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Presentation on theme: "REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON INCLUSIVE GREEN ECONOMIES FOR POVERTY REDUCTION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA: From Inspiration to Action Regional Economic."— Presentation transcript:

1 REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON INCLUSIVE GREEN ECONOMIES FOR POVERTY REDUCTION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA: From Inspiration to Action Regional Economic Communities and Green Growth: Building Blocks for Enhanced Sustainability 28 Feb -1 March 2015 Cairo, Egypt Brian O. Otiende Climate Change Coordinator Department of Environment and Natural Resources East African Community Vision: a prosperous, competitive, secure and politically united East Africa

2 Outline 1.EAC’s Mandate and Integration Agenda and Achievements 2.Regional Cooperation in Sustainable Development and Green Economy 3.Challenges and Opportunities in Investments in Green Economy 4.Evolving role in the context of Green Growth 2

3 Regional Mandate & Sustainable Development Agenda  Regional Intergovernmental Organization of the Rep. of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda  Area:1.82 mn Km2; Pop: 143.5mn; GDP: $110.3 bn; GDP per capita: $769  Re-established in 1999 by the Treaty for the Establishment of the EAC  Objective- to widen and deepen social, economic and political integration for mutual benefits of the Partner States through sectoral policies and programmes  Vision- A prosperous, competitive, secure and politically united East Africa  Socio-economic and political cooperation is a requisite for a fast, balanced and sustainable development and well being  Sectoral development activities may have negative impacts on the environment, leading to the degradation and depletion of natural resources  A clean and healthy environment is a prerequisite for sustainable development 3

4 Customs Union (2005) Common Market (2009) Monetary Union (2013) Political Federation Mutual TrustPolitical WillSovereign EqualityPeaceful Co-existence Good NeighbourlinessPeaceful Settlement of Disputes Good GovernanceEquitable Distribution of Benefits Mutual Benefit People-CentredCreation of Enabling Environment Rule of Law Market-Driven

5 Progress & Milestones  With the establishment of the Customs Union in 2005 and the Common Market in 2010, EAC has realized systematic and steady progress in several sectors including – Infrastructure (roads, railways, ports) – Energy- cross-border interconnectivity and transmission, renewable energy-geothermal development, oil & gas discovery – Environment & Natural Resources – Agriculture & Food Security – Information Communication & Technology (ICT) – One Stop Border Post (OSBP) – Removal on Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) – Intra-EAC trade growth- US$3.5bn in 2009 to about US$5.8bn in 2013 – Value chain study of solar and bio energy industries

6 Regional Cooperation on Green Economy- Existing Policy Framework  Protocol on Environment and Natural Resources Management (2006)  Protocol on Sustainable Development of Lake Victoria Basin (2003)  EAC Climate Change Policy (2011), Strategy (2011/12-15/16), Master Plan (2012-2030) and Climate Change Fund  Agriculture and Rural Development Policy (2006) and Strategy (2005-2030)  EAC Food Security Action Plan (2011)  Regional Strategy on Scaling up Access to Modern Energy Services in EAC (2006)  Power Master Plan;  EAC Industrialization Policy and Strategy  EACPost Rio+20 Plan of Action 6

7 Challenges and Opportunities  Lack of common understanding on green economy approaches, potential risks, costs and benefits Common understanding is necessary for designing the required strategies at a regional level that are in conformity with international best practices  Climate change - major threat to sustainable development Opportunities for climate change adaptation and mitigation-climate proofing development/climate smart development  Lack of adequate financing Innovative financing mechanism include Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) 7

8 Climate Change Variability & Change  Impacts are largely evidenced in the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme events (climatic disasters) often leading to massive damage to both public and private investments and loss of lives  Biggest threat to achievement of sustainable development and poverty alleviation- risk of retarding/reversing development gains  Will continue to have disproportionately negative impacts in Africa due to the continent’s high vulnerability due to over- dependence on natural capital, low adaptive capacities- institutional, technical and financial  Economic costs to African economies is estimated at 1.5 -3% of GDP by 2030 and is protected to rise 8

9 Role of RECs in the Evolving Green Economy Context  The Outcome of the Rio+20 Summit- "The Future We Want" recognized Partnerships and networks in adopting green economy policies and initiatives Regional studies and capacity building initiatives Formulation and harmonization of Green Economy Policies and Strategies Galvanizing Public-Private Partnership- Comprehensive Dialogue Framework (CDF) Leveraging finance and investments in climate change, infrastructural and industrial development projects (EAC Climate Change Fund, EAC Carbon Credit Exchange Platform, Infrastructure Fund and Industrial Development Fund/Trade Facility, EAC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency-EACREEE) Access to Climate Change Funding- Supporting direct access of funds from the Adaptation Fund (AF) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF) through National and Regional Implementing Entities (N/RIEs) 9

10 Conclusion Despite developing countries being net emitters, climate change adaptation and mitigation offers enormous potential to contribute to SD and GE in the context of environmental multilateralism and the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and capabilities Adaptation opportunities exist in almost all socio-economic development while mitigation opportunities exist in the forestry (REDD+), energy (RE &EE), industry (CP), transport, agriculture (CSA); waste management sectors Although some of the technological options can be exploited through market based mechanisms such as Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), more strategic financial and technological support is required in areas and options where market- based mechanisms may not be attractive. 2015 offers an excellent global opportunity for strengthening linkages between the sustainable development (SDGs), climate change (Post-Kyoto) and disaster risk reduction (HFA-2) 10

11 END-Thank You!


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