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Eportfolios ePDP to eCPD: using an eportfolio to support professional reflective practice Julie Hughes University of Wolverhampton ESCalate consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "Eportfolios ePDP to eCPD: using an eportfolio to support professional reflective practice Julie Hughes University of Wolverhampton ESCalate consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eportfolios ePDP to eCPD: using an eportfolio to support professional reflective practice Julie Hughes University of Wolverhampton ESCalate consultant

2 Framing statements – positioning Old wine in a new bottle? In teaching and learning currently, we tend to use technology to support traditional modes of teaching... We scarcely have the infrastructure, the training, the habits, or the access to new technology to be optimising its use just yet. (Laurillard, 2007) We must acknowledge that pedagogy needs to be ‘re-done’ at the same time as it needs to be ‘re-thought.’ (Beetham and Sharpe, 2007) Learners cannot therefore be treated as bundle of disparate needs: they are actors not factors, in the learning situation. (Beetham 2007)

3 Many things are changing, however, as our everyday environments become increasingly digitized. This invites us, challenges us – to develop new conceptual beliefs and knowledge orientations and approaches to our everyday world. (Lankshear and Knobel, 2006) E-learning is often talked about as a ‘trojan mouse’, which teachers let into their practice without realizing that it will require them to rethink not just how they use the particular hardware or software, but all of what they do. (Sharpe and Oliver, 2007)

4 Government policy drivers Dearing (1997) HE progress files and PDP. DfES (2005) e-Strategy Harnessing Technology. HEFCE (2005) e-Learning Strategy Burgess (2007) HEAR. Leitch (2007)HE progress files and PDPe-Strategy Harnessing e-Learning Strategy Burgess (2007) Leitch (2007) UoW response to some of the above: Learning and Teaching Strategy (2004), the electronic PACE (Personal, Academic, Careers, Employability) file, now known as PebblePAD. Blended Learning Strategy (2007/8) CETL project (2005-10) and Pathfinder project (2007/8)Pathfinder project (2007/8) Institutional context 22,000 students - first HEI to make ep available to all staff and students Widening participation agenda Blended Learning Strategy ePortfolio used in various ways, including PDP, learning, teaching and assessment ePortfolio context Last 6 months 9,652 active users 22,000 assets shared 2005 – early 2008 26,500 users 31,100 assets published to gateways University of Wolverhampton and the UK ePortfolio context UoWImage adapted from UoWlv

5 So, what is an eportfolio? A systematic and organized collection of evidence used by the teacher and the student to monitor the growth of the student's knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Cole et al., 2000 What is produced when persons collect, select, reflectively interpret, and/or present their own evidence to support their assertions about what they have learned, know, and can or should do. Cambridge, 2003 Process and product – digital ringbinder and learning landscape - inherent contradiction?

6 E-portfolios – BECTA’s view Priority 2 of the e-strategy is to 'ensure integrated online personal support for learners'…. to 'provide a personalised learning space for every learner that can encompass a personal portfolio', and a milestone to make a 'personalised learning space with the potential to support e-portfolios available to every school [and college] by 2007-08.' There is no standard definition of the e-portfolio product or process The term e-portfolio is not describing a new product or even a new concept. It is most useful to think of e-portfolios as providing a way of recording and supporting the personalised (or tailored) learning process. Becta

7 (e)Portfolio ways of being When teachers began developing portfolios over a decade ago, we knew what we were about – with process writing and collaborative pedagogies and, not least, portfolios – was pretty ambitious; it was, in fact, nothing short of changing the face of American education. (Yancey & Weiser, 1997, p.1) Baume (1999, 2003 p.4) conceptualised the developmental portfolio as, “a compost heap…something refined over time, enriched by addition, reduction and turning over.“ Messy, non-linear – getting your hands dirty!

8 BECTA Impact study of e-portfolios on learning 2007 Key findings The results of this study suggest that e-portfolios benefit learning most effectively when considered as part of a joined- up teaching and learning approach, rather than as a discrete entity. Impact on learning outcomes The study found that e-portfolio processes support both pastoral and/or social needs and curriculum outcomes. Impact on learning processes Tools that support the important learning process of feedback from teachers and peers, and collaboration within class groups and across institutions, are much appreciated by learners and teachers.

9 Sticky stuff? I am convinced that ePortfolio systems will play a significant role in higher education. However, the process of developing and implementing a successful ePortfolio project—one that is "sticky," one that works and is adopted by users - will first involve many challenges. (Jafari, 2004) Give pedagogy back to the teachers. (Laurillard 2008)

10 eLearning research contexts Emergent ethnographic approach (Creanor et al, Mayes, Beetham, 2006) suggest that what is needed are: “stories or narratives that capture the diversity of how students use learning technologies in their formal studies and attempts to elicit beliefs and intentions.” (Mayes 2006, p.4) Learning through sharing of narratives and dialogue others. (Winter, 2003) Exploring the use of the eportfolio as a social practice and situated literacy (Street, 1995) which offers a tangible example of what Clegg (2005, p.416) identifies as “the messy realities of practice”. “(w)e do not 'store' experience as data, like a computer: we 'story' it” and “(o)ur lives are 'steeped in stories’” (Winter et al., 1999, p.21)

11 Digitally Inexperienced Digital SocialitesDigitally Reluctant Digitally Experienced Experience of technology Degree of educational contribution High Low High The typology Defining Generation Y: towards a new typology of digital learners Hartley et al (2008) University of Bradford

12 What does it feel/look like?

13 Personalising – making it mine

14 Not just an eportfolio?

15 Using technology for teaching – modelling and information push.

16 PGCE - Blogging from induction using prompts and writing frames – individual blogs – supporting talkback

17 Encouraging talkback to feedback

18 FD first writing/ PDP activity in week 1 – a structured blog entry with prompts

19 Harnessing their other online experiences – transition and socialisation - PGCE

20 Early action planning – Sam FD 2006 dreams of becoming a teacher

21 Creating the conditions and expectations for dialogue – rapid, supportive tutor feedback

22 Action planning as assumption hunting – Nadia PGCE 2006

23 Critical incident sharing – talking back to Jim Using individual blogs to share workplace successes – FD bringing the outside in

24 Blogging as conversation and critique – deepening reflections upon self as a learner

25 Blogs referenced as powerful spaces to support learning and reflection FD summative assignment submitted as eportfolio

26 Linking growth of self as student and self in the workplace Managing transitions between modules and tutors – blogging as the ‘invisible umbilical cord’ or back up!

27 Breaking down boundaries – self as legitimate subject for reflection

28 Metaphor analysis Moving from individual to group reflections Structured writing/reflective activity shared with PGCE community for comment



31 FD – structured academic blog posts

32 Developing buddying cultures

33 Evidencing development in the workplace Using image to represent development Jenny’s image blog

34 Reflections on the dangers of dominance

35 Changing assessment and moderation cultures

36 Eportfolio as iterative writing and learning tool

37 Providing a structure as a starting point – mirroring the sister paper portfolio

38 Encouraging personalisation of basic structure and storying


40 Hypertext – one of Emma’s stories

41 Post PGCE – the role of blogging?

42 Blogging as transition tool? - PGCE What they said...

43 1.Induction, embedding the technology in blended activities thereby modelling Establish training and support needs 5. New communities Transferable skills 4. Deeper levels of reflection upon professional practice Community identity shifts as new roles are adopted – new weavers 3. Sharing critical incidents. Dialogue and exchange Tutor to ‘weave’ the narratives 2. Engendering trust Building a community For reflection upon professional practice this stage is vital After Salmon (2004)

44 So what did I learn? September 2007 - To be a bit braver with the blending - fully integrating IT sessions and critical reflection – creating spaces for engaged reflection and criticality.

45 So what did I learn? September 2007 - To be a bit braver with the blending - group blogging Oct 07

46 So what did I learn? September 2007 - To be a bit braver with the blending – group work

47 Developing sense of self as HE student (I) through group working and presentations – making formative assessment explicitly developmental

48 Blending the PDP – digitising f2f activities Creativity supported and encouraged. Eportfolio as the link to support integrative and iterative learning. Archive and collation focus – a PDP pool to draw on. An eportfolio way of learning – LaGuardia Community College Collect, select, reflect, connect.

49 Acknowledging expectations and adapting content – recognising the journey

50 Collage as reflective essay plan – my development as an HE student

51 FY bumpy road – I’m stronger than I thought

52 Feb 08 - Keeping the conversations going and involving students more in the research

53 Where now? Ep embedded in full time PGCE – mentored 6 staff and 100 students Next year – testing the capacity building model onsite Roll out to 5 of 10 partner FE colleges 08/09 – 10 staff and 150 students – Certificate in Education, offsite Technology retreat – 11 FD staff – revalidation of blended model – ongoing mentoring of staff (Uni and HE in FE) Roll out in University and 2 partner FE colleges 08/09 Amy’s story

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