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Learning Resources Publishing African bibliographic references on the web Alan Hopkinson Head of Systems and Bibliographic Services Middlesex University,

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Resources Publishing African bibliographic references on the web Alan Hopkinson Head of Systems and Bibliographic Services Middlesex University,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Resources Publishing African bibliographic references on the web Alan Hopkinson Head of Systems and Bibliographic Services Middlesex University, UK

2 Learning Resources Publishing African bibliographic references on the web a low cost solution for Albert Cook Medical Library, Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda.

3 Learning Resources Albert Cook Medical Library, Makerere University, Uganda.

4 Learning Resources Software for Development Software costs are in development An extra copy hardly costs Commercial companies have problems thinking in this way with software though other commercial companies have licensed journals at low cost

5 Learning Resources CDS/ISIS in the 1980s In 1980s computers were mainframes To run a library system, institutions had to be able to afford a computer (more expensive than today) UNESCO wanted to promote exchange of bibliographic references in science and technology and medicine

6 Learning Resources CDS/ISIS Mainframe ISIS developed by International Labour Organization of the UN for IBM mainframes (1960) UNESCO in its role as UN agency for scientific dissemination took it over for wider distribution to developing countries and renamed CDS/ISIS (1975) UNESCO developed CDS/ISIS for Microcomputers and minicomputers (1985) UNESCO developed Windows version (1998)

7 Learning Resources CDS/ISIS UNESCO involvement UNESCO is part of UN and its programme is developed by Member States Many Member States have felt it was not UNESCO’s role to develop or maintain software Therefore it relied on enthusiasts within UNESCO (Mr G Delbigio, Mr Davide Storti) Development continued in UNESCO until 2004 (CDS/ISIS for Windows 1.5)

8 Learning Resources CDS/ISIS for Windows

9 Learning Resources CDS/ISIS for the Health Sector BIREME in Brazil (PAHO/WHO) parallel development: C-ISIS (1990) BIREME developed from C-ISIS the web-based WWWISIS (1995) and continue… BIREME support Latin American and Caribbean Centre on Health Sciences Information Virtual Library in Health WWWISIS is fully compatible with CDS/ISIS

10 Learning Resources WWWISIS Developed by highly technical institution Needs certain level of help to set it up Solution: GenISIS developed by Pierre Chabert of the French CDS/ISIS Association Manual translated into English by Deepali Talagala, General Secretary,Sri Lanka Library Association

11 Learning Resources Albert Cook Library Website developed in Partnership with Kent, Surrey and Sussex Healthcare Libraries but no access to catalogue Supported by Partnerships in Health Information Albert Cook Library used CDS/ISIS to contribute records to international database

12 Learning Resources African Index Medicus World Health Organization, in collaboration with the Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa (AHILA), has produced an international index to African health literature and information sources known as African Index Medicus (AIM). the Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa

13 Learning Resources

14 Learning Resources Records input from Uganda

15 Learning Resources Record retrieved

16 Learning Resources CDS/ISIS Training and Development December 2006 I invited staff from Albert Cook Library to come to London for training at Middlesex University Visas could not be obtained in time Instead planned that I visit the Albert Cook Library (4 days) This had the advantage I could set up WWWISIS on site

17 Learning Resources Albert Cook Library Behind with cataloguing Key staff member had died Lack of systems support Needed encouragement

18 Learning Resources My work in Uganda My role was simply to train librarians to use CDS/ISIS for Windows for data entry into the catalogue (of books and journal articles) systems librarians to set up WWWISIS to provide internet access to those Train library systems and to support the Systems Librarian in discussions with the university IT department to enable the database to be visible from outside

19 Learning Resources Results Albert Cook Library is contributing better to the Index Medicus Africa They have access to the records in their catalogue from their website (unfortunately available only locally) University Library IT Librarian also trained Two librarians from Kenya attended

20 Learning Resources



23 Other Benefits Greater understanding of situation in Africa Chance to experiment with GenISIS Chance to widen my experience Opportunity to see how other people think which can then be applied to visitors who come to see me —For example traditional librarianship is quite strong but little training in library automation Middlesex University has an international mission and it is good for the library to be seen to be involved

24 Learning Resources Greater understanding of situation in Africa

25 Learning Resources Chance to widen my experience

26 Learning Resources Opportunity to help visitors who come to see me

27 Learning Resources Middlesex’s International Mission

28 Learning Resources Thank you for your attention

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