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Reforms Challenge & Opportunity for Independent Ambulances Rob Ashford, Chairman, Independent Ambulance Association Ambulex June 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Reforms Challenge & Opportunity for Independent Ambulances Rob Ashford, Chairman, Independent Ambulance Association Ambulex June 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reforms Challenge & Opportunity for Independent Ambulances Rob Ashford, Chairman, Independent Ambulance Association Ambulex June 2012

2 The Climate NHS changes most comprehensive since the beginning Resistance will continue BUT market will widen

3 Enter The IAA Timely and needed Professionally run trade association Not for profit, owned by members

4 Welcomed by public sector organisations “New voice for independent ambulance industry” “Congratulation on the formation of a much needed organisation”

5 We’re Lobbying policymakers & regulators Promoting independents’ role in nation’s healthcare Ensuring ‘fair play’ for all companies

6 We’re building trust & working relationships with allies

7 Taking The Opportunity Companies facing greater competition must Continuously Improve professionalism Invest more in trained qualified people Be innovative - learn to work with ‘new’ NHS Support from surprise quarter

8 “Expand independent sector provision to boost NHS quality & efficiency” Dr Gareth Goodier, Health Service Journal May 2012 ‘…in stressing how significant change is needed to meet future challenges, Dr Goodier, on his departure from the UK,is leaving a great example for the next generation of leaders…….

9 Is this a pipedream? NHS ambulance trusts & independent companies working side by side to deliver a 5 star safe and caring service for all patients

10 What Do You Think? Thank You Any Questions? Rob Ashford, Chairman, Independent Ambulance Association

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