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Troubleshooting Techniques & Utilities
Staci Maund Curtis Krol
Troubleshooting Methodologies Hyland Troubleshooting Tools
These methodologies are universally used, not just with our software but with any software or hardware you may use in your organization. We will then get into discussing some of the troubleshooting tools we use at Hyland to diagnose OnBase issues.
9 Indispensable Rules of troubleshooting
From Debugging by David J. Agans ISBN # 9 basic principles of troubleshooting as outlined in David Agan's book called "Debugging." This is a great reference that provides many real world examples of how the principles outlined in the book can be instrumental in identifying the source of an issue. This is required reading for all of the members of Hyland's Tech Support Department and something that we recommend for your personal bookshelf. You'll find that following the principle that I will outline briefly here can save you tons of time troubleshooting support issues.
Rule #1 Understand the System Read the manual
Know how the system is supposed to work Know your tools
1 Read the Manual Hyland Community Training.OnBase
Module Reference Guides Forum Training.OnBase Web Based Trainings Education Services Class Schedules Read the manual read it beforehand instead of as an issue arises, knowing how it works supposed to work lets you know what it is and is not capable of. For OnBase software, we have the module MRGs on the community site for any particular version you may be running. is also another great resource with web-based training and for a deeper dive, we offer many classes, including a week long course on Troubleshooting called “Supporting OnBase” which gives you hand on experience with many of the tools we reference in this presentation and much more.
Know How it’s Supposed to Work
Look up ALL the details on the issue System information Is it supposed to work? DO NOT ASSUME! Trust but verify Know How it’s Supposed to Work Are you sure the combination of software, operating system and third party software supposed to work together? Look up ALL the details on the issue System information The MRG lists all the hardware and software requirements that work with that specific version of the software you are using Is it supposed to work? DO NOT ASSUME! Make sure to check the reference guide Trust but verify
1 Know Your Tools Know what tools to use Know how to use them!
Know the limitations too Should you use more than one tool? Maybe… Know Your Tools Know what tools to use and how to use them to gather the specific information you are using. One of the primary tools we have at our disposal is a Verbose log, however, if you haven’t enabled the Time stamp capability, you will not capture useful information if you are troubleshooting a performance issues. Know the limitations and capabilities of that particular tool Instead of trying to figure out how to use it when the issue occurs which only prolongs getting to the resolution Should you use more than one tool? We may combine Diagnostics console logs with Event view logs or Verbose logs with the RPT file to get a better view of what is happening with the system
Rule #2 Make It Fail Reproduce the issue
2 Make It Fail Why reproduce The Issue? Observe the behavior
Narrow down the cause Confirm the fix Why reproduce The Issue? Observe the behavior so we know what the steps are that we need to take to get it to fail. This not only helps us understand the issue and gather the appropriate information to diagnose but also allows us to retest with the fix so we can verify that we have actually resolved the problem. Narrow down the cause and then confirm the fix.
2 Make It Fail What are good details of a problem?
Detailed steps to reproduce the issue Obtain all facts when troubleshooting Does the problem happen after the same set of actions? What are good details of a problem? Detail everything until you have gathered enough information to narrow it down. Try reproducing it on the system it originally occurred on and possibly another system with different environment variables such as operating system, browser etc. if it still occurs or does not occur, this is good information to know. Does the App Fail on Multiple Machines? Did the application work until recently? If so, what was changed? What do we mean by failure? Hang, Error Message, Access Violation What does slow mean? Detailed steps to reproduce the issue Obtain all facts when troubleshooting Don’t rule anything out it may or may not be relevant, but until we know for sure Does the problem happen after the same set of actions? Or does it occur after a different set of steps the next time, this will help narrow down where the problem lies and a developer can look at a specific piece of code based on that information.
2 Make It Fail Intermittent Issues
Find the signature of intermittent bugs Amplify testing Capture info on every attempt Never throw away a debugging tool Intermittent Issues Find the signature of intermittent bugs What is the common thread, because it is intermittent, you may have to go through the steps to recreate many times before it occurs again. But when it does make sure document everything at the time it occurs such as day it occurred, the time of day, how many users are in the system, what other process happen to be running at that time, Amplify testing If it happened once it will happen again, just keep at it Capture info on every attempt You’ll need to set up logging, if there is an error, a screenshot every time since error codes could change slightly – it may look like the same but it may not be Never throw away a debugging tool Later on down the road you may find that a particular tool is no longer useful for the issue you are working on but until then, don’t rule it out Be patient, often times the intermittent issues take a while to pop up, but when they did, its important to be prepared with as many tools to capture the pertinent information
Rule #3 Quit Thinking & Look Read the complete error message
Get a screenshot Rule #3 Quit Thinking & Look
3 Quit Thinking & Look See the actual failure
Do not just assume and fix the wrong thing See the details - get complete info Guessing is okay, but only to focus your search Quit Thinking & Look See the actual failure Do not just assume and accidentally fix the wrong issue You may think that a change you made seems to have fixed the issue, but unless you have tested multiple times, and sometimes on different systems or even different steps, it may not be completely fixed. See the details - get complete info Get the complete error message and make sure that when you recreate it multiple times, the error is the exact same like I mentioned in the previous section. 1 digit may change and that could be a factor. Guessing is okay, but only to focus your search You can guess any number of possible causes. You can only actually see the true cause. Sometimes it’s worth a guess if it’s an easy fix for a likely issues. I can’t stress it enough, Just gather as much detail about the situation you can (many different types of logs, screenshots, steps to recreate, details about when it occurs and how often, etc…) More is better than not enough especially when it is intermittent, it could drag out the resolution if we don’t have enough info to troubleshoot, we will have to wait until the next time it happens which in some cases I have seen it only occur once a month.
successive approximation
Narrow the search with successive approximation Rule #4 Divide & Conquer
4 Divide & Conquer Narrow the Search with Successive Approximation
Use available info from: Step 1 – Understand the System Step 3 – Quit Thinking and Look Break it into smaller bites! Divide & Conquer Narrow the Search with Successive Approximation What do we mean by that? Pick a # between 1 and 20, divide that in half and then in half again and again. Ultimately you are going to end up with one number that is going to be somewhere in those to ranges and then one of those two sub-range’s and so forth until you get down to a single # Use available info from both Step 1 and 3: Step 1 – Understand the System Step 3 – Quit Thinking and Look Knowing the system and how its suppose to work and then read through the error messages, log files, and other info you gathered and try and put 2 and 2 together to see if that helps you divide and conquer, narrowing your search to a specific variable By breaking it into smaller bites you may be able to tell if its Server Side, Client Side, or Configuration Issue Are all users affected? Only certain ones? Are they in the same User Group(s)?
4 Divide & Conquer Test for an expected result
Start at the problem and work backwards It could be more than one thing! Sometimes they are both the same issue Sometimes one fix causes another problem Is it noise or is it real? Widen the range if necessary Test for an expected result In the case of WF, where is the document supposed to go, is there scripting involved Start at the problem and work backwards Workflow – Use a control to isolate and confirm Start at the document, not the Lifecycle, look at the document history, what were the steps in the workflow to see if you can figure out how it got there It could be more than one thing! Sometimes they are both the same issue, sometimes there are 2 different issues and if you fix one issue Is it noise or is it real? Are we chasing a Red Herring, what you may be experiencing may not be the whole problem but a system of the actual issue. if necessary, Widen the range
Change One Thing At a Time
Evaluate the results of each change Rule #5 Change One Thing At a Time
Change One Thing At a Time
5 Isolate the Key Factor Avoid Quick Fixes Change ONE piece at a time Test before the next change Determine what you changed since the last time it worked Change One Thing At a Time Isolate the on thing that is causing the issue Avoid Quick Fixes just to get things up and running quickly there is a possibility that this may cause issues down the road even though everything may seem fine now. Sometimes with a little more time and effort, you can get it fixed and done right the first time. Change ONE piece at a time Test before the next change to make sure what you are changing actually fixed the issue. If the change didn’t fix it, change it back! If you make too many changes at once and it ends up fixing the issue, you have no idea what actually fixed it unless you back out the changes one at a time which can be more time consuming. And sometimes it can actually be a combination of changes that ultimately fixes the issue. Determine what you changed since the last time it worked If one day it was working great and the next day it’s not but as far as you are aware “nothing changed,” I can tell you by experience, something changed. It could be a configuration change if not made by you, someone else, perhaps there was a group policy that your IS dept pushed down to everyone’s machine, or a software patch that was applied, etc. If you have verified with anyone who touches your OnBase system, whether its the group who handles the security, the files server, the network, the database, webserver, workstations, etc.. and no one changed a thing, its possible something else changed such as the volume may have grown over time, or the number of users using the system, files may have become larger or a new file type being processed. Narrowing this down may take time but necessary to resolve completely.
Rule #6 Keep an Audit Trail Log what you did, in what order,
and the outcome
6 Keep an Audit Trail Write down what you did (DETAILS)
What order? What happened as a result? Understand that any details could be an important one Correlate Events Keep an Audit Trail Write down what you did (DETAILS) What order? What happened as a result? Don’t count on your memory, spreadsheets are great for documenting issues, especially if there happen to be multiple admins which is the case with larger implementations Understand that any details could be an important one, you may not think so, but another person may need that information to narrow down the search. Correlate Events Common to write as if you were instructing someone else, this will assure pertinent details are included. Writing up the who, when, what, why, where if applicable This not only helps with the issue at hand but may help you or others in the future if this issue were to happen again or something similar. You then can resolve that issue more efficiently since you already have all the details necessary to troubleshoot. You know what worked and what didn’t so you may be able to create your own knowledgebase
Rule #7 Check the Plug “Assumptions often lead to trouble.” – Doug Kupec
7 Check the Plug Do not ignore the obvious Question your assumptions
Don’t start at square three Test the tool Check the Plug Do not ignore the obvious Question your assumptions Take a step back and check your own work Don’t start at square three An example would be if you’re getting ‘ No signal’ on you TV, don’t just assume it’s a bad signal, the cable box may not be on, or the tv set to the right channel, or the cable box just needs to be reset, etc… start at the beginning and work your way back Test the tool Make sure you are getting the expected results when using that tool. Again, that is why it’s important to know how the tool should work and its capabilities. If you leave for work in the morning and you can’t start your car and your gas gauge says you still have a quarter of a tank, don’t rule that out because you gas gauge may not be working properly. If you are not getting the results you need, try another tool.
Ask for help Talk to the mannequin Rule #8 Get a Fresh View
8 Get a Fresh View Ask for fresh insights
Others are there to help Explaining the problem may help resolve it! Listen to the voice of experience Look at past experiences to resolve your problems Get a Fresh View Ask for fresh insights Others are there to help, explaining the problem may also help to resolve it! That’s what we mean by ‘talk to the mannequin’. Explain to someone the issue is and what you have looked at so far, helps you to organize your thoughts which them may result in that ‘ah ha’ moment. Two heads are better than one. Don’t reinvent the wheel, if someone else has already spent hours researching something, leverage their efforts Listen to the voice of experience Look at past experiences to resolve your problems Insight, expertise, experience can come from various places Not only do we have module experts, but there are veteran analysts, senior analysts, Team Leaders and managers who may have seen the issue way back when Don’t be too proud to ask
8 Get a Fresh View Report Symptoms – Not Theories!
Reason to ask for help is that your theories are not getting you anywhere Present ALL info even if it may not appear relevant When you explain to others the issue you are experience, report Symptoms – Not Theories! Don’t cloud their thoughts with your theories, let them come up with their own and if they happen to be leading down the same path, you are probably on the right track Present ALL info even if it may not appear relevant so they can organize and gather their thoughts to come up with their own conclusions
If You Don’t Fix It, It Ain’t Fixed!
Problems never go away by themselves Rule #9 If You Don’t Fix It, It Ain’t Fixed!
If you Don’t Fix It, It Ain’t Fixed!
9 Problems don’t occur for no reason and don’t fix themselves! Check that it’s really fixed Know the cause Verify that the fix is what fixed it! If you Don’t Fix It, It Ain’t Fixed! Problems just don’t go away on their own but they also don’t occur for no particular reason. Check that it’s really fixed After troubleshooting your issue verify that your fix is what resolved the issue, you can do this by taking out your fix and test again to see if the issue still occurs, then put it back and test again, does it now work as expected, if so, there is your proof You want to know the cause of the issue so you can understand why your fix actual resolved the issue Verify that the fix is what fixed it! If you followed the Make it fail rule, you’ll know how to prove that it’s fixed, don’t assume, test it! Be aware of the whole process… If it was a fix to you pc, will it also be resolved on someone else’s pc or will they also need the fix. If the fix was on the server, verify with multiple users not just one. This book has some valuable information and is recommended reading for any Technical support role.
OnBase Architecture Understanding the OnBase Architecture if very important as it will provide you and understanding of where you are going to want to troubleshooting along with what utilities to troubleshoot with. An OnBase environment has many different moving parts. From a high level if we look at all of the different components we can get lost in all of the different connections that OnBase uses with the different components. We’ll brake this into two main sections; the OnBase Thick Client and the Core Based modules.
Database Workstation Disk Groups ODBC Network Security
First, let’s talk about the OnBase Thick Client. What is the OnBase Thick Client? How is it used? • The OnBase Thick Client is our oldest and most feature rich client • Used primarily in a LAN environment • Very efficient for processing • Can perform Process Tuning in the Client under Processing > Process Tuning. Process Tuning is Workstation specfic. • Primary processing client (DIP, COLD, XML, etc.) • Own code base In order to understand these parameters, we must understand the infrastructure of the OnBase Thick Client. The OnBase Thick Client communicates with the Database in order to find all the meta-data about a document. This meta-data will contain information such as the Doc Type and Keywords assigned to a document as well as the path to the actual document file itself. Secondly, once a user attempts to view a document, the OnBase Thick Client uses the path found in the database to open the document file from the disk groups. This means that if the user has rights to the document, per OnBase’s permissions, that user will also need rights to the Disk Group location in order to view the document.
Database Disk Group Gateway Caching Server ODBC Network Security
OnBase Web Client Gateway Caching Server Database HTTP ODBC HTTP (Remoting or SOAP) OnBase Web Client OnBase Web Server OnBase Application Server HTTP Network Security Disk Group OnBase Core Application HTTP Next is the OnBase Web Server/Client. The OnBase Web Client communicates directly with the OnBase Web Server. The Web Server is primarily used as the presentation layer. The OnBase Web Server communicates with the OnBase Application Server in order to make the necessary connections to the OnBase Database and OnBase Disk Groups. ~ Web Server (hosted on a Windows Server OS) • External (public) component • Purely a presentation layer • Rendering of the user interface • Obtains data from the Application Server • Users refer to this as OnBase ~ Application Server (hosted on a Windows Server OS) • Internal (private) component • Contains all business logic • Performs all OnBase processing • Most users will never know this exists OnBase Core Applications communicate directly with the App Server and bypass the Web Server completely. What is the Core? Basically, the core is part of any OnBase application that needs to talk to the Application Server in order to connect to the database and disk groups. The Core has it’s own code base as well. These are just a few examples of modules that rely or CAN rely on the Core.
Core Based Applications
Enabler Workflow Document Composition Report Services Disconnected Scanning Bar Code Generator Integrations Unity Client Core Based Applications What is the Core? Basically, the core is part of any OnBase application that needs to talk to the Application Server in order to connect to the database and disk groups. The Core has it’s own code base as well. These are just a few examples of modules that rely or CAN rely on the Core.
Web Server Application Server
The Troubleshooting the OnBase Web Server End to End Poster
OnBase Web Server Troubleshooting
Web Diagnostics Test.gif aspnetcheck.aspx Diagnostics Web Page Diagnostics Console There are various utilities to troubleshoot the Web Server and Application server. Here is a list of those we use at Hyland, but we will not go into any detail of how they are used since that will take an hour itself. At the end of the presentation we will give you a link to the full 2 hour ‘Troubleshooting Techniques & Utilities’ presentation on that was created by our Tech Support department. The following tools are OnBase Web Server / Application Server specific tools used for troubleshooting issue. Test.gif - What does this tell us? IIS is running It is hosting static content The user requesting the file has access Aspnetcheck.aspx - What does this tell us? That ASP.NET is installed on the Web Server The user requesting the file has the permissions Using Diagnostics Web page Accessible from any workstation Information gathered Duplicate Files Missing Files File Version Web.Config Settings Client Settings
Notes about the Core Apps
If a problem occurs in the Web Client, check the Thick Client If yes, probably configuration
Diagnostics Service Diagnostics Console
What is the Diagnostics Console?
A utility that gathers log information related to OnBase Core based modules User interface that allows easy readability of the logs The Diagnostics Console is typically used to troubleshoot Core-based products. It’s important to know that there are two parts to this; the Diagnostics Console and the Diagnostics Service. The Diagnostics Console is a stand alone utility which can run on the workstation/server in order to gather messages reported to the listener. It does not need to be paired with the Diagnostics Service, but can listen to it when running in remote mode. The Diagnostic Console is simply a user interface that allows easy readability of the logs. The Diagnostic Service is a Windows service that can run in the background to allow remote monitoring of the diagnostic logs or it can also log continuously to a log file
Hyland Diagnostics Console
A basic screenshot of the Diagnostics Console.
What is the Diagnostics Service?
A service running on the Application Server and/or Web Server Display messages to the Diagnostics Console or log them to a file Allows for remote monitoring of servers The Diagnostic Service is a Windows service that runs in the background to allow remote monitoring of the diagnostic logs or it can also log continuously to a log file
Hyland Diagnostics Service
Local vs. Remote Mode Two ways to run the Diagnostics Console
Local Mode Logs are gathered from the local workstation Will not work if Diagnostics Service is running Remote Mode Diagnostics Console connects to the Diagnostics Service Messages are written to the Diagnostics Service Must have rights to start the service Local mode is when the Diagnostics Console is listening to the events from the workstation when the app is running on. You can set local mode to capture events occurring on the Client side (ActiveX errors, etc.) or Server Side when running the Diagnostics Console on the Web or AppServers. Remote mode is set when connecting to the Diagnostics Service which is running on another workstation/server. For instance, running the Diagnostics Console on an admins. workstation in order to connect to the Diagnostics Service running on the Web Server.
When to use it? Troubleshooting issues with Core based modules
Web Server Application Server Any module which connects to the Application Server When running the OnBase Thick Client as a Windows Service
Enabling diagnostics settings
The Logging Profile page can be accessed from the Web Diagnostics page. If you modify the Web Server’s Web.config file or recycle its application pool, the Web Server’s logging profiles are reset to use the settings in the Web.config file. Similarly, the Application Server’s logging profiles are reset if you recycle its application pool or modify its Web.config file.
Diagnostics Web Logging Profile
Logging Profile option was added in Logging Profile does not require an App Pool restart Reset back to the Web.Config settings (defaults) upon App Pool restart
errors tab This log captures errors generated by OnBase applications. To facilitate troubleshooting, error logging is always turned on and cannot be disabled.
Database tab This log captures database queries that are run through Hyland.Data. For .NET-based applications, database logging is enabled in the applications’ configuration files. OnBase applications that are compatible with this type of logging have a db-profile log defined in their configuration files.
Ldap / NT Authentication tab
This log captures all LDAP diagnostics information. For .NET-based applications, LDAP logging is enabled in the applications’ configuration files. Beginning with OnBase 8.0, applications that are compatible with this type of logging have an ldap-profile log defined in their configuration files.
File tab The File tab will display file access performed by the OnBase Application Server.
Timer / distribution service
Timer / distribution service This log captures information from the Hyland Timer Service and the Hyland Distribution Service. Logging is enabled through the timer-profile log that is defined in the services’ configuration files (Hyland.Core.Timers.NTService.exe.config and Hyland.Core.Distribution.NTService.exe.config). The Distribution Service’s configuration file also lets you set a verbose level to control the amount of information that is logged. Set the verboseLevel attribute within the Hyland.Core.Distribution.NTService.Exe.config file to the appropriate value, as described below: • 0 - Logs service start, stop, and error messages to the Error Viewer log. • 1 - Logs notifications sent by the service to the Timer/Distribution Service log. • 2 - Logs all trace messages that are sent to the Error Viewer log.
System information tab
The System Information tab will capture some general information about the system.
Enabling Thick Client Verbose
Registry Settings 32-bit Workstations HKLM| SOFTWARE | Hyland | Diagnostics 64-bit Workstations HKLM| SOFTWARE | Wow6432Node | Hyland | Diagnostics Set Log Profile to decimal value of 64 (not HEX) If you use the –V SQL,T switch or any derivation of this switch as an argument when configuring OnBase to run as a Windows Service, additionally queries will be logged. If you are simply wishing to monitor the service, the command line arguments are not needed.
Best Practices Log to file when logging a lot of data
Do not run the Diagnostics Console all the time
Best Practices Only enable needed mailslots
Utilize Web Diagnostics Logging Profile Save all tabs when engaging support Utilizing the Web Diagnostics Logging Profiles will allow you to enable specific logging profiles for the current session. This can be very helpful in order to limit the amount of time that a particular profile is enabled. If it is needs to log for a longer period of time, enable the mail slot in the respective web.config and configure the Diagnostics Console to log to file.
Recommendations Enable filtering Enable the User Name column
If you don’t see what you are looking broaden your filters Enable the User Name column
Windows Event Viewer Statistically, only about 7% of support issues received by Hyland Software Technical Support are associated to or turn into the need for a software change. What that means is that the majority of issues are either due to a configuration issues, a network/security issue. So what’s the best way to approach a situation that might be caused by something external?
Windows Event Viewer These are the “no brainers” to look at when you see unusual behavior, particularly in the Core and Unity based interfaces or if scripts are involved. Because we leverage underlying Microsoft functionality such as .NET for example, many issues that arise will report to event Viewer. Within the Windows Event Viewer there are a few Windows Logs which could contain messages related to the OnBase system. View messages in the Applications, System and OnBase Logs.
What is logged here? Messages from the OnBase Client closing unexpectedly IIS (OnBase Web or Application Server) Application Pools not starting Platter Management Errors Active Directory Authentication OnBase Integration issues related to: Office Business Application Outlook Integration Not every messages will be as obvious as the previous example, but often it is.
Tips on Windows Event Viewer
Errors typically correspond to messages in Diagnostics Console Try to correlate the times stamp in the Diagnostics Console with what you are seeing in Event Viewer. Sometimes the messages will be similar but different information is logged by Microsoft vs. OnBase Even when logged messages are not particularly obvious, there is a strong likelihood that if the issue needs to be escalated, these logs will be requested. These messages can be very user “unfriendly” at times.
OnBase Thick Client Verbose
The verbose log is a text file created by OnBase that can be viewed in Notepad or any text editor
What is Verbose? Detailed log of OnBase activity
Logs most SQL queries executed Used to see what is happening right before an error Can help pinpoint long running queries What is Verbose? It’s a detailed log of OnBase activity that can be viewed in Notepad or any text editor Logs most SQL queries executed Used to see what is happening right before an error Can help pinpoint long running queries Logs almost all queries executed against the database to a file. If errors or an unexpected termination occurring, a verbose allows you to see what OnBase is trying to do right before the error or unexpected termination? It is used to identify performance issues such as time gaps between queries, query that is taking a long time to execute, etc. This helps in the ability to execute that same query directly against the database and verify if the issues is database related or OnBase.
Two ways to enable Verbose
Command Line Switch Available with OnBase Thick Client and Config Application launch issues Tool Bar Option (OnBase Thick Client Only) Limits the amount of data captured Two ways to enable Verbose Command Line Switch Available with OnBase Thick Client and Config Application launch issues (hangs when logging in or it closes unexpectedly when trying to launch Tool Bar Option (OnBase Thick Client Only) Limits the amount of data captured This is great when performing tasks like retrieving documents through Document Retrieval is taking a long time (Searching and displaying) Or indexing takes a long time to perform
Command Line Verbose Options
-V SQL,T Includes SQL with time stamps -V SQL,L Includes table lock codes -V SQL “itemdata” Includes only log statements that include the text of “itemdata” Command Line Verbose Options Make sure that the capitalization and spacing of the switch is correct. -V SQL,T (V enables verbose, the SQL adds the SQL statements and the , T adds the time stamps) so you can see what time a query begins and ends, this used most when troubleshooting performance issues. Includes SQL with time stamps -V SQL,L Includes table lock codes -V SQL “itemdata” Includes only log statements that include the text of “itemdata” It is possible to use multiple command line Verbose options together Example: V SQL “update” “itemdata”,T,L It is possible to use multiple command line verbose options together. Make sure to put a single space between each item if it is not followed by a ,. In this case the verbose log will contain SQL statements with timestamps for any action performed along with instances of SQL queries containing the term “update” or “itemdata”.
Command Line Verbose Options
It is possible to use multiple command line Verbose options together Example: -V SQL “update” “itemdata”,T,L In this case the verbose log will contain SQL statements with timestamps for any action performed along with instances of SQL queries containing the term “update” or “itemdata”.
Enabling Verbose – Tool Bar option
Help | About OnBase Client | Verbose | chatty
What is the output? Verbose writes to the verbose.txt file
Located in the TempParsePath (by default)
Tips on running Verbose
Capture the most relevant data Enable verbose immediately before action Truncate the log Disable afterward Verbose files are always appended Most recent data at the bottom Tips on running Verbose Capture the most relevant data Enable verbose immediately before action Truncate the log Either locate the verbose.txt, open it and highlight everything and delete then save and close Or go back to Help | About OnBase Client | Verbose | chatty Truncating the verbose log is not always necessary. Sometimes it is important to save the verbose log to another location prior to truncating it in order to gather information about a previous attempt at capturing data. If the file does not exist then it will be created. Disable afterward Verbose files are always appended Most recent data at the bottom
Tips on running Verbose
Verbose files can become very large Limit the amount of data captured Don’t leave verbose switch on processes
RPT Files
What are RPT Files? Typically (but not always) generated when:
OnBase unexpectedly terminates A debug assert error occurs Located in the same folder as the OnBase executables Obclnt32.rpt - RPT file for the OnBase Thick Client Obcfg32.rpt - RPT file for the OnBase Config What are RPT Files? Typically (but not always) generated when: OnBase unexpectedly terminates A debug assert error occurs This is a file that we would give to our Developers to debug an issue. Not something we would expect your or any of our support reps to understand. Located in the same folder as the OnBase executable Obclnt32.rpt - RPT file for the OnBase Thick Client Obcfg32.rpt - RPT file for the OnBase Config
X RPT Files Always click Retry Then click Abort Don’t click Ignore
Do not click Ignore on an Debug Assertion screen. Select Retry to aid in generating a RPT which can be used to help troubleshoot the issue that is causing the error. After clicking then Abort. Check to see if the RPT file was created after an unexpected termination or error Reproduce the unexpected termination or error with the verbose enabled
Tips on RPT Files If the exception is recreateable, generate a verbose along with the RPT file Check to see if the date/times in the verbose file match the RPT file
Tips on RPT Files Open RPT files in an advanced text editor
Notepad2, Notepad++, WordPad, etc. RPT files are always appended
Tips on RPT Files Where was the OnBase Thick Client opened?
From a Network Share Locally on the workstation
Useful Information
Understanding OnBase Versioning
Let’s take a look…
Understanding OnBase Versioning
77 Understanding OnBase Versioning
The first digit designates the version. It corresponds to the year of release.
78 Understanding OnBase Versioning
The second digit designates release or beta software. Even numbers (0,2,4, etc.) are release software Odd (1,3,5…) are beta software These will only change if there is more than one full release in a calendar year. There is always a beta code stream that exist at the same time a release version exists. Currently beta software 12.1 is being developed concurrently with the 12.0 release software. Eventually the current 12.1 beta software will be stamped as the 13.0 release. The same took place when 10.1 became 11, when 11.1 became 12, etc.
79 Understanding OnBase Versioning
The fourth digit designates individual builds within a version. All builds of the Core start with 1 (1 – 499) All builds of the Thick Client start with 500 ( ) The build will increase successively regardless of change in the Service Pack ( value.
80 Understanding OnBase Versioning
The third digit is for Service Pack versioning.
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There are around a dozen downloadable files in the latest Release version
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Engaging your first line of Support
What information should I have?
Customer Name or HSI # Level of priority for this issue Low, Medium, High or Critical OnBase Environment of issue Production, Test or Disaster Recovery System
What questions will I be asked?
OnBase Environmental Information OnBase Version and Build Problematic OnBase Modules Database Platform and Version
What questions will I be asked?
Issue Specific Information Can this issue be reproduced? When did it start to occur? Is it specific to a single user or all users? Is this a new process or existing? Have there been any changes? Are there any error messages? Can this issue be reproduced? Have you been able to reproduce in production? Have you been able to reproduce in test? Is your test environment the same as production? If not, can you reproduce in a different version/build of OnBase? When did it start to occur? Is it specific to a single user or all users? Is this a new process or existing? Have there been any changes? Are there any error messages?
Useful Data Screenshots Log Files Any errors or error messages Verbose
Diagnostics Console (Save all tabs!!) Too much info is (usually) better than too little info. Also, text output of error messages is very helpful as well.
Tips on gathering data Make sure the time stamps match
Diagnostics Console Verbose file vs. RPT Third Party tools Process Monitor, Wireshark, Fiddler, procmon, regmon, etc…
Troubleshooting Techniques & Utilities https://training. onbase
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