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Subjects can be tricky things. Sometimes when you are looking for something specific –you need to widen your search. When you get too close to something,

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Presentation on theme: "Subjects can be tricky things. Sometimes when you are looking for something specific –you need to widen your search. When you get too close to something,"— Presentation transcript:



3 Subjects can be tricky things. Sometimes when you are looking for something specific –you need to widen your search. When you get too close to something, it can be hard to figure it out. By backing up a little and looking at the bigger picture you can get more information. click

4 How to make a paper cup If you were trying to find a book on What subjects might you widen your search to?

5 What is origami? or What is fine arts? or What is paper folding? 100

6 Directions: Play in teams of two. Team 1 picks a category and an amount. They continue to play until they get a wrong answer. Then team 2 plays. Keep track of used blocks because they can only be chosen once. Play until a predetermined time has elapsed, or until all blocks are chosen. The team with the most money wins. Answer each statement with a question. Be sure to wait until the hand appears before clicking any item. If the slide doesn’t change after clicking the icon, try clicking in the lower right corner of the icon.

7 AnimalsHistoryMechanicalArt/SportsLiteratureScience 100 300 100 200 100 300 200 300 400 500 400 500 400 100 300 200 500 400 100 300 200 500 400 100 300 200 500 400 200

8 Dolphin

9 What is a cetacea? or What is a mammal? 100

10 Tiger

11 What is carnivora? Or What is a feline? Or What is a cat? 200

12 Raven

13 What is a aves? or What is a bird? 300

14 Snake

15 What is a squamata? or What is a serpentes? or What is a reptile? 400

16 Frog

17 What is a amphibian? Or What is a anura? 500

18 Moped

19 What is a motorcycle? or What is a bicycle? 100

20 Golden Gate

21 What is a bridge? or What is a suspension bridge? 200

22 Helicopter

23 What is an aircraft? or What is a rotorcraft? 300

24 Ferrari

25 What is an automobile? or What is a sports car? 400

26 hydrofoil

27 What is a boat? 500

28 George Washington

29 What is the Revolutionary War? 100

30 General Grant

31 What was the Civil War? 200

32 \ Mayflower

33 What is the colonial period? or What is colonists of North America? 300

34 Christopher Columbus

35 What is explorers? or What is Spanish explorer? 400


37 Martin Luther King, Jr.

38 What is the American Civil Rights Movement? 500

39 How to make chocolate chip cookies

40 What is cooking? 100

41 How to build a fire

42 What is camping? or What is wilderness survival? 200


44 How to pass the ball to each other using a stick

45 What is Lacrosse? or What is a sports game: Lacrosse? 300

46 Mixing colors

47 What is how to paint? Or What is how to do fine arts? 400

48 How to successfully jump

49 What is dirt bike racing? or What is the sport bikes? 500

50 Muppets

51 What are puppets? or What are puppet plays? 100

52 There once was a young girl named Jill. Who was scared by the sight of a drill. She brushed every day So her dentist would say, “Your teeth are so perfect; no bill.”

53 What is poetry? or What is a limerick? 200

54 What do you get when you cross an elephant with a fish?

55 What is a joke? or What is a riddle? 300

56 Stories about cowboys, horses, and cattle.

57 What are western? 400

58 Stories about space, machines, aliens, and new worlds

59 What is science fiction? 500

60 The Sun

61 100 What is Astronomy? or What is a star?

62 Gold

63 200 What is metal? or What is an chemical element?

64 Apple Tree

65 300 What is a fruit tree? Or What is a plant?

66 Electric Potato

67 400 What is science experiments? or What is electricity? or What is a potato?

68 Area of a Cylinder

69 500 What is math? or What is geometry?

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