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Hello. Intro 1. What is Sound Art? 2. What is Sound? 3. Sound Art examples 4. Is it Sound Art? 5. Acoustic Ecology 6. Concepts and Themes 7. Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Hello. Intro 1. What is Sound Art? 2. What is Sound? 3. Sound Art examples 4. Is it Sound Art? 5. Acoustic Ecology 6. Concepts and Themes 7. Questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello

2 Intro 1. What is Sound Art? 2. What is Sound? 3. Sound Art examples 4. Is it Sound Art? 5. Acoustic Ecology 6. Concepts and Themes 7. Questions

3 What is Sound Art? Labelle Wishart Neuhaus Varese, Cage and Musique Concrète

4 “Sound art as a practice harnesses, describes, analyses, performs, and interrogates the condition of sound and the processes by which it operates.” - Brandon LaBelle, 2006 Background Noise

5 “Wherever we are, what we hear is mostly noise. When we ignore it, it disturbs us. When we listen to it, we find it fascinating.” - John Cage, 1961

6 “'Sound Art' seems to be a category which can include anything which has or makes sound and even, in some cases, things which don't.” - Max Neuhaus, 2000 “ When faced with musical conservatism at the beginning of the last century, the composer Edgard Varese responded by proposing to broaden the definition of music to include all organized sound. John Cage went further and included silence. Now even in the aftermath of the timid 'forever Mozart decades' in music, our response surely cannot be to put our heads in the sand and call what is essentially new music something else – 'Sound Art'. ” - Max Neuhaus, 2000

7 “...Sonic Art includes music and electro-acoustic music... it will cross over into areas which have been categorised distinctly as Text-Sound and as 'sound effects'...focus will be upon the structure and structuring of sounds themselves... encompass the arts of organising sound events in time.” - Trevor Wishart, 1985 On Sonic Art

8 What is Sound? Wave Fluid Emanates Propagates Communicates Vibrates agitates Acoustic Water Dance More Water Sound...

9 mksound german – lots of great sound art examples and fun to boot!examples Edo Paulus – Sound artist Max Neuhaus Sound for Concave Surfaces Paul De Marinis Sound Art umbrella speaker Jon Pigott The Sonic Marble Run Kal Spelletich The Cuddler

10 More Sound Art... Steve Heimbecker many speakers Yasunao Tone speaker chair dude – LaBelle Robin Minard

11 Is it Sound Art? Golan Levin Sound Toys John Cage Norman McLaren Telephone Bruce Cannon Found Instruments Robert Minden Ensemble Laurens van der Wee No Sine Cure Hydraulophone

12 Kitz Beach Soundwalk Hildegard Westerkamp Acoustic Ecology R. Murray Schafer World Forum for Acoustic Ecology World Soundscape Project

13 Cage – Acoustic Ecology – Musique Concrète – electroacoustics – noise – physical the world of everyday sounds become material for artists Duchamps conceptualism abstraction Picasso

14 themes filtering transplanting recording physical transformation “Ubersound” mapping space

15 space quote “We are all familiar with the visual effect of painting the walls of a space with a dark colour. Here the space seems to close inward... I would draw a parallel in working with sound. Experience has shown that different types of sounds, when broadcast homogeneously within a space, may cause that space to appear open and voluminous or close and intimate.” -- Robin Minard, 2008

16 Q uestions? sound art experiences to share? thoughts?

17 Who is me?

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