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Presentation on theme: " Route Map to Sustainable Health 11 th July 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Route Map to Sustainable Health 11 th July 2013

2 Agenda Introduction, objectives – David Pencheon Update and Progress 2013 – Sonia Roschnik Views from the world of CCGs – Derek Chase and Dave Maher Pharma update – Marc Beaumont A Local Authority Perspective – Peter Wright Summary of responses – Sonia Roschnik Lunch Group work Route Map futures

3 Objectives Work across the NHS, Public Health and Social care Results of the consultation and Sustainable Development Strategy Taking Route Map process forward in the years to come

4 Progress since January 2013 Route Map meeting Sustainable Development Strategy engagement exercise NHS, Public Health and Social Care National Adaptation Plan SDMP survey march 2013 – 70% Updates website – more accessible? Sustainability reporting framework 2013 HSJ Awards – Environment and Social Sustainability category PHE and NHS England corporate approach

5 NHS England CSR Public Health England SDU NHS, health and social care system NHS Trusts, PHE centres, CCGs, HWBB, social care SD with and on behalf of system Within NHS England and its advocacy Within NHS England and its advocacy SD/CSR Across PHE and its workstreams


7 Table

8 RM 2013/14 2013/14 Health Check –January additions included –Widen to Public Health and Social Care To add –NHS Carbon Footprint 2012 –Health and social care system footprint –Ipsos Mori 2013

9 Views from the world of CCG’s Derek Chase GP and Sustainability Lead Kings College Health Centre and Central London CCG Dave Maher Programme Director NHS City and Hackney CCG

10 Pharmaceuticals Update Marc Beaumont Head of Sustainability Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals

11 An LA perspective Peter Wright Public Health Partnership Manager Hertfordshire County Council


13 Consultation and Engagement Exercise The numbers: 1 Launch event and multiple events 9 Deep Dive Exercises 4 months engagement and consultation Close to 1000 responses, 331 system organisations, 186 other organisations 55% NHS Trusts, 35% CCGS, 31% LA’s, 72% Royal Colleges

14 High level summary Beyond NHS Broader than carbon  Integrated and aligned across the system  A clear, practical and realistic approach  Transparent and accountable  Locally tailorable?

15 Summary of responses 1.Is a New Strategy Needed? 90% Yes 2.Should scope widen beyond NHS? 90% Yes 3.Should it be ambitious? 90% Yes 4.Should it measure more than carbon? 90% Yes 5.Areas to focus on? –Models of care, engagement, pharma, adaptation, measurement, commissioning 6.Priorities for R&D –Models of care, technology, behaviours, culture, awareness, adaptation

16 Should the system set itself challenging ambitions? Themed comments from organisations & networks: NHS PHCCGRC/System LA/SC/HWBB Highest Ambitions measurable, achievable and realistic H&C system to lead by example 2 nd Highest H&C system to lead by example Performance management necessary Locally determined/ tailorable Must future proof system? Ambitions measurable +/not distract from care/ link SD and £

17 Metrics Principles and Options Benchmark existing indicators Encourage transparent, standard reporting Move towards cross system measures Move towards outcome measures Integrate into existing mechanisms e.g. Outcomes Frameworks and data collections Core and optional indicators for different parts of the system

18 SD areas to focus on? 80+% yes to proposed areas Themed comments from organisations & networks: NHSPHLA/SC/HWBBCCGRC/System Areas of focus Models of Care Adaptation Pharma Models of Care Pharma Social Value Models of Care Commission ing Models of Care Technology Extra themes MeasurementLA/ Public and society engagement System approach needed Public and society engagement LA/ Public and society engagement

19 Priorities for R&D? Themed comments from organisations & networks: NHSPHLA/SC/HWB B CCGRC/System Highest Models of Care Behaviours Culture Awareness Adaptation Resilience Models of care Technology Finances 2 nd Highest TechnologyPharmaceut icals Behaviours Culture Awareness Finances SD impact of healthcare policy Behaviours Culture Awareness

20 Overarching Principles from the consultation Across the system (integrated and aligned) Modular Benchmarkable Clear Approach and priorities Practical Widen scope (system & SD) - without losing focus Tailorable to local/organisational context

21 Potential Module Areas Engagement Patients/Clients Workforce Community/Public Commissioning & Procurement Procurement Service Commissioning Care Vision Sustainable Models of Care Clinical Vision Clinical Engagement Carbon Hotspots Pharmaceuticals +Travel? Medical Devices + ? Energy Local, Healthy, Resilient and Sustainable Communities Maximising Social Value Adaptation

22 How do you feel the modules come across? Do you have expertise you can/ would have time to share with us? Which areas? How would you like to support the development of the SDS?

23 Lunch and Networking

24 How do we widen approach to health and care system? How to enable/support localised system delivery? Some principles to test modules long list for Jan/July 2014 How to develop and make best use Route Map?

25 Potential strategic principles (1) Locally tailorable, locally led Standardised, integrated and public reporting Environment considered in all policies, strategies and plans Maximise the wider benefits from investment

26 Understand & prioritise areas of highest impact Senior level assurance of health and care system resilience Partnerships to align purpose, objectives and measures - a whole system approach Networks to share and benefit from evidenced based good practice Potential strategic principles (2)

27 Route Map futures? How should we develop the Route Map into the future? How can you help? Regional vs London events? Widen membership? Local delivery?


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