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DRIVING PRIVILEGE. Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Drivers under the age of 21 (the legal age to purchase/consume an alcoholic beverage) found with.

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Presentation on theme: "DRIVING PRIVILEGE. Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Drivers under the age of 21 (the legal age to purchase/consume an alcoholic beverage) found with."— Presentation transcript:


2 Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Drivers under the age of 21 (the legal age to purchase/consume an alcoholic beverage) found with a blood alcohol content (BAC) at.01% or more while operating a motor vehicle will be penalized. The current BAC for drivers age 21 and older is.08%.

3 DUI Penalties First offense/BAC of.08% or more but less than.10%...  3 months suspension of driving privilege  $250-$400 fine  12-48 hour participation in an intoxicated driver resource center (IDRC)  $230 per day IDRC fee  Up to 30 days imprisonment  Annual surcharge of $1,000 for three years  Possible interlock device requirement for 6 months to one year

4 First offense/BAC of.10% or more...  7 months to one year suspension of driving privilege  $300-$500 fine  12-48 hour participation in an intoxicated driver resource center (IDRC)  $230 per day IDRC fee  Up to 30 days imprisonment  Annual surcharge of $1,000 for three years  Possible interlock device requirement for 6 months to one year

5 Interlock Device A device attached to the vehicle with a built-in breathalyzer and prevents the vehicle from starting if the motorist’s BAC exceeds.05%.

6 Implied Consent Law Any motorists on New Jersey roadways have agreed, simply by using New Jersey roadways, to submit to a breath test given by law enforcement or hospital staff following an arrest for a drinking-and-driving offense. Penalty for refusal MVC surcharge $1,000 per year for 3 years Refusal is equal to a BAC of.10%

7 Motor Vehicle Violations Lying when applying for a license or registration will result in a fine of not less than $200 or more than $500 and/or up to six months imprisonment. I may not drive while my license is suspended or I may be fined and have to serve a sentence and suspension of up to six months.

8 Driving while a license and/or registration is suspended and having a collision that causes injury to another person will result in a fine, continued suspension and the potential for a minimum 45-day jail sentence.

9 If an individual is at least 13 years old but under 18 years of age, he/she may have driving privileges suspended or postponed for a graffiti conviction.

10 Driver Improvement Program Motorists who accumulate 12 and 14 points in a 24 month period will receive a Notice of Scheduled Suspension by mail from MVC. After completion of a Driver Improvement Program or after restoration of a motorists driving privilege, he/she will be in a probationary period for one year.

11 Defensive Driving Courses Most road collisions are caused by motorist error. Defensive driving classes are offered, which will remove 2 points from the driver’s record, and may reduce car insurance rates.

12 Probationary Driver Program A motorist begins a 2 year probationary driver period after receiving a special learner or examination permit. If the driver is convicted of 2 or more moving violations totaling 4 or more points must enroll in the Probationary Driver Program. Once complete, 3 points will be removed from the driver’s record.

13 POINT SYSTEM MOVING VIOLATIONS: points are issued for - Minor violations = 2 points Major violations = 5 points and court appearance Leaving the scene/injury = 8 points

14 Speeding:  Up to 14mph = 2 points  15-29mph = 4 points  30+mph = 5 points

15 Avoiding a signal on private property = 2 points Fines for:  No snow removal  Idling for more than 3 minutes  Failure to move over for emergency vehicles  $200-$1,000 fine their vehicle causes death, injury, or property damage for no removal of ice and snow for motorists with private vehicles.

16 Failed to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk – 2 pts. Failure to stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk –2 pts. Operating a vehicle of private property to avoid a traffic sign – 2 pts. Improper passing of a school bus – 5 pts.

17 Fines doubled in safe corridor, work zone (construction)

18 12 points in longer than 2 years = “Proposed License Suspension” – 3 options 1. Driver improvement school 2. Appeal 3. Take a 3 month suspension 12 points within 2 years = 3 month suspension

19 LOSING POINTS 1. 3 points for ever year without a ticket 2. D.I.S. = -3 points 3. Defensive Driving Class = -2 points (Record never goes below zero)

20 SURCHARGES Paid to M.V. to keep license – must be paid for 3 years!!!!  Surcharge for all alcohol related violations  Surcharges for D.U.I, refusal of breath test, driving while suspended, uninsured.

21 Points – up to 5 points = no surcharge  6 points = $100 x 3 years  7 points+ = $100 + $25 per point over 6 points  Example: 8 points = $150 x 3 years

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