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We welcome all of you to the new academic year at HUBS! We are excited to have your children in our school; it will be fun for them to learn so many new.

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Presentation on theme: "We welcome all of you to the new academic year at HUBS! We are excited to have your children in our school; it will be fun for them to learn so many new."— Presentation transcript:

1 We welcome all of you to the new academic year at HUBS! We are excited to have your children in our school; it will be fun for them to learn so many new things and fun for us to prepare them for their successful future. Our goals for the 2009/2010 school year: To know each student’s individual potential and to guide them with academic lessons in order to establish a strong foundation. It will take time, patience, and encouragement from both school and home to achieve our goals. Your continued cooperation and support is greatly valued. My colleagues and I will show you step by step the academic plan. At the end of our presentation we will answer any questions you may have. HUBS

2 S C H O O L Welcome to PreK!!!

3 Oral Skills Language Arts Reading Phonics Writing

4 Oral Skills Build vocabulary Participate in group conversation Communicate needs Share ideas and experiences

5 Phonics Identify letters and sounds Recognize initial sounds

6 Reading Guesses what a story is about using book illustrations Identifies beginning and ending of stories Aware of settings, characters, and sequence of events.

7 Writing Develop fine motor skills Develop eye/hand coordination Scribble and draw Trace shapes and lower case letters

8 Math Patterns Geometry Measurement Counting & Numbers

9 Recognizing Numbers Constructing a set Counting a set

10 Geometry Naming and Matching Shapes Completion of Rotated Figures

11 Patterns Identifying and Describing Patterns Pattern Extension

12 Measurement Comparison of Length

13 Science Earth Science Life Science

14 The Five Senses Nonliving Living

15 Earth Science Weather Seasonal Apparel The Sky


17 Welcome to KG1!!!

18 Language Arts At HUBS we follow a highly organized, integrated curriculum which covers the following basic skills: Math Science

19 Oral Skills Language Arts Phonics Reading Writing

20 Oral Skills Build vocabulary Follow oral directions Answer questions Participate in group discussions Communicate needs Share ideas and experience

21 Phonics Identify letter names and sounds Recognize that words are made up of a series of sounds Introduce rhyme and rhythm Match words with the same beginning sound

22 Reading Guess what a story is about using book title and illustrations Predict what might happen next in a story Identify beginning and ending of story Learn story elements: setting, characters, and sequence of events Follow print from left to right

23 Writing Develop fine motor skills Develop eye/hand coordination Scribble and draws Trace shapes, numerals, and letters; upper and lower case Print own name from left to right Draw pictures to illustrate a story

24 Math Algebra Geometry Measurement Reasoning Numbers and Operations

25 Connect number words and numerals to the quantity Numbers and Count with understanding and recognize “how many” in sets of objects Operations Develop a sense of whole numbers by composing and adding Understand various meanings of addition

26 Algebra Sort, classify, and order objects by size, number, and other properties Recognize, describe, and extend patterns Analyze how growing patterns are generated

27 Geometry Recognize, name, build, draw, compare, and sort two dimensional shapes Describe attributes and parts of two dimensional shapes Create images of geometric shapes

28 Measurement Recognize the attributes of length, volume, weight, area, and time Compare and order objects according to these attributes Understand how to measure using standard and nonstandard units

29 Reasoning Sort and classify objects according to their attributes and organize data about the objects Represent data using concrete objects, pictures, and graphs Describe parts of the data

30 Science Life Science Earth

31 Living humans plants animals Life Science Five Senses Needs of the Living Nonliving

32 Earth Land, air, water Weather Seasons Seasonal Apparel Sky

33 Through out their journey into the world of Science in Kindergarten, our children will learn about the climate changes around the world and value the natural differences in the environment. They will also start to see how different living things require different needs and how we are a part of this circle of life. Children will learn how to use their 5 senses in understanding the differences between living and non living things.


35 This year HUBS school is Introducing Montessori Program to KG classes to enrich the children’s education and widen their horizon. The children will be working hands on in the Montessori classroom. Montessori

36 More than a century has passed since Year (1907), when the name Montessori flashed like a comet across the sphere of Education. Maria Montessori was born in Italy in the year 1870. She was the first woman to become a doctor in medicine. Who is Maria Montessori? She started taking interest in children when she was appointed as a child Psychiatrist. She was studying them, meditating over their conditions, and longing to help them. She came in contact with the famous French educators also working on feeble minded children. She started preparing a special method not just for the disabled children but for normal children, too. She made many of her own materials and was constantly experimenting, modifying, and adapting.

37 “Whatever the child can grasp in his/her tiny hands, he tries to grasp in his mind! It all comes as grist to the mill.” “We can only help the child by providing the best conditions.” Maria Montessori’s Philosophy Dr Montessori described the ages 3-6 years, the kindergarten age, in the child development as a “sensitive period,” a “searchlight coming from within the mind.”

38 Montessori classroom is divided into 6 areas of work: Practical life: this area helps the child in his daily life (eating) (getting dressed) (taking care of others)… Sensorial: Refine the children senses through exercises of attention, comparison and judgment. Language and math: the children start learning from concrete to abstract.

39 Social study: The children will learn that we live on earth, and earth is formed of water and land. Also, the children will learn about continents, countries, and flags. Science: Introduction to Botany (parts of a flower, tree, roots). Zoologie (parts of a horse, bird, fish…), human body, living non-living and a lot more…

40 She advocated pre-school education at a time when there was no school for children under the age of six. Maria Montessori’s ideas have been incorporated into today’s educational programs all over the world. The Italian government honored Dr. Montessori by printing her picture on the 1000 Lire bill, the standard currency used prior to the Euro.

41 1. Cancel all major events and integrate them within the curriculum. Examples: International Day will be integrated with social studies Green Day will be integrated with science 100 Hundred Days of school will be integrated with morning calendar and math activities. 2. Morning assembly will be canceled except for Thursdays. This will add an additional 45 minutes to our schedule four days a week where we will be working on their fine motor skills and ESL. Compensation plan for this year:

42 TimeSunMonTuesWedThurs 7:15 – 7:55 Fine motor skills WritingMathConversationMorning assembly 8:00- 8:45 Oral language 8:45- 9:00 lunch 9:00- 9:30 Specials 9:30- 10:00 Phonics 10:00- 10:30 Math 10:30- 11:00 Recess 11:00- 11:45 Arabic 11:45- 12:30 centers 12:30- 1:00 Closing Circle & snack Schedule as of Now

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