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Puzzle Cube Project Ms. Bruce Grove City High School.

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1 Puzzle Cube Project Ms. Bruce Grove City High School

2 Constraints 27 individual blocks You will design 5 parts Each part will consist of 3-6 individual pieces No 2 parts can be the same Some parts should interlock Parts should come together as a cube Each Cube is 1” by 1” by 1”

3 1.Define a Problem 2.Brainstorm 3.Research and Generate Ideas 4.Identify Criteria and Specify Constraints 5.Explore Possibilities 6.Select an Approach 7.Develop a Design Proposal 8.Make a Model or Prototype 9.Test and Evaluate the Design using Specifications 10.Refine the Design 11.Create or Make Solution 12.Communicate Processes and Results Design Process – ITEA Standards for Technological Literacy

4 In a typical Class Students will… –Brainstorm different part designs & sketch in isometric view –Design & sketch in isometric 2 design solutions –Choose a solution and build the puzzle cube –Draw multiview drawings for each part –Draw each part in CAD –Assemble parts in CAD –Develop final working drawings in CAD

5 Example Brainstorming

6 Example Sketched Solution

7 Example Parts in Inventor

8 Working Drawing

9 Exploded View


11 Standards Design Process Isometric Sketching Multiview Sketching Dimensioning CAD Solid Modeling CAD Assembly Drawing CAD Multiview

12 Any Questions?

13 Marketing

14 Introduction Concurrent engineering requires the use of many people outside the engineering design office. Marketing is a key element in how a part may be designed, produced, packaged and advertised.

15 Commercially designed parts must be manufactured at a cost that does not cut into profits. The product needs to be packaged for shipping in a cost effective manner as well.

16 The following slides will discuss the marketing factors that have an effect on the design process.

17 - Engineering Photo from MJE Corporation Cost Analysis includes expenses from the following departments: - Engineering - Manufacturing Photo from Delta Tool and Manufacturing Inc - Engineering - Manufacturing - Inventory Control Photo from GBI - Engineering - Manufacturing - Inventory Control - Shipping - Engineering - Manufacturing - Inventory Control - Shipping - Sales

18 Minimizing Costs Test the use of less expensive materials? Redesign packaging to cut cost? Cut the cost of maintenance, repairs, and operation? Check the reliability of the cost estimate? Was an engineering analysis done to:

19 Minimizing Costs Optimization of production costs Use of existing equipment, processes and facilities. Low cost tooling. Utilization of standard parts. Use of new and more efficient processes. Need to cut down on inspection and testing.

20 Packaging Design Factors Size of the PackageShape of the Package Product Protection Ability to Stack Packages Container is Structurally Sound Low Cost Eye Catching Minimal Use of Material Standardized for Transport Shock Temperature Extremes Vibration from Transport Humidity Extremes Dust and Dirt Photo from LANCO INC

21 Packaging Design Factors ColorPrinted TextArt Work Relationship to Human Feelings Associations with Holidays, Nature Foreign Languages Used Where Necessary Fonts: Readability, Style Size of Text Color: Attention Getting Warnings: Chemical, Fragile, Biological Special Instructions: Quantity to Stack, How to Open, Other Logos Trademarks Photos from Transparent Container Company

22 Packaging Design Factors CompetitiveEnvironmental Differences and Attractiveness Compared to Competitors Disposal of Packaging: Biodegradable? Recyclable? Minimal use of Material: For Cutting Cost. For Cutting Waste. Photo from LANCO INC

23 Advertising For advertising purposes, renderings and illustrations of products are necessary to show the public. The concept or system design documentation helps the public understand what it is that you designed.

24 This week You will complete all sketches You will complete a marketing plan –Including Pricing –Packaging examples

25 Next Week You are to complete CAD Drawings (after approval of sketches) You will receive your blocks You will make your container


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