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Published byErnest Cuff Modified over 10 years ago
Recommendations of the Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics 22nd meeting, 25-26 April 2005 Wojciech Nawrocik JINR Scientific Council, 2-3 June 2005
The PAC heard with interest V.Zhabitsky’s presentation of the 97 th JINR Scientific Council Resolutions January 2005 and the decisions of the Committee of Plenipotentiares March 2005 meeting
The PAC was informed that the CP elected A. Sissakian as the new Director of JINR for a term of five years beginning January 2006. The PAC congratulates Professor A. Sissakian and wishes him successful leadership of the Institute. The PAC highly appreciates the support which was given by JINR Director V. Kadyshevsky during 1992– 2005 to the condensed matter physics research at the Institute and to the development and upgrade of the dedicated instrumental infrastructur.
JINR Chief Engineer G. Shirkov informed the PAC about the status of the JINR basic facilities, including IBR-2 modernization work. The PAC was very pleased that the full budget required for the modernization of IBR-2 in the period 2004–2005 was provided in good time, which enabled the commissioning of the new movable reflector to be completed on schedule.
G.Shirkov, Basic Facilities, 25.04.2005 Main results in 2004: 1.New Movable Reflector 3 (MR-3) 2.New Fuel Loading manufacturing of fuel elements at “Mayak” is completed set of components of fuel assemblies are made and delivered to JINR I.Total running time of IBR-2: 1384 hours II. Modernization of IBR-2 assembling of the MR-3 FRANK LABORATORY of NEUTRON PHYSICS
G.Shirkov, Basic Facilities, 25.04.2005 THE MAIN EQUIPMENT OF THE IBR-2M REACTOR (new reactor vessel, rolling biological shielding, stationary reflectors, etc. ) MONITORING, CONTROL AND PROTECTION SYSTEMS MODERATORS (development of a mock-up of transport of moderator substance (C 9 H 12 ), new refrigerator facility KGU-700/15) NEW FUEL LOADING FOR THE IBR-2M Total running time in 2005: 1650 hours Main tasks for 2005:
PAC expects that planned financial support will continue until the IBR-2 modernization is complete.
The PAC took note of the reports presented by the Directorates of Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics and Division of Radiation and Radiobiological Research, and endorses their proposals on the adjustment of the Scientific Programme of Condensed Matter Physics being prepared for 2006 in accordance with the available financial and human resources.
The PAC notes the Scientific Council’s suggestion that, in order to prepare a strategic plan for the Institute, the JINR Directorate together with the three chairpersons of the PACs develop a road map for the coming 10 years. After its approval, the road map should serve the Directorate in its strategic planning and the PACs in their recommendations concerning priorities. The PAC noted with interest the first proposals for the Institute’s road map in condensed matter science presented by Laboratory directors at this PAC meeting and considers them as a good basis for further elaboration.
As a general statement the PAC would like to point out that Condensed Matter Science, including Life Sciences, appears to be a fast developing field of world research activity. Therefore the objective tendency is the extension of spectra of highly urgent topics.
The PAC was pleased to hear the first proposal for a 10 years’ road map presented by FLNP Director A. Belushkin. For the elaboration of the road map it stresses: – the importance of taking into account the long stop of the IBR-2 reactor scheduled from 2007, – the emergence at world level of comparable pulsed sources, which implies taking advantage of the long pulse specificity of IBR-2. Successful realization of IBR-2 modernization will allow JINR to keep competitive positions in neutron scattering until 2035
Strongly correlated electronic systems Magnetism and superconductivity. Material and engineering sciences. Nanostructures. Biopolymers. Fullerenes in solution. Biomedical applications. Priorities at the FLNP
FLNR Deputy Director S. Dmitriev presented a status report on the theme “Radiation Effects and Modification of Materials, Radioanalytical and Radioisotopic Investigations at the FLNR Accelerators”. The PAC welcomes the rapidly growing activity in this field.
Ion Tracks in Polymers Interaction of Heavy Ions with metals, semiconductors and insulators Interaction of Heavy Ions with metals, semiconductors and insulators Radioecological Research, Ultrapure radioisotopes for nuclear medicine and biomedicine Design of accelerator complexes for condensed matter physics and nuclear medicine Main FLNR Tasks in Condensed Matter
The PAC considers the complementarity of theoretical and experimental research in the field of condensed matter physics as essential factor of scientific progress. Based on this, the PAC supports the new structure of the theme “Theory of Condensed Matter”, presented by BLTP Sector Chief V. Priezzhev.
The PAC was informed by E. Krasavin, Head of the Division of Radiation and Radiobiological Research (DRRR), about the adjustment of the scientific programmes of DRRR for 2006. The PAC highly appreciated the presented scientific plan, its main directions being: (a) the simulation of the effect of heavy charged particle radiation from the Galaxy in experiments at the Nuclotron and (b) the study of the biological effectiveness of the carbon ion beam at the Nuclotron channel with the aim of developing cancer therapy.
Consequences of action of Galactic heavy ions Induction of cancer Formation of gene and structural mutations; Violation of visual functions: lesions of retina; cataract induction.
Clustered DNA damages Fragment of D N A
However the PAC feels that the financial resources of these activities have not been clarified yet. The PAC suggests that he JINR Directorate should find additional JINR resources for radiation and radiobiological research during the planned process of reorganization of DRRR into a Laboratory of Radiation Biology
The PAC appreciates the important report, presented by FLNP Sector Chief A. Balagurov who answered the questions: “How the new movable reflector affects the parameters of spectrometers at IBR-2?” and “What developments have been realized at spectrometers during IBR-2 shut-down?”
The PAC wishes to receive a status overview of the instruments, identifying their performance in accordance with the scientific programme, the development of their user case and user demands. Technical improvements should be identified, presented and considered in view of their current performance. Moreover, the PAC would appreciate receiving a progress report on the cold moderator project and neutron extraction optics and an overview of the sample environments available to the instruments.
FLNP Deputy Director N. Popa presented information about the IBR-2 users’ policy. The PAC found satisfactory the execution of the new programme for the users of the IBR-2 reactor. The PAC recommends that FLNP increase its effort to attract new users mainly for the instruments with smaller demand like REMUR.
In this context, it is also suggested that the Laboratory’s Condensed Matter Department should put in operation a feedback system that will allow further adjustments to be made in implementing the users’ programme. The PAC notes that the procedure of implementation this programme should finish by presentation of experimental report.
The PAC noted with interest the report “Research of planetary surfaces by albedo neutrons” presented by G. Timoshenko. and the report “What can we learn about lipid vesicle structure from the small-angle neutron scattering experiment?” presented by M. Kiselev
The next meeting of the PAC for Condensed Matter Physics will be held on 14–15 November 2005. The following questions are proposed to be included in the agenda: – JINR’s Programme of Condensed Matter Research for 2006–2008, in which the available resources will be concentrated on the most important directions of research, – Strategic plans of the development of FLNP’s first-category instruments, – Consideration of new projects and themes, – Reports and recommendations on the projects to be completed in 2005, – Discussion of the draft road map in the field of condensed matter science
Thank you for your attention
Recommendation of the SC – PAC’s for Condensed Matter proposal
The SC was very pleased that the full budget required for the modernization of IBR-2 in the period 2004–2005 was provided in good time, which enabled the commissioning of the new movable reflector to be completed on schedule.
SC expects that planned financial support will continue until the IBR-2 modernization is complete.
The SC Support the PAC’s for Condensed Matter a general statement the PAC that Condensed Matter Science, including Life Sciences, appears to be a fast developing field of world research activity. Therefore the objective tendency is the extension of spectra of highly urgent topics
The SC feels that the financial resources of the activities in radiobiology and life sciences have not been clarified yet. The SC suggests that he JINR Directorate should find additional JINR resources for radiation and radiobiological research during the planned process of reorganization of DRRR into a Laboratory of Radiation Biology
The SC welcomes the rapidly growing activity in this field of Radiation Effects and Modification of Materials, Radioanalytical and Radioisotopic Investigations at the FLNR Accelerators
The SC considers the complementarity of theoretical and experimental research in the field of condensed matter physics as essential factor of scientific progress.
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