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National Food Security Mission An enduring journey for attaining and sustaining food and nutritional security Kisan ki Unnati Desh ki Pragati Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "National Food Security Mission An enduring journey for attaining and sustaining food and nutritional security Kisan ki Unnati Desh ki Pragati Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Food Security Mission An enduring journey for attaining and sustaining food and nutritional security Kisan ki Unnati Desh ki Pragati Presentation to Parliamentary Consultative Committee of Ministry of Agriculture In-session meeting on 5 th June, 2013

2 Gap in Yield with Farmers Practice and Improved Technology at Sample Farms % StateWheatStateRice Uttar Pradesh26.5 Upland rainfed Bihar25.7 Chhattisgarh 19.2 Punjab10.6 Jharkhand 66.1 Haryana5.1 Uttar Pradesh 46.0 Rajasthan6.0 Irrigated Gujarat15.6Chhattisgarh 24.9 Madhya Pradesh33.4Bihar 17.4 Maharashtra17.3Gujarat 14.2 Himachal Pradesh23.0J&K 59.1 West Bengal32.9UP 35.6 Uttarakhand38.6Uttarakhand 20.3

3 Mission - salient features Promotes proven technologies – Bridge the yield gaps Result oriented – Additional production to meet growing demand Targets low productivity high potential districts – Widen the food basket

4 Technology Seeds Soil Health National Food Security Mission (NFSM) Farm Machines Plant Protection PMTs and Direct Fund Publicity, FFS and Demo Extension and Admin Mission Ingredients

5 NFSM in 11 th Plan Expenditure in Rs. Crores YearRiceWheatPulses+A3PPublicityTotal release 2007-0858.97208.19105.5925.98 398.73 2008-09340.53232.23287.2923.24 883.29 2009-10294.33317.98387.6719.18 1019.16 2010-11258.94261.36727.7632 1280.06 2011-12328.36265.52658.4533.62 1285.95 Total1281.131285.282166.76134.024867.19 Total plan outlay 4883 crores

6 Components promoted

7 THREE SALIENT GAINS Target achieved Wider Food basket Eastern India

8 Food Production in 11 th Plan CropTarget10th plan11th planincrease over base Addl. Prodn 2006 -07 Average 2007- 08 2008- 09 2009- 10 2010- 11 2011- 12 Average Terminal year Average Rice10938697998996105971211 Wheat876707981 8795851915 Pulses2141315 18171633 Total Food Grains 202172022312352182452592384236

9 Contribution of NFSM Districts NFSM DistrictsNon NFSM Districts Crops2006-072011-12% increase2006-072011-12% increase Rice1547217140.301987229615.50 Wheat255626825.003159365115.50 Pulses61969312.0063274217.00 Crop11th Plan12th PlanReplaced% Rice1361314029 Wheat141967050 Pulses1581489057 Coarse Cereals99 Total43547411025 Yield gain (kg/ha) Focus Districts

10 Supply response to demand for FoodGrains

11 Widened Food Basket Production in ‘000 tonsCerealsPulsesSurplus-Deficit (%) Per capita - g/dayAveragePer capitaAveragePer capitaPC cerealsPC Pulses Punjab281202781202595-94 Haryana17187185712413364-62 Himachal Pradesh21958772912119-67 Madhya Pradesh20434771408415493340 Rajasthan18639744276611086216 Uttar Pradesh5097470024803475-3 Chhattisgarh6495697437477434 Karnataka153276871246567260 Andhra Pradesh206786691209396712 West Bengal16700501198625-83 Uttarakhand1835497481324-63 Bihar185164899562522-28 Jammu & Kashmir19774321748-89 Orissa6293411370243-31 Gujarat877039875934-2 Tamil Nadu1031539235814-2-61 Assam4433390979-3-76 Jharkhand453737747840-614 Maharashtra12229298217753-2552 Kerala5494530-89-99 Diet Norms Cereals: 400g/day Pulses: 35g/day Average is of 5 years’ production in 11 th Plan period National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau, 2006 DES, Ministry of Agriculture, GoI

12 National Food Security Mission – anchored food production efforts From 2010-11 Outlay for food crops increased from 4882 crores to 9500 crores with support of RKVY

13 Eastern India Rice yields in 2009

14 Eastern India Rice Yields in 2011-12

15 12 TH PLAN APPROACH Coarse cereals included Special plan for remote areas Cropping system

16 Strategy of targeting low productivity districts – Assured funding – PMTs at District, State and National level Result oriented Approach – Production targets – Krishi Karman Awards at State and National Levels – Mid course corrections Promotional Programs – Seeds, nutrients, plant protection measures and farm machines What worked

17 1/4 th districts (105) unresponsive – Problems of remote locations – Agro ecologies Weak Documentation – Low Capacity of extension machinery Seed production – New varieties – Hybrid Rice, pulses What didn’t work

18 Priorities of NFSM in 12 th Plan  Strengthen Delivery Channels  Improve work environment ▪ Skills and tool sets  Improve Accountability ▪ Concurrent evaluation  Develop Alternate Delivery Channels  Emphasis on new Institutions ▪ Within (FPOs), Outside (NRLM)  Involve NGOs ▪ Remote inaccessible areas

19 Accelerated Crop Production Program as the key driver of change in the lowest producing areas – Holistic treatment for the cropping system instead of a crop Technology promotion to sustain 11 th Plan gains Technology development for food crops in commercial crop based cropping system Strategic and Adaptive research – NARS and CGIAR institutions New programs – stabilized production of foodgrains Special projects in high productivity areas – value chain integration and marketing support – improving access to technology for small holders Special project for remote areas Promoting agri Services in farm operations Approach

20 Proposed Plan Outlay I.Food Crops Rs. 12,200 Crores II.Cotton Rs. 71 Crores III.Jute Rs. 41 Crores IV.Sugarcane Rs. 38 Crores Total Rs. 12,350 Crores Production Targets I.Rice 10 Million tons II.Wheat 8 Million tons III.Pulses 4 Million tons IV.Coarse cereals 3 Million tons Total 25 Million tons National Food Security Mission-EFC for XII Plan (2012-13 to 2016-17)

21 Summary of proposed outlay ACPPInputs Value Chain Local Initiatives, PMTs etc.Total Rice 1380863.67 546.702790.37 Wheat 1100688.43 435.782224.20 Pulses 20001251.69100792.324144.01 Coarse Cereals 1455910.61100576.423042.02 Food Crops 59353714.402002351.2212200 Commercial Crops 150 59353714.402002501.2212350

22 Why continued focus on Foodgrains? Sustained and ever increasing demand Strategic – 2/3 rd of Crop area is under food grains Crop Diversification and Eastern India – Climate Change and Millets/Pulses crops Sustainable agriculture – Feed/Fodder Maize, millets – Global Food Situation – Trade oppurtunities

23 Pulses Demand-Supply

24 Pulses – New initiatives Linking pulses farmers to market – Setting up farmer producer organizations through Small Farmers agri business consortium (SFAC) – Building pulses value chain in PPP (Rallis) Remunerative Minimum Support Price – Procurement operations by FPOs backed by SFAC- NCDEX-NAFED ‘Nitrogen award’ being worked out as bonus to monetize environmental benefits of pulses

25 Kisan ki Unnati Desh ki Pragati Finally While cereals production is more assured, a lot of work needs to be done on pulses and millets Liberal budgetary support, strong political will and innovative programs augur well for the success in Pulses as well NFSM created opportunities for innovations to effectively meet the needs of the farmers Thank you

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