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Drd. Ioana Andreea MIRCEA

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1 Drd. Ioana Andreea MIRCEA
Romanian Literary Histories between Tradition and Modernity Drd. Ioana Andreea MIRCEA Universitatea ”Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, Facultatea de Litere şi Arte, Sibiu, România

2 The present paper aims to analyze
Romanian literary histories, published after 1990, from different perspectives: tradition and canon modernity and multiple ‘canons’.

3 This analysis: will show how the literary histories, both traditional and modern, have influenced the development of the genre in Romania will illustrate the crisis that these productions seem to go through nowadays at a conceptual level.

4 Traditional literary histories
claim a reccurent model in G. Călinescu have an extensive narrative structure are aiming to be a representation of a totality are trying to cover, present and interpret almost all literary productions of a certain period (usually from origins to present).

5 have an illustrative model in N. Manolescu
Modern literary histories have an illustrative model in N. Manolescu might have a compressed narrative structure have innovative principles of writing like interpretation and fragmentation

6 can focus on a smaller period, on themes or motifs, even on literary eccentricities
might have a plurarity of views, with a clear view of the inner and the outer of multiculturalism of literatures

7 We have made a critical – historical analysis of the most important literary histories appeared after 1990 based on: the structure the claimed model the principles of writing the echoes their appearance had in the literary press and we have illustrated what is a possible future of this kind of productions in the next few years.

8 Conclusions: Literary histories will not disappear because there will always be a need of organizing the literary productions on different criteria. The widen concept of literary history will create an overture of a synchronization with international literary history.

9 Ioana Andreea MIRCEA, Phd student
Cercetare realizată în cadrul proiectului POSDRU/CPP107/DMI1.5/S/78651 cu titlul “Armonizarea valenţelor româneşti cu cele ale comunităţii europene”, cofinanţat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013 Ioana Andreea MIRCEA, Phd student Universitatea ”Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, Facultatea de Litere şi Arte, Sibiu, România

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