Proposed GIRFEC duties: Local Authority Children Service Plans Agreed definition of wellbeing (SHANARRI) Named Person Role Single Child’s Planning Process Statutory duties to share information Children’s services plans
Reminder of the Principles of GIRFEC
Promoting the wellbeing of individual children and young people Intervening early in the process to facilitate positive change Keeping children and young people safe Putting children at the centre Building on strengths and promoting resilience Working in partnership with families Respecting confidentiality and sharing information Making the most of bringing together each worker’s expertise a move towards early intervention and supporting planning to create consistency of planning and recording at the early stages importance of consistently recording decision making for all pupils with additional needs aim to streamline processes: work towards the Assessment of Wellbeing form being the referral form for all additional support service teams ultimately it is a legislative requirement (Named Person, chronologies, reporting on children’s progress using wellbeing indicators)
Could GIRFEC have made a difference?
“The essence of GIRFEC, is that an integrated approach should be taken towards the wellbeing of children. It includes a proposal that every child should have a “named person”, to act as a conduit for any concerns about the child’s wellbeing and to address them, either by helping parents access additional support or, if the child is deemed to be at risk, by getting other agencies or social services involved. Every time another child dies at the hands of their carers, the cry goes up: “Never again”. Imagine if that promise – made and broken so many times – could one day be delivered on.”
Information Commissioner Statement
“While it is important to protect the rights of individuals, it is equally important to ensure that children are protected from risk of harm.” “If there is any doubt about the wellbeing of a child, the Data Protection Act should not be viewed as a barrier to proportionate sharing.” Ken Macdonald, Assistant Information Commissioner for Scotland & Northern Ireland
5 Key GIRFEC Questions What is getting in the way of this child or young person's well-being? Do I have all the information I need to help this child or young person? What can I do now to help this child or young person? What can my agency do to help this child or young person? What additional help, if any, may be needed from others? 5 Key Questions lie at the core of the Planning Meeting and should be considered by all attending the meeting to inform planning for the child / young person. These questions must always be underpinned by listening carefully to what children and families have to say. These Key Questions are for each person attending meeting AND for facilitator to guide pulling together/making sense of information from all attendees.
SHANARRI SHANARRI Well-being Wheel lies at the centre of planning for children and young people (and staff) in schools. The 8 well-being indicators provides a framework for the gathering and assimilating of information to inform planning. We will introduce a framework for applying SO Meetings to single agency and multi-agency meetings in schools. This is used to pull together assessment information for child’s plan.
Different people may gather different aspects of information in My World Triangle.
Should focus on Key Issues for child/YP and those areas that we need further information. We should ensure that, as a minimum, we gather information from: - child/YP, family, school - other agencies as required
My World Triangle Main tool for assessing a child’s current circumstances Identifies strengths and pressures in all aspects of a child’s life Introduces a mental map Helps practitioners explore a child’s experience Identify needs and risks to a child’s wellbeing This can be used as the main framework for who gathers which information in relation to this child or young person.
Resiliency Matrix for Analysing Information
Resilience Normal development under difficult conditions e.g. secure attachment, outgoing temperament, sociability, problem solving skills Protective Environment Factors in the child’s environment acting as buffer to the negative effects of adverse experience Adversity Life events or circumstances posing a threat to healthy development e.g. loss, abuse, neglect Can relate this to our 4x sheets of Flipchart on wall for recording of Meeting by scribe: Risk Factors/ pressures Protective Factors Goals Plan (What...who...when) actions to improve protective factors and reduce risks Vulnerability Resilience Adversity Protective Factors Description of this on next slide Vulnerability Those characteristics of a child, their family circle and wider community which might threaten or challenge healthy development e.g. disability, racism, lack of or poor attachment Daniel, B. and Wassell, S. (2002) Assessing and Promoting Resilience in Vulnerable Children
Resiliency Matrix Information may already be gathered around My World Triangle along with more specialist information For some children, can be used simply as a mind map to make sense of information and to plan next steps. For children who are experiencing more complex difficulty, strengths and pressures experienced by the child can be plotted on blank Resiliency Matrix
The National Practice Model
Key Roles – Named Person
The legislation will ensure that all children and young people from birth up to the age of 18 have access to a Named Person pre-birth to 10 days: the midwife 11 days to school entry the health visitor P1 to P the head teacher S1 to S the head teacher S4-S6 (not in school) to be decided
Key Roles – Named Person
Main point of contact for a family Involve families in decision making Record concerns that are raised Use the GIRFEC framework to assess the needs of the child and plan for meeting needs Be responsible for the implementation of a single agency plan Ensure information is shared with the right people at the right time Contribute to planning for children who need extra help at key transition points. The role of the Named Person should be no more than they currently do in the course of their work.
Key Roles – Lead Professional
Act as the main point of contact for the child and family and relevant practitioners in relation to the Child’s Plan Ensure the Child’s Plan is accurate and up-to-date, implemented and reviewed Support the child and family to understand what is happening, ensure their views and wishes are heard and involve them in decisions that affect them Make sure the child is supported through key transition points and ensure a careful and planned transfer of responsibility especially when another practitioner becomes the Lead Professional and/or responsibility reverts to the role of the Named Person.
Single Child’s Plan One plan, to be used by a single agency or several agencies working together to support the child. As Getting it Right for Every Child is being implemented nationally, the Child’s Plan Meeting will streamline the functions of existing forums, such as Looked After Children Reviews, Child Protection Case Conferences, reviews of children’s health and Co-ordinated Support Plan reviews. The format and attendees of the Child’s Plan Meeting will reflect the complexity of the child’s needs and circumstances. The Child’s Plan is co-ordinated by the/a Lead Professional.
questions? GIRFEC in West Lothian
Planning Pathways Overview
Level 1 CoS: Named Person Responsibilities
Wellbeing Concerns process Main point of contact for the family / public and other professionals regarding the child Wellbeing Concerns Form to be used to record concerns and to plan for further action Points to consider: How will this be used in our school/agency? How could it be used to record plans that already take place? eg. IEP consideration, SfL discussions, decisions about within school additional support
Wellbeing Concern Form
Level 2 CoS: Named Person responsibilities
Assessment of Wellbeing process The Assessment of Wellbeing form is the start of the Single Child’s Planning process and is part of the Single Child’s Plan. Designed to support the Named Person in taking decisions about further action Proforma is a place to record all information about an individual child Proforma aids decision making process for the Named Person Propose that process is implemented initially for all children for whom it is appropriate in Nursery, Primary 7, current S1 and any children currently at Level 3 of CoS. Ultimately, this requires to be in place for all pupils. Points to consider: How can we plan to implement this for the pupils as outlined above? How can it support processes already in place in our school? How could this be used in within my agency setting?
Assessment of Wellbeing form
Chronologies “Chronologies have become one of the most talked about and least understood tools in modern social care practice” SWIA Practice Guide Chronology’s 2010 A chronology itself is not an assessment but it may highlight a need for assessment of a need for additional action. This is a quote from the Social Work Inspection Agency who are now part of the Care Inspectorate responsible for the joint Inspection of services provided to children and families. SWIA inspectors formed this view having looked at how chronologies were being developed and used in practice across Scotland in recent years. In some cases the “significant event” may be obvious at the time but in others only becomes apparent when looking back (case review) in the context of other changes or circumstances or in discussion with colleagues / family members. 23/01/12 Version 2 25 25
Definition of a Chronology
A chronology is a factual record of a significant event or change in circumstances (either progress or concern) that impacts on the child’s safety, welfare and / or development. It is a tool to be used in partnership with children, young people, parents, carers and practitioners so that everyone can understand and respond to the unique circumstances and experience of each individual child or young person and the impact on their lives. 23/01/12 Version 2 26
Core elements of a Chronology
Key dates of birth, life events, moves etc Transitions, life changes Key professional interventions, reviews, hearings etc Facts Brief note of an event and reason for its significance Source of information The actions which were taken, including no action Much of the research on the need to capture the impact of significant events on children and young peoples lives comes from significant case reviews on children who have experienced or been exposed to significant harm. There are common themes which arise from these reports e.g. there is always more relevant information available than is shared across services, gathering together large amounts of information is not an assessment. Sharing information does not constitute a CP plan. Professionals must take the next step to state why they attach significance to some issues and not others – Eilean Siar report 2005. The chronology is a tool which aids assessment and analysis. Following Scottish government guidelines a chronology should be about the significant events in a child’s life. Not a record of all communications with the child or parents. However for us in Education it would be useful for us to keep one record of all contacts etc A further development would be the addition of a code that clearly states the level of significance. This would allow us to print reports relevant to the need i.e. CP meetings etc The next slides cover the core records and how they might be recorded. A key message is that a significant event may be one that is: Clear at the time, eg break up of parents. May be one that hindsight tells us is a key event. (the first day of a period of prolonged non-attendance) or additional information is required before we know that there is a significant event (there have been 5 days where the child has appeared with no dinner money and another child reports that the child is hungry). Chronology entries should be factual and describe the action taken at the time It should be shared with the child and family – transparent approach and check for accuracy. The key purpose is early indication of an emerging pattern of progress or concern. 27
Chronology Format Date of Event Detail of Event Action Taken Outcome Wellbeing indicator Code Brief description of the event, including the name of reporter A description of the event and any actions taken A description of any outcomes from the action taken The most relevant SHANARRI indicator (Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Respected, Responsible, Included) Each recorded chronology item should be appropriately graded for significance. This slide shows the format for recording significant events Same form for single agency and an integrated chronology.
Chronologies responsibility of Named Person
helps to keep track of children’s situation allows for a historical perspective on circumstances and may suggest needs Keeping the chronology up to date is the responsibility of the named person but this is also reliant on colleagues passing information to the named person. As such ALL staff have a responsibility to be alert to significant events and to pass this information to the names person. I would envisage admin support to physically update the chronologies and we have requested increased resource for this. For the pilot we would appreciate the chronology to be completed to include, where possible, historical events.
Level 2/3 CoS: Named Person / Lead Professional
Child’s Planning Meetings Aim to streamline the process for schools and children/families Importance of pre-meeting preparation Strengths based approach (training to follow) Clearer recording and action planning process Decision about whether a Lead Professional is required should be considered at the meeting
Pre-Meeting preparation (professionals)
Pre-Meeting Preparation (Ch&YP)
Child’s Planning Meeting
Child’s Planning Meeting
Continuum of Support Level 4: SORG
Presumption of Mainstream Remit of SORG (regular & transition) SORG referrals and feedback
Overview of Support Educational Psychology Service IT Support Autism Outreach Service Primary Behaviour Outreach Secondary Behaviour Outreach Dyslexia ADHD Outreach Hearing Impaired Service English as an Additional Language Home and Hospital Outreach Language Outreach Access Services Child Protection Officer Looked After Children Outreach Pre-School Home Teaching Service Music Therapy Community Child Health Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Occupational Therapy Speech and Language Therapy Physiotherapy Social Policy Children and Disabilities Team Criminal Justice Children and Young People’s Team Reporter to the Children’s Panel Community Policing
E-Learning Tool Background
Lothian and Borders comprising of Edinburgh City Council, Midlothian Council, East Lothian Council, West Lothian Council, Scottish Borders Council, NHS Lothian & NHS Borders have all worked together to produce a foundation level interactive E- Learning module to increase knowledge and understanding of GIRFEC. Expectations All council staff will access and complete. All other agencies will have access and complete, including the voluntary sector.
INTRODUCTION Lothian Borders comprising of Edinburgh City Council, Midlothian Council, East Lothian Council, West Lothian Council, Scottish Borders Council, NHS Lothian & NHS Borders recognised the importance of a commonality of approach in the implementation of GIRFEC and have worked together to produce a foundation level interactive E- Learning Module. This PDF version is a condensed version of the E-Learning module which contains more detail in its interactive elements. TABLE OF CONTENTS AIMS & LEARNING OBJECTIVES INTRODUCTION THE GETTING IT RIGHT APPROACH VIEWS OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE NATIONAL PRIORITIES THE 5 KEY QUESTIONS TO GETTING IT RIGHT FOR EVERY CHILD THE NAMED PERSON THE LEAD PROFESSIONAL THE NATIONAL PRACTICE MODEL SINGLE PLANNING PROCESS MANAGING CONCERNS, RISKS AND INFORMATION SHARING CHRONOLOGY SUMMARY ASSESSMENT & RESOURCES
Action Plan and next steps
What do we need to do now to: embed the roles of the Named Person and Lead professional within our school / setting? implement the Wellbeing Concerns process? implement the Assessment of Wellbeing Process? bring our school’s approach to chronologies in line with GIRFEC guidance?
Follow Up Support ASN Team SORG – Alison Raeburn
Chronologies – Alan Millar Child’s Planning Meetings – Jennyfer McNiven School EP (process and meetings) What support would you need to communicate the GIRFEC guidance with staff? E-Learning Tool for all staff
Accessing the Documents
Edweb: ASN section
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