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Linking Teacher Salaries to CPI

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1 Linking Teacher Salaries to CPI
Orland School District 135

2 Who We Are • Racial/Ethnic Breakdown
Our District is comprised of ten schools with an Administration Center and serves approximately 5,357 students in kindergarten through eighth grade, making District 135 the tenth largest elementary district in the state. According to the most recent Illinois Standards Achievement data (2011), the following are District 135 demographics: • Racial/Ethnic Breakdown • White – 78.2% • Hispanic – 10.1% • Black – 3.8% • Asian/Pacific Islander – 5.5% • Multiracial – 2.2% • Native American - .1% • District Employees: 735 Staff • 403 Certified Staff • 249 Support Staff, • 24 Administrators • 59 Lunchroom/Playground • Attendance Rate – 95.6% • Teachers with Bachelor’s Degrees – 13.7% • Pupil-Teacher Ratio – 19.3:1 • Teachers with Master’s Degrees or More – 86.3% • Ave Teacher Salary – $75,242 • Ave Teacher Experience – 15.2 years The District 135 boundaries encompass three areas: the Village of Orland Park, the Village of Orland Hills, and unincorporated Cook County, with a total population of over 55,000 residents.

3 Goal To develop a salary structure that would provide long-term financial sustainability.

4 Financial Background AA+ - S & P (one notch away from AAA)
4.0 rating from ISBE financial rating system Balanced operating budget Debt Free by 2014 Operating Expenditure Per Pupil $13,050

5 Collective Bargaining Language
The salary schedules shall be as set forth in Appendix A for and as determined thereafter in the following manner: Salary schedule calculations for the school year shall be based upon the following: Step increase and lane movement as specified in article No increase to the base. “Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) for Urban Consumers” annualized rate for December of the prior school year, which is published by the United States Department of Labor, but not to exceed five (5)%, as defined by the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (PTELL)(35 ILCS 200/18-185) Calculation based upon the base salaries of the prior year salary schedule.

6 Committee A committee of four made up of two union representatives and the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services and Director of Human Resources will meet no later than May 1st to determine a salary schedule for the next school year.

7 Procedures The determination of next year’s salary schedule will be calculated based upon following the steps in sequential order as outlined below. 1. Determine Prior Year Base (Salary schedule employees, including employees on Grandfather Schedule, and employees on retiree salary schedule.) 2. Subtract the salary savings of the lowest nonreplaced positions 3. Equals current year base (Step 1 – Step 2) 4. Multiply current year base by CPI (Step 3 x CPI) 5. Equals total maximum money to be spent on salaries 6. Place staff returning from leave of absence onto salary schedule using actual salaries 7. Place new hires into salary schedule (MA Step 1) 8. Apply Retiree 6% (six percent) increase 9. In 2012/2013 and 2013/2014, apply lane changes at $250,000.00 In 2014/2015 apply lane changes at $250, if applicable 10. In 2012/2013 and 2013/2014, apply step movement not to exceed 2.6% In 2014/2015 apply step movement not to exceed 2.6% if applicable 11. If applicable, apply base increase to salary schedule at BA Step 1 If the Board of Education needs to hire additional FTE due to increased enrollment, the Board of Education and the Council agree that the salary of these increased FTE will not be included in the calculation of the available salary for the current year increase.

8 Calculation Amount Description 1 Determine Prior Year Base
28,735,174.43 Prior Year Base 2 Subtract the salary savings of the lowest nonreplaced positions (92,469.24) Laurel B. (96,466.00) Laura P. 3 Equals current year base (Step 1 – Step 2) 28,546,239.19 New Base 4 Multiply current year base by CPI (Step 3 x CPI) 856,387.18 New Money (CPI 3.0%) 5 Equals total maximum money to be spent on salaries 29,402,626.37 Total New Money 6 Place staff returning from leave of absence onto salary schedule using actual salaries 46,454.00 Leeann Brown (BA Step 6) 7 Place new hires into salary schedule (MA Step 1) 405,504.00 9 New hires ($45,056 x 9) 8 Apply Retiree 6% (six percent) increase 173,012.45 ($2,883, x 6%) 9 In 2012/2013 and 2013/2014, apply lane changes at $250,000.00 250,000.00 Lane Changes In 2014/2015 apply lane changes at $250, if applicable - N/A 10 In 2012/2013 and 2013/2014, apply step movement not to exceed 2.6% 530,686.90 ($24,451, $24,981,759.30) In 2014/2015 apply step movement not to exceed 2.6% if applicable 11 If applicable, apply base increase to salary schedule at BA Step 1 661,300.00 ($25,434, x 3.0%) Regular Salaries 24,451,072.40 Retiree Salaries 2,883,541.38 Lee Ann Brown (LOA) New hires (MA Step 1 $45,056 x 9) Retirees 6% Cost of Step Cost of Base Increase (3.0%) Total 29,401,571.13 Difference (1,055.24)

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