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Organizational Effectiveness Phase 3B GS1 Architecture Group Structure DRAFT v14 October 15, 2009.

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1 Organizational Effectiveness Phase 3B GS1 Architecture Group Structure DRAFT v14 October 15, 2009

2 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 2 2 Executive Summary - Purpose GS1 OE Architecture work stream The purpose of this work stream is to describe the role of the GS1 Architecture Group and the relationship to the standards, services, and solutions functions within the GS1 organization. Post OE Value This GS1 Architecture will ensure consistency and integrity of the GS1 System thus enabling broader and deeper implementation. Having a holistic GS1 Architecture will provide greater value to End User companies, Member Organizations, Solution Providers, and GS1 staff. Mission: To promote and protect the technical integrity of the GS1 System Purpose: Develop the GS1 System Architecture and, by reference to the architecture, assure the technical integrity of the GS1 System and the consistent and efficient interoperation of the various parts of the system

3 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 3 3 Executive Summary - Structure The GS1 Architecture Group will be an integrated framework of teams comprised of technical experts from End User companies, GS1 Member Organizations, Solution Providers, Research Community, GS1 staff. This framework will consist of a Core Team supported by Sub Teams. Sub Teams are mission specific architecture groups. Sub teams will be engaged to address deep technical issues related specifically to a particular technology (e.g. EPC, GDSN) Output of Sub Teams will be reviewed and approved by the Core Team.

4 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 4 Summary CurrentFuture Architecture Groups GS1 Architecture Group – comprised of End Users, GS1 MO’s, GS1 Staff EPCglobal Architectural Review Committee – Comprised of End Users, Solution Providers, Auto ID Labs, GS1 Staff GDSN Architecture Group – comprised of End Users, Solution Providers, and GS1 Staff Integrated GS1 Architecture Group Core Team supported by Sub Teams Architectural Framework GS1 Architecture –under development EPCglobal Architecture Framework – published and maintained GDSN Architecture – published and maintained Single GS1 Architecture Framework and Principles

5 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 5 Responsible for making recommendations as an advisory group. The group provides a supporting role to the Integrated System Development Process (ISDP). The group does not create standards or business requirements. All GS1 standards are developed via the ISDP. Recommendations are formal reports/outputs from the GS1 Architecture Group and are publicly available. GSI Architecture needs to encompass Standards Solutions Services Guidelines Responsible for responding to GS1 Architecture issues or questions submitted by members of the GS1 community Responsible for resolving all issues of a technical nature or interpretation escalated from any ISDP working groups GS1 Architecture Group: Responsibilities and Reporting

6 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 6 Responsible for creating and maintaining the GS1 System Architecture. Ensures the technical integrity of the GS1 System and the interoperability of the various parts of the system. The GS1 Architecture ensures consistency across the GS1 standards, services, and solutions The GS1 Architecture must be well documented, accessible, extensible, and broadly understood The GS1 Architecture must support the specific needs of local, regional, and vertical subsets of the global trading community The GS1 Architecture must be fully aligned to GS1 Strategy, Vision, and Mission Advise on the strategic direction for the GS1 Product Portfolio that includes: GDSN, EPC, eCom, etc. Advise the GS1 Global Office on technical aspects of liaison with third party standards organizations Review / Advise on the infrastructure for new technical development such as MobileCom GS1 Architecture Group: Responsibilities and Reporting continued…

7 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 7 GS1 Architecture Group: Responsibilities and Reporting continued… Responsibilities to the ISDP Groups: Provide review and recommendations per the defined process in ISDP for business requirements, standards and services development, as required, against the GS1 Architecture and relevant emerging standards developments through the Architecture Review Process. Responsibilities to the Overall GS1 Community: Clear and consistent Architectural Principles Ensure that all specifications are consistent with the architecture and compatible with each other Respond to architectural “requests for finding” submitted by members of the GS1 community Responsibilities to the GS1 Global Office: Advise the GS1 Global Office on technical aspects of liaison with third party standards organizations

8 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 8 GS1 Architecture Group: Accountability GS1 Architecture Group is part of the governance of GS1 and is responsible and accountable to the Board Committee for Standards GS1 Architecture Group will provide a status update at the BCS meetings BCS ensures that due process for standards is followed BCS ensures the GS1 Architecture Group work efforts are aligned with the GS1 Strategic plan. BCS provides a final forum for any dispute resolution regarding the GS1 System

9 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 9 Relationship of the New GSMP to Standards vs. Solutions/Services Development 1 Statement of Business Need 2 Requirements Development 3 System Development 4 Deployment Standards Solutions & Services GS1 LT AG Review AG Review BCS Ratification CEO Approval For Deployment MB Review & Advise AG Review AG Review

10 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 10 GS1 Architecture Group: Structure The GS1 Architecture Group will be an integrated framework of teams comprised of technical experts from End User companies, GS1 Member Organizations, Solution Providers, Research community, GS1 staff. GS1 Architecture Group Core Team supported by Sub Teams. Sub Teams are mission specific architecture groups. Sub Teams will be engaged to address deep technical issues related specifically to a particular subject (e.g. EPC, GDSN) The Architecture Group charters sub teams on a mission specific basis as required to perform its function. Sub teams will have a defined charter and scope. Sub teams are disbanded by the Core Team when the chartered work is complete, unless a business need for continuance is defined.

11 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 11 GS1 Architecture Sub Team as required 1(+) Core member Subject matter experts GS1 Architecture Sub Team as required 1(+) Core member Subject matter experts GS1 Architecture Sub Team 1(+) Core member Subject matter experts GS1 Architecture Sub Team 1(+) Core member Subject matter experts GS1 Architecture Group: Structure GS1 Architecture Sub Team 1(+) Core member Subject matter experts Each Sub Team is represented at Core Team meetings either by a Core Team member or invited guest. GS1 Architecture Core Team Core/Sub members Technical experts GS1 Architecture Sub Team as required 1(+) Core member Subject matter experts

12 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 12 GS1 Architecture Group: Structure The ISDP OE AG team recommends the creation of Sub Teams in the following areas: Identification (Carrier-Neutral) Examples: Location, Key Clarification Integrated Communications (ICOM) Examples: ePedigree, eCom Strategy, eCom TG, web services Integrated Network PROCESS TEAM TO ADVISE ON TG, TDT

13 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 13 GS1 Architecture Group: Core Team Membership Overview The GS1 Architecture Group Core Team shall have a minimum of ten members and a maximum of twenty-one members. These numbers represent the goal established for maximum efficiency. In practice however these numbers may vary, dependant upon GS1 Community needs. Member recommendations are made to the BCS by the GS1 Architecture Group Core Team Chair. The GS1 Architecture Group Core Team strives to be as representative as possible of the GS1 Community. While the conditions expressed below may not always be achieved, they remain the goal. Representatives from GS1 MO’s. All attempts will be made to ensure geographic balance and diversity. Representatives from GS1 End Users, who actively participate in GSMP. All attempts will be made to ensure appropriate industry representation and geographic balance. Representatives from GS1 Staff Representatives from the Research community Representatives from Solution Provider companies. All attempts will be made to ensure a balance between Hardware providers, Software providers, Service providers. and Data Pools, etc.

14 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 14 GS1 Architecture Group: Current State Core Team Membership Breakdown The initial composition of the GS1 Architecture Core team is as follows: 10 Representatives from GS1 MO’s.  Current representation includes members from UK, BR, AU, CA, FR, DE, ES, SE, US and HK. 5 Representatives from GS1 End Users, who actively participate in GSMP.  Current representation includes members from P&G, WM, Metro, Kraft and Nestle. 8 Representatives from GS1 Staff  Current representation includes: David Buckley, Mark, D’Agostino, Diane Taillard, Anders Grangard, Sean Lockhead, Gay Whitney, Kerry Angelo, Henri Barthel. 3 Representatives from the Auto-Id labs or Research community  Representation carried over from current assignments.  Peer nominated 3 Representatives from Solution Provider companies.  Representation determined by Technical Steering Committee  Peer nominated Facilitator  Non-voting member

15 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 15 GS1 Architecture Group: End State Core Team Membership Breakdown The End State composition of the GS1 Architecture Core team is as follows: 8 Representatives from GS1 MO’s.  Future representation to be determined by the Advisory Council 5 Representatives from GS1 End Users, who actively participate in GSMP.  Future representation to be determined by the Industry Engagement Committee. 2 Representatives from GS1 Staff - PENDING GOVERNANCE DECISION RE VOTING  Representation to be determined by System Development (Sally Herbert) and Industry Engagement (Chris Adcock) 2 Representatives from the Auto-Id labs or Research community  Peer nominated 4 Representatives from Solution Provider companies.  Representation determined by Technical Steering Committee  Peer nominated Facilitator  Non-voting member

16 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 16 GS1 Architecture Group: Rationale and Criteria for Membership All members are appointed by the BCS for a renewable, staggered, three-year term. The term for the members shall be staggered, such that there is continuity. Should strive to have geographic and industry balanced group membership Maximum of twenty-one (goal) members in the GS1 Architecture Group Core Team Subject matter experts to participate when necessary Members should be qualified individuals who are willing and able to make the time commitment and continue to be ‘Members in Good Standing”.  See subsequent slides for details on participation GS1 GO Staff Representatives Provides cross functional coordination and visibility across all GS1 standards, services, and solutions activities Must have excellent knowledge of GS1 System Must be an active participant in standards process Must have GS1 GO responsibility for a particular technical aspect of GS1 system Must be recommended by System Development or Industry Engagement - PENDING GOVERNANCE DECISION RE VOTING

17 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 17 GS1 Architecture Group: Rationale and Criteria for Membership continued… These Criteria apply to End Users, Solution Providers, Member Organisations, Research Community Representatives: Provides valuable real world insight into how the GS1 System will be deployed Engages end users at an ownership level; goes beyond superficial implementations of the GS1 System Fosters the integration of the GS1 system into commercial solutions and products; goes beyond superficial implementations of the GS1 System Protects the interests of the broader GS1 stakeholders Must have Knowledge of GS1 System, IT infrastructure/networks, and Supply Chain Must be an active participant in the standards process Must have current knowledge of architecture and input to architecture of their organization. Must have a statement of support by the GS1 MO CEO where end user company is headquartered Must be recommended by a committee of their peers

18 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 18 GS1 Architecture Group: Rationale and Criteria for Membership – Team Specific All GS1 Architecture Group Members should possess:  Experience in business or marketing requirements gathering  Experience in technical system design or architecture design  Prior working knowledge of other standards bodies is helpful, but not required. Core Team  The Core Team provides cross functional coordination and visibility throughout GS1 Architecture Group, as such Core Team members must have extensive knowledge of the current state of the overall GS1 system, product offerings and technical specifications  The Core Team charters and disbands Sub Teams as required Sub Team  The Sub Teams provide expert insight to deep technical issues related specifically to a particular technology, as such Sub Team members must have extensive knowledge of the current state of the entity application or topic and technical specifications  Chair of the Sub Team will serve as the main representative to the Core Team  A Call-for-Participation will be sent to the GS1 Community to populate the Sub Teams should be made. This open approach ensures wider representation from the community. The Core Team determines the balance and representation of each Sub Team.  Sub Team membership should be limited to 12 persons, excluding the Core Team representative  Sub Teams do not vote, but make recommendations to the Core Team with divergent opinions noted.  Each Sub Team shall elect a Co-Chairperson (and additional co-Chairs if required).

19 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 19 GS1 Architecture Group: Participation Requirements Members who leave their company or do not participate in 3 consecutive calls will receive an email requesting whether or not they wish to continue participating. If the member leaves their company but wishes to continue to serve, he/she may complete their term provided the new company is a member of the GS1 community and the Architecture Group approves via vote. Member will then reapply at end of term as required by all members. If a GS1or MO staff member leaves their company, the seat is considered vacant and will be reassigned. If the participant does not participate in 3 subsequent meetings, another email will be sent requesting that they withdraw from the group. If there is no response to this second email, their names will be removed from the roster of the group and a new member will be appointed to take their place. Members can petition twice to be reinstated via the BCS Members are expected to attend all meetings and conference calls for their assigned teams and are welcome but not obligated to attend any meetings and conference calls of any other teams within the overall Architecture Group. Follow-up and report on all action items and assignments at and between meetings Governance and legal Members of the GS1 Architecture Group (Core & Sub Teams) will be required to sign Intellectual Property and Opt-In agreements in order perform their duties within the group.  The Core team will be required to sign a blanket Opt-In to cover all possible topics.  Sub team members will be required to sign an Opt-In relevant to topics covered by that working groups. Sub team Invited guests will also be required to sign relevant Opt-In agreements. A list of relevant topics per Sub team will need to be maintained. It may be decided that blanket Opt-Ins are more appropriate,depending on the nature of the Sub team.

20 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 20 GS1 Architecture Group: Meeting Frequency The GS1 Architecture Group Teams will meet face-to-face as required.  Conference calls will be held on a regular basis.  Subject matter experts will be invited as required. Meeting agendas should be circulated to members two weeks in advance of face- to-face meetings and one week in advance of teleconferences and are posted to the appropriate Community Room at the same time. Minutes of meetings are drafted for approval by the group and once approved are made available to all GSMP participants. Approved minutes should be posted within two weeks of the meeting. The Architecture Group will maintain a rolling six month meeting schedule.

21 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 21 GS1 Architecture Group: Core Team Voting Process Decision-making is achieved though consensus, which is defined as approval without sustained opposition. Invited guests need not be part of the decision-making process. One member equals one vote. If the team is unable to achieve consensus after all avenues have been explored then a formal ISDP voting procedure will be invoked. In cases when votes are taken the minority view should be conveyed to the BCS together with the majority decision.

22 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 22 GS1 Architecture Group: Core Team Responsibility The Core Team is responsible to provide to the Sub Teams: Final recommendations on issues with Architectural principles and Strategic Issues Guidance and Maintenance of the GS1 Architectural Principles Prompt response to all ‘Request for Findings’ Be available to attend Sub Team Conference Calls or Physical Meetings, if requested One (or more) member(s) of the Core Team will be assigned to each Sub Team.

23 Moving forward together, to better serve your business ©2009 GS1 23 GS1 Architecture Group: Other areas Community Management The role of the Architecture Group and work items need to be recognized and understood across the GS1 community through periodic community outreach Meeting minutes and agendas will be published and accessible by GS1 community IT support and infrastructure Internal repository of GS1 Architecture Group artifacts, review items, and recommendations will need to be maintained Public website containing the GS1 Architecture and GS1 Architecture Principles, White Papers, etc. will need to be maintained

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