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Irregular Preterites. Irregulars in the preterite  These verbs are irregular in the preterite. Ponerse can be followed by an adjective or by a + an infinitive.

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Presentation on theme: "Irregular Preterites. Irregulars in the preterite  These verbs are irregular in the preterite. Ponerse can be followed by an adjective or by a + an infinitive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Irregular Preterites

2 Irregulars in the preterite  These verbs are irregular in the preterite. Ponerse can be followed by an adjective or by a + an infinitive to say how someone reacted to something at a specific point in the past. Decir, followed by que, is used to tell what someone said. PonerseDecir YoMePuseDije TuTePusistedijiste Ud., el, ellaSePusoDijo Nosotros(as)NosPusimosDijimos Vosotros(as)OsPusisteisDijisteis Uds., ellos, ellasSePusierondijeron

3 Ejemplos  Rosa se puso muy nerviosa cuando le toco jugar.  Rosa became very nervious when it was her turn to play.  Después de perder el partido, nos pusimos a practicar mas.  After losing the game, we started to practice more.  Dije que nuestro equipo gano el partido.  I said that our team won the game.

4 Darle Ganas de  You can use the expression darle ganas de followed by an infinitive to say what someone felt like doing at a specific point in the past.  Cuando vi el puntaje final, me dieron ganas de llorar.  When I saw the final score, I felt like crying.  Conjugate dar in the present tense.

5 Your turn  Do Activities 7-10 on pages 131-132.  7) Complete the dialog with ponerse and decir.  8) Describe the reactions of the people in each picture using ponerse and decir. 3 sentences per picture.  9) Complete the questions with the preterite of decir. Then answer each question. Indicate that they all said the opposite of what is asked.  10) Turn this conversation to the preterite tense. Then re-write it to talk about a competition you lost.

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