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Questions that came to my mind.. -What was the wrong definition ? -What was wrong with the old definition? DEFINING SUCCESS CORRECTLY.

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Presentation on theme: "Questions that came to my mind.. -What was the wrong definition ? -What was wrong with the old definition? DEFINING SUCCESS CORRECTLY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Questions that came to my mind.. -What was the wrong definition ? -What was wrong with the old definition? DEFINING SUCCESS CORRECTLY

2 Work  Church & Christian involvement INTRODUCTION



5  Defining Success correctly  Keeping your identity…..  Breaking your barriers…….  Remaining Godly……..  Discipleship……. THIS YEAR’S THEME”………. “SUCCESS”

6  What is success according to you?  Do you consider yourself successful or not? PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING ON A PIECE OF PAPER

7 One respondent said…..  Success is right standing with God who is the giver of the peace sought by humanity.  Success is prosperity in all things and be in good health. (John 3:2)  Success is having your life under control.  Success mapping out a plan for your life and achieving it WHAT INTERVIEWED RESPONDENTS SAID SUCCESS IS

8  To many success is monetary wealth but I feel that success should encompass the following areas; *Happiness in family life and in marriage *Having a healthy relationship with God almighty *Happiness or satisfaction in one’s occupation or vocation *being rich in the eyes of one's friends and other relationships. ANOTHER RESPONDENT…..


10 “Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” WINSTON CHURCHILL:

11  “Success in life could be defined as the continued expansion of happiness and the progressive realization of worthy goals.” DEEPAK CHOPRA:

12  “Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be.”….. discus ZIG ZIGLAR:

13  Quality of the family your raise…. story SUCCESS AS DEFINED BY OTHERS…..

14 How Would one rate the following… successful or not  Job  Father Abraham  King Solomon  Samson  King Saul  King Hezekiah  Apostle Paul BIBLE PERSONALITIES…..

15  Emptiness is the same if God is excluded  Family seems key to most when speaking one on one  More money seems not to create a point of settlement  High education achievement seems only to fill the void for a shot while KEY BUSINESS PERSONALITIES….. From personal interaction with key personalities, it comes out clearly that….

16  Is not about one parameter  Is calling for deeper thinking about life  Is more personal than universal  Requires each of us to take stock of what it will mean to us when this life comes to a close  What others will see when we can/cant speak for ourselves  What legacy will be clearly seen  Which gate will open for me in eternity  What confusion/ celebration would come if we cant speak DEFINING SUCCESS CORRECTLY

17  What will be your trademark identity  Breaking your barriers……. Will you achieve your max potential the land cruiser story..  Remaining Godly…….. Will you be Godly when you achieve great things  Discipleship…….will you have someone to carry your dream forward? ON REFLECTION OF SELF…

18  Success = f ( w, s, G, R, C, h, l, + e ) w=Accumulation of material wealth S= Social success including spiritual ministry impact, quality of family life and children raised, helping others etc G=Relationship with God C=Contribution to future generations of humanity H=Self fulfillment thereby creating self satisfaction L=Longevity of life in good health E= other factors i.e Good Success=a balanced life all areas CONCLUSION

19  Learn the balancing act…. Move forward like an octopus TO BE TRULY SUCCESSFUL

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