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Il sistema di HV del sottorivelatore DT S. Braibant, P. Giacomelli, M. Giunta, E. Borsato Bologna, 20/01/2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Il sistema di HV del sottorivelatore DT S. Braibant, P. Giacomelli, M. Giunta, E. Borsato Bologna, 20/01/2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Il sistema di HV del sottorivelatore DT S. Braibant, P. Giacomelli, M. Giunta, E. Borsato Bologna, 20/01/2007

2 20/11/2007Il sistema di HV delle camere DT2 DT HV electrodes

3 20/11/2007Il sistema di HV delle camere DT3 HV layout 1 chamber Inside SY1527 A876 A877

4 20/11/2007Il sistema di HV delle camere DT4 HV layout 1 macrochannel= 1 layer = 4 HV channels

5 20/11/2007Il sistema di HV delle camere DT5 HV Hardware setup Global HV+ Global HV- LV A877  powers 1 DTA876 HV THETA HV PHI1 HV PHI2 MacroChannels (Set ON/OFF, RuP,…) HV LAYER1 OutputChannels (Set V0, i0…) Wires1 Wires0 Cathodes Strips >100 m

6 20/11/2007Il sistema di HV delle camere DT6 HV layout

7 20/11/2007Il sistema di HV delle camere DT7 HV modules 10 SY1527 (8 used by HV, 1 by LV, 1 spare) 65 A876 (60 used, 5 spares) 250+10 A877 (190+10 with 3 connectors, 60 with 2) (240 modules used, 10+10 A877/3 spares) Apart from 5 A876, all modules have been received at CERN All modules have been tested

8 20/11/2007Il sistema di HV delle camere DT8 HV modules A876  60/60 modules received (77 produced by CAEN) 3 showed problems and have already been repaired (for 2 of those CAEN did not observe anything wrong) A877  With 2 connectors 60/60 received (63 produced by CAEN) Sent back to CAEN 12, on 7 nothing wrong found, on the remaining 5 some electronics faults were found (active components changed, hv cable disconnected, calibration redone, etc.). Repaired.  With 3 connectors 190/190 received 35 (!!) have been sent to CAEN to be repaired. On 15 modules nothing wrong found, on the other 20 found electronics problems (active components changed, hv cable disconnected, calibration redone, etc.). Repaired. Still at CAEN 4 A877

9 20/11/2007Il sistema di HV delle camere DT9 HV slow controls software Slow controls software is based on the SCADA environment PVSS. We have the largest slow controls system in operation at CERN with more than 15000 channels to control and monitor. When all channels will be operated together we will have 6 dedicated PCs to run the software as a distributed environment. Our slow controls system can be operated as stand alone or connected to the central CMS DCS.

10 20/11/2007Il sistema di HV delle camere DT10 DT HV System HV System HV Wheel-2HV Wheel+2HV Wheel-1 ………. HV MB1HV MB4 …….. HV Chamber 1HV Chamber 14 …….. HV SL 1HV SL 2HV SL 3 HV L1HV L2HV L4HV L3 IBeamsWires 1 Strips Wires 0 DUs CUs

11 20/11/2007Il sistema di HV delle camere DT11 HV DUs & CUs 3 types of DUs:  FwCaenChannelWires  FwCaenChannelStrips  FwCaenChannelIBeams States based on dpe actual.status & actual.vMon CUs:  HVLayerNode States: ON, OFF, RAMP_UP, RAMP_DOWN, OVERCURRENT, WARNING, TRIPPED, ERROR, ……  HVSLNode (“Translator” node type) States: PHYSICS, READY, NOT_READY, WARNING, ERROR, ……  HVGenericNode (for Chamber, Station and Wheel level?) States: PHYSICS, READY, NOT_READY, WARNING, ERROR, ……

12 DT Interactive UI (by R. Gomez-Reino Garrido) Java ActiveX based User Interface Reads geometry descriptions from EMDB Completely interactive Good for error tracking and correlation Easy integration into the supervisor FEATURES: FOR DEVELOPERS: Easy to use from PVSS Functions providing full control of the detector 3D panels. Create labels Create behaviors Automatically move the view and rotation points.

13 20/11/2007Il sistema di HV delle camere DT13 Example

14 20/11/2007Il sistema di HV delle camere DT14 Included functionalities (I) Monitoring, settings, FsMs trees,… Java Interface (R. Gomez-Reino)

15 20/11/2007Il sistema di HV delle camere DT15 Included functionalities (II) Connection to Oracle Configuration Db

16 20/11/2007Il sistema di HV delle camere DT16 Included functionalities (III) Connection to Oracle Condition Db

17 20/11/2007Il sistema di HV delle camere DT17

18 20/11/2007Il sistema di HV delle camere DT18

19 20/11/2007Il sistema di HV delle camere DT19 Procedures implemented Ramp up (single layer) in 4 steps:  3(1) intermediate state for Wires(Strips and I-Beams) Ramp down in 2 steps  1 intermediate state for Wires Recover from Trip:  Switch off the whole layer; after a delay switch on the layer using the ramp up procedure (check trip frequency, currents,…) OvC handling:  If OvC on Strips or I-Beams lower Wires voltage by 200 V  A877 boards not current limited; trip condition handled via software (now hardware trip time available too) Voltage difference check:  Every 20 sec. check of voltage difference btw Strips and Wires; if bigger than 1850 V (i.e. discharge regime), Wires voltage lowered by 200 V Check communication with power supplies

20 20/11/2007Il sistema di HV delle camere DT20 Conclusions We have all the modules of the HV system in hands at Cern. HV modules test was finished several months ago. All the A877 modules have been installed in the racks on the balconies Slow controls software ready and in operation since a long time. We have observed a relatively high number of faults in the A877 modules. Only a few in the A876 modules.

21 20/11/2007Il sistema di HV delle camere DT21 HV modules tests 4 different tests:  Test 1: Min. voltage, Max. current Resistive Loads  Test 2: Max. voltage, Max. current RC loads (same of Test 3)  Test 3: Ramping cycles RC loads (same of Test 2)  Test 4: Min. voltage, Null current No loads

22 20/11/2007Il sistema di HV delle camere DT22 HV modules tests “OvC with oscillating Voltage”  Observed during Test 1 in the majority of the newer A877 MB4 boards (no problems during Tests 2&3, where boards used in working range)  Hardware differences between the older A877 standard boards and the newer A877 MB4 boards? YES Some components of the newer boards have a different tolerance: this was causing a slightly different behavior of the channels in their standard working range → a capacitor was added to each channel CAEN assures that board performances in the standard working range is the same for all boards

23 20/11/2007Il sistema di HV delle camere DT23 Conclusions For the magnet test we plan to power a total of 14 DTs in sector 10 of wheel YB+1 and sectors 10 and 11 of wheel YB+2. The HV system used will be the final one manufactured by CAEN. Also aim at having also final cables, patch panels, etc. PVSS project with FSM integrated with the central CMS DCS will be available.

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