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Public Border Operators Association Border Infrastructure Project Updates Canada – United States Transportation Border Working Group Meeting April 19 –

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1 Public Border Operators Association Border Infrastructure Project Updates Canada – United States Transportation Border Working Group Meeting April 19 – April 21, 2011

2 Seaway International Bridge Corporation South Channel Bridge Recoating Three Year Project: 2010 to 2012 $22 million budget Project Management by SIBC


4 Seaway International Bridge Corporation North Channel Bridge Replacement Three Phases Phase 1: In-water Works (Three Bridge Piers) Project Management by Federal Bridge Corporation Ltd. $8,415,440 contract awarded to American Bridge Canada Corporation Site work starts May 9, 1011

5 New Low-Level Bridge

6 Seaway International Bridge Corporation Contract Two: Superstructure and Road Connections to be tendered summer 2011 Contract Three: Demolition of Existing High-Level Bridge starting 2014 Total Project Budget $75 million Project Management by Federal Bridge Corporation Ltd. Funding by Canadian Government through Transport Canada

7 Seaway International Bridge Corporation New Electronic Tolling System Developed by Seaway International Bridge Corporation with Consultant Support Fully integrated tolling system for managing toll collection, operations and traffic statistics Placed in service February 2011

8 Seaway International Bridge Corporation New Massena Land Port of Entry $55 million project 37,200 sq ft administration building, two garages and warehouse Six passenger vehicle lanes Three commercial lanes


10 Ogdensburg-Prescott International Bridge Main span rehabilitation/deck replacement is 45% complete ($23 million project completed by Nov 2011) Seeking an additional $95 million for approach span rehabilitation through a variety of funding sources Completed a $3.2 million Toll Booth Relocation Project completing crossing modernization Exploring E-ZPass installation as a potential benefit to end users

11 Thousand Islands Bridge New U.S. plaza - $174 million included in President’s 2012 budget, subject to Congressional approval Increase from 11 lanes (3 truck, 8 car) to 18 lanes (8 hi-lo truck, 10 car) Land acquisition complete

12 Thousand Islands Bridge U.S. Plaza

13 Thousand Islands Bridge U.S. Plaza Rendering

14 Canadian plaza - Preliminary study completed for new CBSA facility $35-40 million Possible construction in 2013 – 2014 Thousand Islands Bridge

15 Lewiston-Queenston Bridge Canadian Plaza – $132 million project almost complete – commercial operations open, bus and auto operational April 12 – From 9 lanes (3 truck, 6 car) to 15 lanes (5 truck, 10 car) – Phase 3 (Duty Free and currency exchange) to commence August 2011 U.S. Plaza – Plans developed to increase from 10 lanes (4 truck, 6 car) to 16 lanes (variable booths) – $117 million lease proposal submitted in 2009, awaiting funding resolution




19 Peace Bridge 5 th CBSA Commercial inspection lane operational in early 2011 2 nd NEXUS lane entering Canada now operational All U.S. CBP lanes capable of reading WHTI- compliant documents Transitioning E-ZPass Customer Service Center to NYS Thruway Authority


21 Peace Bridge EIS for a companion bridge and new U.S. plaza continuing. Record of Decision contingent on funding commitment from GSA/CBP. New $300 million U.S. plaza to have 25 lanes (13 car, 12 truck – all hi-low)

22 Detroit-Windsor Tunnel ETC implemented in Detroit as of July 2010 The defunct Transport Canada crossing time system was brought in house, measuring crossing times via Bluetooth signals All 11 CBP lanes have full electronic document capabilities CBP secondary inspection station was renovated to GSA/CBP standards (2009) ($200k) Create an additional inspection lane, increasing capacity by 10% (2010) ($850k) 15% complete on CBP inspection plaza renovation including (plaza expansion, signage, new inspection bays, motor coach/bus processing center, renovated office space, creation of new secondary inspection area. Too early for good pictures, CBP hesitant for us to share site plans. ($7m) $30m CDN Windsor plaza renovation scheduled to start in 2011


24 Detroit-Windsor Tunnel U.S. Plaza


26 Blue Water Bridge Canada $67m Corporate Centre opening in June – CBSA – CFIA – Brokers – BWBC Admin 7 new Commercial PILs


28 Blue Water Bridge Canada $20m infrastructure improvements completed – Hwy LED signage – Hwy 402 approach widening – Plaza communication and electrical improvements MDOT I-94/I-69 widening underway (Completion 2012) Hwy 402 widening project continues (completion 2012)


30 Sault Ste. Marie International Bridge CBSA PLAZA REDEVELOPMENT Work description - Replace the functionally obsolete, 50 year old plaza and expand to meet current needs Funding - $44.1M (Cdn) from Federal Gateways and Border Crossing Fund $5.0M (Cdn) from Bridge toll revenue Construction start - late 2011 Construction complete - early 2014

31 Sault Ste. Marie International Bridge CBSA Plaza Conceptual Rendering

32 Sault Ste. Marie International Bridge USCBP TRUCK QEUEING LANE EXTENSION Work description - widen the pavement between the south end Bridge and the USCBP inspection booths to reduce wait time and traffic congestion, reduce engine idling exhaust emissions and promote traffic safety Funding - $1,087,695 (USD) from US American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Construction start - April 2011 Construction complete - August 2011

33 Sault Ste. Marie International Bridge U.S. Plaza Conceptual Rendering

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