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A Training Module for SCCCC employees. 1.OVERVIEW OF PDM HISTORY………………………………….….. 10 mins 2. OVERVIEW OF PDM ……………………………………………….. 30 mins 3. BREAK………………………………………………………………….

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Presentation on theme: "A Training Module for SCCCC employees. 1.OVERVIEW OF PDM HISTORY………………………………….….. 10 mins 2. OVERVIEW OF PDM ……………………………………………….. 30 mins 3. BREAK…………………………………………………………………."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Training Module for SCCCC employees

2 1.OVERVIEW OF PDM HISTORY………………………………….….. 10 mins 2. OVERVIEW OF PDM ……………………………………………….. 30 mins 3. BREAK…………………………………………………………………. 10 mins 4.QUESTIONS……………………………………….…………………… 10 mins

3 SCCCC’s commitment to PDM is supported by the notion that participative practices lead to better organizational productivity, encourage innovation, and empower all employees as problem solvers. It also strengthens the role of leaders who facilitate progress rather than dominate the organization.

4 Mission Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center builds on the strength of people working together to create healthy change in their lives and community. We deliver quality human services guided by the values of diversity, partnership, and the power of workplace democracy.

5 Throughout our history there have been long and impassioned conversations about “democracy.” What does it mean in our agency? How is it practiced in our everyday work lives? What we have ended up embracing is this: PDM and an affirmative work environment comprise our version of “democracy.” These two practices describe our collective life in a workplace we can shape. In its most basic form, democracy is the simple act of recognizing our interconnectedness, listening to and considering other’s ideas and perspectives, accepting compromise, and agreeing on what the majority believes is in the best interest of all.


7 Board of Trustees Personnel Committee Leadership Council Component Decision-Making Guides (Trees) PUTTING THEORY INTO PRACTICE

8 Board of Trustees The Counseling Center is governed by a Board of Trustees committed to the agency’s mission. The Board is comprised of two types of members: Community Members and Staff Advisors. Up to thirteen Community Members can serve; five members are nominated by the individual components and eight are directly nominated by the Board as at-large members. Members are a diverse group with representatives from funding and referral agencies, the business community, clients and client advocates, and community residents. Staff Advisors are elected by their component staff to a two- year term as the staff representative to the Board of Trustees. The Staff Advisor is responsible for keeping the Board informed about component news and issues, keeping staff informed about the work of the Board, and attending Board and Committee meetings. The Staff Advisor collaborates with the component PC Representative in educating staff about proposed personnel policy changes and assists in obtaining staff feedback.

9 Personnel Committee The Personnel Committee is comprised of staff elected from each of the four components—Youth Services, Community Recovery Services, Child and Family Development Services, and Community Support Services— as well as Admin Services, SCCCC’s administrative unit. Each these components has one vote. The Personnel Committee Representative is empowered to decide the voting mechanism (representative or referendum) to be used to decide a particular issue, educating staff about personnel proposals, and receiving and considering their feedback. The PC assigns a Representative to attend Leadership Council meetings to report on PC issues and present items requiring LC’s vote. A Rep is also assigned to attend Board of Trustees Meetings to provide a report on PC business. In the event of an impasse between LC and PC, PC can vote to send an issue to the Board of Trustees. Personnel Committee Mission Statement To advocate for and express the wishes of staff regarding policy; to mediate and vote for staff’s interests through the Participatory Decision Making process.

10 Leadership Council Leadership Council is composed of four Component Directors and the Executive Director. The Leadership Council votes on issues referred by the Personnel Committee or the Board of Trustees, and may also introduce proposals for PDM. The LC may vote to send a proposal to the Board if there is an impasse with PC. Component Decision-Making Guides or Trees describe operational decision-making or the “everyday” part of PDM. These include: types of operational decisions to be made, levels of inclusion that may be required to make each decision, who makes the final decision, and when voting is required, quorum agreements, impasse breakers, and other such rules are established.

11 PDM Policy Decisions PDM is used to make such policy decisions as: Rate of mileage reimbursement Establishing a time bank Exchanging holidays (Columbus Day for Cesar Chavez Day) Change of eligibility for benefits from.5 FTE to.75 FTE Bilingual pay policy Health benefits decision

12 PDM Operational Decisions PDM is used to make operational decisions at the component level such as: PDM rules for component COLA implementation date Clinical decisions Programmatic changes

13 1. Decision-Making Voting process---2 types of decision-making: Referendum & Representative Empowered Personnel Committee Representatives Education Health Carrier Decision COLA Contribution Ad Hoc Committees Component Decision-Making Guides Major Features:

14 VOTING PROCESS Policy Starts Author, PC Rep and HR meet to discuss wording of policy Preliminary fiscal and legal analysis 1 2 PC Meeting Feedback; Only Author can change proposal or not. PC votes to move proposal on or not. PC Rep informs LC/ Final analysis (HR) 3 PC takes issue to staff for education/ information via email, printed info, straw poll, etc. Either LC or PC can request a joint meeting. Only author can change proposal. Joint straw poll on proposed changes to proposal conducted for feedback purposes. PC Reps can decide whether to or not to take changed proposal back to staff 4 PC Meeting (rep. or ref.) Referendum Vote* + (60%) PC Votes (if Rep) Leadership Council Vote Impasse process: either LC or PC can vote to send an issue to the Board with a vote of 80% of voting members if there is an impasse between LC and PC in either the referendum or representative process Board of Trustees Vote *LC members (ED & Directors) do not vote in referendum vote. + Clarify that referendum vote is not the final vote—LC votes too. 5

15 1. Decision-Making Month-long process; component-specific to reach staff PC utilizes email, printed materials, site visits, the SCCCC web site, and all staff meetings to educate and inform staff about policy proposals PC uses all of the above methods to gather feedback from staff on policy proposals Education

16 1. Decision-Making Health Carrier Decision COLA Contribution Ad Hoc Committees Additional Decision-Making Processes

17 2. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL Manual divided into 3 sections: PDM-defined Policies Legal Policies Administrative Policies

18 PDM Defined Policies… are those policies in which the Personnel Committee and/or staff use the PDM process to propose changes and make decisions. address employee compensation, benefits, working conditions and guidelines.

19 The Legal Policies section is comprised of those policies that must meet legal requirements, but can be enhanced via staff proposals. The HR Department regularly updates policies in this section to ensure compliance with State and Federal law.

20 The Administrative/ Introductory Section contains descriptions of the agency’s history and current services. It also contains policies that are not primarily legally-based and do not affect employee compensation, benefits, working conditions and guidelines.

21 All Sections of the Policies and Procedures Manual In order to keep the Policies and Procedures Manual current, edits to names, dates, agency tag lines, grammatical errors and typos can be corrected by the Operations Director (or designee) in any of the 3 sections.


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