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Starbons and their applications

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1 Starbons and their applications
Dr. Vitaliy Budarin 24/04/12 1

2 Contents Introduction to mesoporous materials Starbon technology
Starbon applications: Nanotechnology Catalysis Water treatment Chromatography 24/04/12 2

3 Condensation mechanism
Porous materials Pore type Pore Size Condensation mechanism Type of Adsorption Micropore < 2 nm Three-dimensional Non-specific Mesopore ≥ 2 ≤ 50 nm Capillary Specific Macropore > 50 nm No condensation - 24/04/12 3

4 Potential applications of mesoporous materials
Adsorption Chromatography Nanotechnology Electrochemistry Catalysis Filtration Sensors 24/04/12 4

5 Technologies Limitation:
Synthesis of Mesoporus materials Technologies Limitation: Costly Wasteful Complicated Time consuming Limited functionality Benefits: regular & well ordered 24/04/12

6 Is porous structures of native materials accessible for chemistry?
Native mesoporous materials Nature is adept at the self assembly of organic polymers in a wide range of structural and storage roles in higher plants Is porous structures of native materials accessible for chemistry? 24/04/12 6

7 Expanded starch formation
Methodology utilises: Starch inexpensive, biomass green solvents water, ethanol and ScCO2 24/04/12 Chem.Commun, 2002, 2632 7

8 H+ Starbonisation Starbons Mesoporous Starch Carbon 1000C 7000C
Starbon Properties : Tuneable surface functionality High mesoporosity (up to 2.0 cm3/g) High surface areas (up to 500 m2/g) Controllable electrical conductivity Particulate / monolithic forms 24/04/12 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 8

9 Starbon. Texture properties
Mesopore Micropore 10 nm 1 nm

10 24/04/12

11 Starbon. Textural properties. Influence of the preparation temperature.
4000C Starbon 6000C Starbon SEM of Starbons 24/04/12 11

12 Starbons functionality
Applications Organic adsorption Nanotechnology Chromatography Metal adsorption Acid catalysis    24/04/12 12

13 Starbon Surface modification
Starbon surface can be modified with: Halogens Sulfuric acid Amines Chitosan Phosphates 24/04/12 13

14 Starbon application: Synthesis of nanoparticles
The nanoparticle size distribution was controllable by pore structure of Starbon 24/04/12 14 Green Chemistry 10 (4), , 2008

15 Starbon application: Acid catalysis in water-organic mixture
Catalyst preparation: Sulfonation: 400C, 2 h. Washing: water water-ethanol mixture, 800C Succinic acid 14/03/11 Chem.Eur.J., 2007, 13, 6914 15

16 Rationale for activity
Esterification should be poor in water Selective adsorption / exclusion of water? Reaction in pore / on surface Product desorbed and stable in aqueous environment 24/04/12 16

17 Adsorption of acids. Starbon-4000C
400oC Starbon the best for succinic acid Correlates with catalysis (?) 24/04/12 17

18 Starbon application: Decolourisation of peat water
Peat based soils West coast of Scotland, Ireland Northern England Low Polarity favoured for silicas and Starbons Starbons better (high pore size ) Best adsorbs ca. 200mg/g 24/04/12 18

19 Adsorption kinetic Methylene blue
High mesoporosity tend to increase rate of adsorption 24/04/12 19

20 Starbon application: Decolourisation of peat water
No acid catalyst 95% mesoporosity Good sugar isomer separation 24/04/12 20 Advanced Functional Materials, 20 (11), , 2010

21 Conclusions Starbon technology is an overall more environmental friendly as compared to commercially available mesoporous materials Starbons are versatile mesoporous materials Functionality can be controlled by preparation method Starbons demonstrated great promise in: Catalysis Adsorption Nano technology Chromatography 24/04/12 21

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