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An Introduction to EV Wiring By Charlton Jones Gateway EV Washington, MO.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction to EV Wiring By Charlton Jones Gateway EV Washington, MO."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to EV Wiring By Charlton Jones Gateway EV Washington, MO

2 BASIC LOW VOLTAGE FUNCTIONS ► Supply 12v to controller with ign key ► Assure driver’s foot is off the accelerator pedal at ignition ► Turn on a vacuum pump with ignition, if necessary ► Disconnect both voltages from DC/DC converter when charging or with ign off ► Turn on ventilation fans and turn off controller when charging

3 Relay - a remote switch ► The internal workings: ► The switch (N/O or N/C) ► A magnet coil to move it Single Pole Single Throw - SPST

4 SPST Cube Relay 87 30 86 85 30 to 87 is NORMALLY OPEN Actuating coil is between 85 and 86

5 SPDT Cube Relay 87 30 86 85 87a 30 to 87a is NORMALLY CLOSED 30 to 87 is NORMALLY OPEN Actuating coil is between 85 and 86

6 Double Pole Double Throw Relay Tyco KUHP-11e51-volts 1 4 7 A B 3 6 9 Actuating coil between A and B at 12VDC or 120 VAC 7 to 4 and 9 to 6 Are NORMALLY OPEN 7 to 1 and 9 to 3 Are NORMALLY CLOSED (e is either A for AC or D for DC) 1, 4, and 7 make up the left switch 3, 6, and 9 make up the right switch

7 CHARGER INTERLOCK RELAY Tyco KUHP-11A51-120 1 4 7 A B 3 6 9 No voltage at A and B 9 to 3 Are NORMALLY CLOSED

8 CHARGER INTERLOCK RELAY Tyco KUHP-11A51-120 1 4 7 A B 3 6 9 No voltage at A and B which is connected to plug Apply ignition switch 12 volts at 9 12 volts out to fuse #1 to operate vehicle (Ignition voltage will be cut off if charger is plugged in to 120VAC)

9 CHARGER INTERLOCK RELAY Tyco KUHP-11A51-120 1 4 7 A B 3 6 9 120 VAC at A and B Which is connected to plug Apply ignition switch 12 volts at 9 12 volts cut to fuse #1 Vehicle won’t operate (Ignition voltage cut off if charger is plugged in to 120VAC. Ventilation fans are turned on.) 12 volts Applied at 7 Power out to Vent fans via fuse #2 Optional: signal to disable controller

10 KEYSWITCH RELAY Tyco KUHP-11D51-12 1 4 7 A B 3 6 9 Actuating coil between A and B at 12 VDC 7 to 4 and 9 to 6 Are NORMALLY OPEN 7 to 1 and 9 to 3 Are NORMALLY CLOSED

11 KEYSWITCH RELAY Tyco KUHP-11D51-12 1 4 7 A B 3 6 9 B is chassis ground Sends 12v to CI pin 7 For fans when ign off 12v from aux battery 12 v from CI and fuse #1 powers coil 4 and 7 Connect DC/DC to 144v pack, Fuses 4 & 5 To fuse #3 connecting DC/DC (and optional vacuum pump)

12 NEUTRAL SAFETY RELAY Tyco KUHP-11D51-12 1 4 7 A B 3 6 9 Actuating coil between A and B 7 to 4 and 9 to 6 Are NORMALLY OPEN 7 to 1 and 9 to 3 Are NORMALLY CLOSED

13 NEUTRAL SAFETY RELAY Tyco KUHP-11D51-12 1 4 7 A B 3 6 9 B is chassis ground Terminals 6 and 9 close to power controller 7 and A connected Together and to N/O PotBox micro Ign switch (fuse 1) And N/O PotBox micro (This is a LATCHING Circuit that only actuated When ign on and foot is off accel pedal and PotBox micro is closed)

14 The Low Voltage Components Charger Interlock Keyswitch Relay Neutral Safety Relay 5 Fuse Panel 12 volt AUX BATTERY DC/DC


16 3 DPDT Relays ► Disconnect DC/DC from Traction Pack ► Disconnect DC/DC from Aux Battery ► Supply 12v to vent fans ► Turn on vent fans when charger plugged in ► Allow power to controller at ignition turn on only if foot is off accelerator pedal ► 5 Circuits are fused

17 Wire ► Use 10 gauge wire on 12v power circuit to DC/DC converter, fuse position #3 ► Use 30 amp fuse in position #3 ► Use 14 or 16 gauge wire and 10 amp 250v fuses elsewhere

18 Plan and Be Neat ► Draw out your project, chose wire colors and component placement ► Use terminal blocks and ¼” spade crimped connectors throughout ► Bundle and route wires neatly, use tie wraps

19 Traction Pack Voltage Wiring

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