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INVIL/UNAD Bilingüe/Inglés3 Brenda Liceth Vargas- Carmen Sánchez V Sept 10, 2014.

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1 INVIL/UNAD Bilingüe/Inglés3 Brenda Liceth Vargas- Carmen Sánchez V Sept 10, 2014

2 PAST PROGRESSIVE TENSE Indicates continuing action, something that was happening, going on, at some point in the past. This tense is formed with the helping "to be" verb, in the past tense, plus the present participle of the verb (with an -ing ending): I was riding my bike all day yesterday. Joel was being a terrible role model for his younger brother.

3 The PAST PROGRESSIVE TENSE  The past progressive indicates a limited duration of time and is thus a convenient way to indicate that something took place (in the simple past) while something else was happening: Carlos lost his watch while he was running.  The past progressive can express incomplete action. I was sleeping on the couch when Bertie smashed through the door. (as opposed to the simple past, which suggests a completed action: I slept on the couch last night.  The past progressive is also used to poke fun at or criticize an action that is sporadic but habitual in nature: Jerry was always handing in late papers. My father was always lecturing my brother.

4 PAST PROGRESSIVE TENSE: Conjugation examples- SingularPlural I was walkingwe were walking you were walking he/she/it was walkingthey were walking SingularPlural I was sleepingwe were sleeping you were sleeping he/she/it was sleepingthey were sleeping SingularPlural I was beingwe were being you were being he/she/it was beingthey were being

5 Generally, progressive forms occur only with what are called dynamic verbs and not with stative verbs. DYNAMIC VERBS Activity Verbs I am begging you. I was learning French. They will be playing upstairs.. Virtually identical in meaning to simple tense forms: I beg you. I learned French. They will play upstairs. abandon ask beg call drink eat help learn listen look at play rain read say slice throw whisper work write Process Verbs The corn is growing rapidly. Traffic is slowing down. Virtually identical in meaning to simple present tense forms: The corn grows rapidly. Traffic slows down. change deteriorate grow mature slow downwiden Verbs of Bodily Sensation "I feel bad" and "I am feeling bad" are virtually identical in meaning. achefeelhurtitch Transitional Events Verbs Progressive forms indicate the beginning of an event, as opposed to the simple present tense. "She was falling out of bed [when I caught her]" as opposed to "She falls out of bed every night." arrive die fall land leavelose Momentary Verbs Progressive forms indicate little duration and suggest repetition. She is hitting her brother. He is jumping around the house. hit jump kick knock nodtap STATIVE VERBS Verbs of Inert Perception and Cognition* I detest rudabaga, but not I am detesting rudabaga. I prefer cinnamon toast, but not I am preferring cinnamon toast. abhor adore astonish believe desire detest dislike doubt feel forgive guess hate hear imagine impress intend know like love mean mind perceive please prefer presuppose realize recall recognize regard remember satisfy see smell suppose taste think understand want wish Relational Verbs I am sick, but not I am being sick. I own ten acres of land, but not I am owning ten acres. My brother owes me ten dollars" but not My brother is owing me ten dollars. be* belong to concern consist of contain cost depend on deserve equal fit have include involve lack matter need owe own possess require require resemble seem sound

6 Past progressive Affirmative, negative, interrogative formsExceptions in spelling PositiveNegativeQuestion I / he / she / it I was speaking. I was not speakin g. Were you speaking? you / we / they You were speaking. You were not speakin g. Were you speaking? Exceptions in spelling when adding ing Example final e is dropped (but: ee is not changed) come – coming (but: agree – agreeing) after a short, stressed vowel, the final consonant is doubled sit – sitting l as final consonant after a vowel is doubled (in British English) travel – travelling final ie becomes ylie – lying

7 The past progressive. Use of Past Progressive puts emphasis on the course of an action in the past:  He was playing football. two actions happening at the same time (in the past):  While she was preparing dinner, he was washing the dishes.  action going on at a certain time in the past: When I was having breakfast, the phone suddenly rang. Signal Words of Past Progressive when, while, as long as

8 Fill in the blanks with past continuous or simple past. Put simple past and past continuous forms of verbs: He _______ (walk) across the bridge when his hat ______ (blow) off. He _______ (work) all day yesterday. I _______ (come) in while he ______ (write). We _______ (live) in France when the war ______ (begin). It ______ (rain) this morning when I ______ (get) up. When I ______ (arrive) at his house he ______ (still). When you _______ (come) in I _______ (write). The boy ________ (jump) off the bus while it ______ (move). The fire still _______ (burn) at 6’clock this morning. She ______ (cut) her finger while she ______ (cut) the bread. Taken from:

9 Excersices Filling the blanks: school/story.php?title=past-progressive-tense- 1

10 The past progressive.  Exercises on Past Progressive  Exceptions in Spelling when Adding ing Exceptions in Spelling when Adding ing  Was or Were Was or Were  Positive Sentences Positive Sentences  Negative Sentences Negative Sentences  Questions Questions  Questions with Interrogatives Questions with Interrogatives  Play with the four forms exercises.html

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