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HOT Lanes on I-77 How did we get here and what do we do? October 30, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "HOT Lanes on I-77 How did we get here and what do we do? October 30, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOT Lanes on I-77 How did we get here and what do we do? October 30, 2014

2 The Problem Congested stretch of four lane road from mm21 to exit 36… with “no money” to widen it

3 A Solution Add a general purpose lane in both directions 13 miles $80- 130M (est) Source: “I-77 Feasibility Study,” December 7, 2009

4 The Current Plan Privately Operated Toll Lanes 27.5 Miles $655 M 50 year contract Cintra, a Spanish company Source: NCDOT Press Release, April 11, 2014

5 Taxpayer Contribution  Taxpayer Up-front Payment$88M For private tolling lanes  Taxpayer Subsidy$75M To cover potential revenue shortfalls  Taxpayer Liability$215M Government-backed bonds  26.5 miles of public right-of-way Leased exclusively at no cost to private company for 50 years Source: I-77 JLTCO Report, 4-25-14, WI77 analysis

6 Example: Toll Lane Flyover Source: NCDOT

7 The Cost Of Toll Lanes Source: I-77 JLTCO Report, 4-25-14, WI77 analysis A bloated non-solution that siphons millions from our economy for generations

8 How Did We Get Here?  State Level  Regional Level  Local Level

9 How Did We Get Here? “We have $70 billion in identified and ranked transportation projects with only $11 billion to pay the bill.”

10 Some NC Transportation “Needs”  $6.4 Billion for toll roads 9 out of 10 most expensive projects are tolled $4.6 billion “cost to NCDOT”  $717 million for new 4-lane From Lenoir (pop 19,000) to Tarleton (pop 11,000)  $306 million to widen NC-33 From Grimesland (pop 400) to Aurora (pop 500)  $600 Million for Urban Loops Wilkesboro, Red Springs, Lillington et al Source: NCDOT 9-24-14 Priority 3.0 Final Scores With these “needs”, no wonder NCGA really wants to build tolls…

11 North Carolina’s First Toll Road Revenues: $24M Operating Exp: $21M Debt Service: ~$50M $47M Annual Shortfall Source: NCTA Annual Report, WI77 analysis Triangle Expressway Financial Results Who pays the difference?

12 How Did We Get Here?  State Level  Supports tolling  Regional Level  Local Level

13 How Did We Get Here: Part 2  $158 Million bonus for building tolls (HB-817)  Allocated by CRTPO (formerly MUMPO) Initially ranked widening I-77 w/ general lanes as #92 Voted unanimously for toll lanes

14 Bonus Allocation Source: Transportation Funding Update, Huntersville Town Board, Oct 20, 2014

15 Bonus Allocation Source: Ibid. Bonus money ensures regional support for tolls…

16 How Did We Get Here?  State Level  Supports tolling  Regional Level  Supports tolling  Local Level

17 Local Efforts  June 21: A majority of LKN commisioners request Governor to delay contract signing  June 26: NCDOT:“No foundation for delay” Sign contract Local voices ignored…

18 How Did We Get Here?  State Level  Supports tolling  Regional Level  Supports tolling  Local Level  Ignored by NCDOT It’s up to us…

19 Widen I-77’s Efforts  20+ presentations  Exposure on virtually every local media outlet  National exposure Washington Times Wall Street Journal ABC News  Public engagement ~5,000 petition signatures ~1,000 cards to the governor 4,000+ FB “likes” Blog hits ~ 100K+

20 Widen I-77’s Efforts (Con’t)  Retained Legal Counsel Determine most viable strategies for legal action

21 Next Steps  File injunction*  Bring suit*  Re-rank GP project *as funding allows

22 About Widen I-77  A 501(c) (3) organization  Donations are tax deductible  Subject to IRS reporting and auditing It’s up to us…

23 Thank You WidenI77 PO Box 792 Cornelius, NC 28031 Your donations are tax-deductible. Fifty years of tolls aren’t.

24 Appendix

25 Typical Access Point Source: Executed Comprehensive Agreement

26 A New Funding Paradigm: STI  Passed last summer HB 817  Replaces Equity Formula Favored rural over urban areas  More data-driven Supposed to remove pork politicking


28  I77 General Purpose Lane Project I77 scores higher than 33 funded projects Projects to be funded Projects unfunded I-77 GP project through Lake Norman 73 “Statewide” funded projects 377 Unfunded Projects Highest scoring funded project Lowest scoring funded project A General Purpose Lane Project Would Likely Be Funded…

29 The Bad News: STI Corridor Cap  A maximum of 10% of projected funding in the “statewide” category  A “corridor” is defined as “any contiguous projects or group of projects”  Since I-77 South (i.e. Charlotte) scores higher it would use all corridor cap money  NCDOT says corridor cap applies... we disagree, but…

30 The Good News…  Corridor cap only applies to STATEWIDE Category  I-77 LKN could still be funded under Regional and Division categories 60% of total fundng ~$9B dollars  I-77 general use project eligible to be ranked as early as July 2014! Six Month Wait vs 50 Years of Tolls

31 NCDOT STI Scores for I-77 Project How Does This Rank Against Other Statewide Projects?

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